
The car stopped in a dark forest.

Hasan opened the trunk of the car, took the shovel lying next to Taşkın's lifeless body, and began to dig a hole. The forest was dark and silent, with only the sound of Hasan's digging echoing through the trees. Digging a deep hole took time; he worked for about an hour before finally finishing.

From the open trunk, Hasan picked up Taşkın, still wrapped in plastic, and threw him into the hole. He began to cover him with dirt. The hole was next to some bushes and thorny weeds. Covering the hole with soil took less time than digging it. Once it was closed and concealed with the collected weeds, it no longer looked like a freshly dug grave from a distance. Hasan, thinking his job was done, got into his car and drove away.




Darkness. Infinite darkness. Silence. Taşkın was in the hole. His body felt heavy, almost foreign to him. But his mind echoed with Milaz's voice.


"M-Milaz? Is that you?"

"It seems we are truly connected as you said."

"Even though I'm dead, you didn't leave me alo-"

"Wait, if I die, doesn't that mean you die too? How is this possible!?"

"You haven't died yet, you fool!"

"But you have very little time left! Very little."

"You want to run away!? You want revenge on those who did this to you!"

"Milaz... I just want peace. Look at my body. I'm exhausted. If I had to use my mouth instead of my mind to talk to you, I couldn't. My jaw is practically shattered."

"All of this will end soon. It's so dark here. Normally, this would scare me, but now I see this darkness as a relief."

"Soon, I'll let myself go into this infinite darkness and become one with the earth. Everything will be over."

"No, Taşkın! What did we talk about! You will never give up! What happened to you!?"

"I've given up, Milaz. As I said, I just want peace now."



"What about Elif? Didn't she tell you not to give up? Are you going to give up?"

"Aren't you worried about her? Don't you want to protect and watch over her? If you die, how will you do these things!?"

"Elif... I'd love to see her one more time."

"Yes! If you listen to me, you can see her again!"

"Milaz, right now, even you couldn't save me from this situation."

"No. I can absolutely save you."

"But we need to make a deal."

"What deal?"

"Taşkın, there's no time for this!"

"Just accept!"

"B-but I'm sc-scared."

"Taşkın! There's nothing to be afraid of!"

"I-I accept!"

"Hehehe. That's it."

"You made the right choice, Taşkın."

Taşkın's body began to heal rapidly. His broken bones mended, his heart started beating again. The air filling his lungs reminded him of life, but would this air be enough for him to escape the hole?

"W-what is this!? I'm alive! I'm in the hole!"

Taşkın's mind panicked.

"Stay calm! You need to get out of here quickly!"

Taşkın reached forward and his hands touched the plastic bag, which he tore open quickly. When his fingers touched the soil, they started to make progress in the soft ground. As breathing became harder, his panic increased. Each attempt to breathe was stifled by the soil filling his mouth and nostrils.

"Yes, Taşkın! Keep going! Giving up isn't for you!"

He kept digging with all his might. Finally, he managed to thrust his right arm upward. The cold wind brushing against his hands was a sweet herald of freedom. Then, he brought his left arm out and pulled his body up with their help.

Finally, I was on the surface. I managed to get out of that hole. I took a few steps away from the hole and, overcome by unbearable pain, fell to my knees. There was something wrong with my right hand.

It burned like crazy, as if I had touched the flames of hell. I was crawling on the ground, writhing in pain. And that's when I saw a symbol slowly emerging on my hand as if my skin was being scraped off. There was an eye in the center. M-Milaz, what's happening!?

Hang in there. It will pass soon.


The symbol had become clearly visible.

I was scratching the top of my right hand furiously with my left hand, trying to remove the symbol, but to no avail. Nothing happened. I was only hurting myself. I had scratched so much without realizing it that my hand was bleeding.

Milaz! What is this!? What's happening!?

Remember, you accepted the deal. This symbol is a sign that you accepted. You're now marked.

What does that mean!?

Taşkın, just minutes ago, there wasn't a single bone in your body that wasn't broken, yet now you can walk.

I think the pain you just experienced is a very small price to pay for returning to life.

Don't you agree?

B-but I don't understand. You didn't tell me about this!?

Because there wasn't time. If we had talked more, you would have died.


Okay then. Can you tell me what's happening to me now?

There's not much to explain. This symbol gives you certain powers.

As you already know, you're a strong boy. Physically resilient, mentally strong, and powerful.

This emblem enhances those abilities even further and grants you an additional skill.

W-What skill?

Look around carefully. Does anything catch your attention?

As Milaz said, I looked around. At first, I didn't notice anything. It was dark and cold. But then I started to see them. I could clearly see the footprints of animals that had been here before. I also noticed tire tracks. They were Hasan's car tracks. I could follow these tracks to find Elif!

But how is this possible?

Milaz, how is this happening? Why can I see these tracks so clearly?

