
Elif continues to come to me every two or three days. I'm quickly learning the alphabet. It seems like I'll also learn to read and write in a short time.

We're getting closer to each other with Elif. When she's with me, I wish time would stop. And when she leaves, I want her to come back immediately.

Melis is still acting strange. I haven't seen Hasan again after the recent incident. Melis brings the meals. During her last visit, she saw the dent in the floor of the cabin and the half-eaten mouse, but she didn't say anything.

Milaz, how much longer will this continue?

How much longer what will continue?

Days are passing, and still, nothing has happened. You said that Hasan, Melis, and you would get rid of me, but they haven't done anything yet.

Killing someone isn't easy, Taşkın. Or let me put it this way. Killing might be easy for some, but erasing the person who died is hard.

Most likely, they couldn't decide what to do after killing you.



I'll ask Melis to remove the chains and give me clothes during her next visit.

Why would they remove their chains?

I behave very well. Besides, you know that they've been acting strange lately. It's as if they're wary of me.

It would be good if they removed the chains.

Otherwise, the flesh on their wrists will start to tear apart soon.

Clothes wouldn't be bad either. If the weather gets colder, you won't be able to endure like this for long.

There wasn't much time until nightfall. Melis would arrive soon.

I heard it. The door of the house opened. Melis is coming.

Melis opened the door and came in. As she always does, she put the food bowl on the floor and headed towards the door. As she was about to leave, Taşkın called out.

"Could you unlock my chains?"

Melis turned around.

"How do I know you won't do something stupid?"

"No, really, I won't. My wrists are hurting a lot."

"What if you just drop dead right here, and we finally get rid of you."

"Also, could you bring clothes, please? I'm very cold."

Taşkın stared into Melis's eyes, expressionless and dull. There was no movement in his face. He looked as if he had no emotions.

"Okay, I'll unlock them and bring clothes, but if you do something stupid, I'll tie your legs this time."


Melis left and came back with the keys. She put the clothes she brought on the floor and went to Taşkın, unlocked the chains, then turned back as she left through the door.

"Don't be too happy that I unlocked your chains. You don't have much time left."

She slammed the door shut and left.

I quickly put on the clothes on the floor. These clothes were also old, but they would at least keep me warm.

Finally, we're free from the chains, Milaz, and we have clothes.

Yes, but it seems we don't have much time left.


I have an idea.

Should we sneak into the house?

You must want to be killed as soon as possible.


No. I just wonder what's inside the house.

You've been in that house before.

I have, but I couldn't look around properly anywhere.

No, Taşkın. You won't do such a thing. You can't risk yourself unnecessarily.

Plus, you're still barely walking; you haven't fully regained your strength.

B-b-but don't we need to do something!?

Should I just sit here and wait for them to kill me!?

Also, it's been four days since Elif's last visit. I'm starting to worry about her.

You should worry about yourself, not that girl. No matter what, you'll think about yourself first, Taşkın!

You know how important Elif is to me, Milaz.

She'll come eventually. Just be patient.

Right now, we have serious problems to worry about.


What's on your mind, Milaz?

Think of something, guide me, show me the way!

Didn't you say we're connected?

If we're connected, if I die, you die too. Why are you so calm!?

Do you think you have my feelings?

What do you mean?

I have no feelings, Taşkın.


It's terrifying.

You'll be like me eventually.

What!? Never!

Deny it as much as you want.



Why isn't Elif coming, I wonder?

Hopefully, her family hasn't figured out the situation. If her mother understands, I don't think there will be a problem, but if her father understands... I'm very nervous.

As much as you want to be nervous or scared, you can't prevent what's going to happen.

Milaz, please, be quiet.

Also, don't even think about going to look for Elif.

We're already in a difficult situation.

If you try to escape and get caught, they'll definitely kill you.

Because of your attachment to Elif, you're going to ruin your own life.

But what am I supposed to do!?

You won't do anything, you'll sit and wait.

Days passed. Hasan and Melis didn't make any attempts. Taşkın listened to Milaz and stood still for days without doing anything. But did he have any patience left to endure more?

It's been exactly a week since Elif last came.

If she doesn't come tonight either, I'm going to search for her. Whatever happens, happens.

Taşkın, no.

I won't listen to you, Milaz!


Okay, calm down.

You don't even know where their house is. How will you find them?

I think their house isn't far away. After all, they came here on foot.

As I sat leaning against the wall, I noticed the books Elif had left for me. She left them for me to study, but I hadn't looked at them at all.

Or rather, I had forgotten where I had hidden them. Thinking about these things, my heart ached even more. The smile she had when she gave me those books... it made my heart tremble.

A few hours passed. Melis brought the food and left. I wanted to make sure they were asleep. I didn't want to get caught.

I didn't know what time it was, but it was quite late.

I had decided to leave now. I headed towards the door and opened it slowly.

The door was opening inward? After it was open, I crossed the threshold slowly and turned to the right.

B-but h-how!?

Hasan was in front of me, grinning wickedly as he watched me.

"Hehehe where were you going, Taşkın? To look for Elif? Sorry, but Elif won't come here again."

"Did you two idiots really think I wouldn't figure it out?"

"If you knew how many times I saw Elif sneaking into the garden secretly, you'd be surprised."

"W-what di-did you do to her?"

Taşkın started to cry as he spoke.

"I assure you, I didn't do anything. I just went to her father and told him that his daughter had been sneaking into our garden repeatedly, and also that I wouldn't say anything, but once I saw you two doing indecent things inside the cabin, and that this could be a serious problem in the future, and that he needed to teach his daughter a lesson."

"W-wha-what di-did-"

Taşkın started to run frantically, but Hasan easily caught him.

"Today is your last day, Taşkın. We're tired of you. We'll find ourselves a new toy. It's time to throw away the old one. Haha."

"But before throwing it away, I want to have fun with you one last time."

What!? What does that mean!? What will he do to me? Or...?

He grabbed me with both hands and threw me into the cabin. He turned me over. He started to take off my clothes.

No! P-please, let me go!

"P-please, let me go!"

Taşkın started to raise his voice, and Hasan grabbed Taşkın's head and repeatedly slammed it against the floor of the cabin.

Then he continued what he was doing. Taşkın was screaming in pain. All his fingernails on his right hand were almost torn off from trying to escape.

I-it hurts. E-Elif, p-please be okay.

After Hasan was done, he stepped out of the cabin and grabbed the stick he had used to beat Taşkın before and came back.

At that moment, Taşkın was crying uncontrollably and trying to put his boxer shorts and pants back on.

"Goodbye, Taşkın."

I-I might really die this time.

Milaz, maybe if I had listened to you, this wouldn't have happened. Maybe I should have always listened to you.

He's getting ready to hit me. This time not for fun but to beat me to death.

Here he comes... I wish I didn't have such a life.

He hit me directly on the head. The next blow came to the left side of my jaw. I was losing consciousness. My eyes were closing.

Hasan beat Taşkın with the iron rod for minutes to make sure he was dead.

The last sight of Taşkın was heartbreaking.

He lay lifeless on the floor.

Every part of his body depicted the brutality he had endured. Blood was flowing from his head profusely. One of his jaws had been broken and dislodged from its place. His jaw had shifted considerably to one side, and his upper and lower teeth didn't match. His lips were torn. One of his legs had turned upside down, and his shoe had come off the other foot. All his toes were broken, and the bones were sticking out due to the dozens of blows he had received. The fingers of his right hand were bent and broken at unnatural angles. Blood was oozing out from where his skin had burst from the blows of the iron rod.

"Melis! Bring the bag and come here!"

Melis came in a hurry.

"Did you take care of it?"

Hasan pointed to Taşkın with his hand.

Melis looked at him with disgust.

"Take him away quickly and bury this carcass somewhere."

"Okay, and you clean the cabin, sweep up the blood."


Hasan put Taşkın in the large bag Melis brought and tied the bag shut. Then he placed Taşkın in his car's trunk as if he were trash.

He started the car and set off to dispose of Taşkın's body.