It's a skill you gained thanks to the symbol on your right hand.

A-And you mentioned a deal. You didn't help me for free, did you? What do you want from me?

What's the price for coming back to life and gaining this ability?

Actually, the price was taken the moment you accepted the deal.

What!? What do you mean!?

You'll gradually lose your humanity.

I-I don't understand.

In short, the moment you accepted the deal, you became a more ruthless person. As you commit more atrocities in the future, the same symbol on your hand will appear on other parts of your body. You'll gain new abilities. You'll become stronger. But as you gain strength, you'll lose your humanity. You'll turn into a soulless, emotionless, merciless person.


h̵̜̰̯̲̮̳͕̎̍̎a͇̪̣͒̄̃͂̕h̵̪̘̜̫ͦ̽a͇̪̣͒̄̃͂̕h̵̪̘̜̫ͦ̽a͇̪̣͒̄̃͂̕. Say no all you want. Humans are greedy beings, Taşkın. Over time, you'll want to become even stronger.

Besides, I can talk as much as you want, but weren't you going to find Elif? What are you waiting for?

Yes! Right. After everything that happened, I forgot for a moment. I need to go to Elif.

The car tracks were clearly visible. I started running with all my might, following them. It felt like I was running faster. It also felt like I wasn't getting tired. It seemed I could run forever.

Milaz! Is this one of the powers I gained from the deal?

Yes. Do you like it? This is just the beginning. Imagine how strong you'll become when you grow up. You won't even need to make a deal. As your body develops, you'll be much stronger than you are now.

I understand.

I wanted to talk more about this, but I couldn't focus because my mind was on Elif.

I arrived at an area with houses that had gardens. Each house looked similar. I continued following the car tracks. Finally, I saw the car from a distance, parked.

Making sure I wasn't noticed, I entered the garden and confirmed it was the right house. It was the small wooden shed I'd known for as long as I could remember. I felt strange.

I was beginning to realize what had happened. I was free now!

I would take my revenge on Hasan and Melis, but my top priority was Elif.

Milaz, I've come this far, but what should I do now?

Just like you followed the car, follow Elif. Use your ability, Taşkın.

Elif has come to this shed many times; you can follow her footprints to find her house.


I started searching for Elif's footprints. Hasan and Melis were definitely asleep because they thought I was dead. So I moved more freely but still cautiously. I was even happy. The thought of torturing Hasan and Melis filled me with a twisted joy.

I found Elif's small footprints and began following them. She had jumped over many fences to get to me. She really cared about me. Wait for me, Elif, I'm coming.

Finally, I saw the house from a distance. Elif's footprints led straight to it. But something was wrong. I heard shouting and screaming coming from the house. I quickened my pace. By the time I reached the house, the screams had stopped. I approached the garden gate and tried to open it. It wasn't locked.

I entered. The house, which had been full of screams moments ago, was now very quiet. I was terrified that something had happened to Elif. I wanted to call out to her but hesitated for fear of being heard. I started walking down the corridor.

Taşkın's steps moved silently along the corridor. The silence of the house made his heart race even faster. At the end of the corridor, he noticed a slightly ajar door. As he approached it, he saw bloodstains on the floor; they led to the room on the right.

I noticed the bloodstains on the floor. They led to the room on the right.

Don't step on the blood.


Taşkın pushed the door open and entered the room. The room was messy and dark. It was clear that a struggle had taken place. The curtains swayed in front of the window, allowing a light breeze to fill the room eerily. Faded photographs hung on the walls in yellowed frames. He glanced at the photos. No one was smiling.

In the center of the room stood a large, old table, covered in food stains and scratches. The table was cluttered with broken plates and empty bottles. Two worn-out chairs were placed around it. In one corner, a TV was on but muted, showing a snowy static screen.

Taşkın began to look around the room more carefully. In the corner, he noticed a figure leaning against the wall. As he approached quickly, he realized it was Damla. She was lying on the floor with her throat slit, drenched in blood. Her eyes stared blankly and coldly at the ceiling. Blood had left a trail from the wall to the floor, staining everything.

Next to Damla lay a broken frame and some scattered photos. One of the photos was of Elif and her mother. They were both happy and smiling. Now, this memory was shrouded in bloody tragedy.

As Taşkın stared at Damla's lifeless body, his grief and rage mixed. Her empty eyes seemed to look right at him, sending a shiver down his spine.

Suddenly, he heard a voice behind him.

"Who the hell are you, kid!?"

I turned around quickly and found myself face to face with Elif's father. He was holding a bloody knife in his right hand. In his left hand... No! This can't be!

In his left hand was Elif's severed head. Her eyes were still open, looking as if pleading for help. Something inside Taşkın snapped.

Seeing Elif's head in her father's hand shattered Taşkın's world. His heart pounded wildly, and he struggled to breathe. Tears filled his eyes, and his throat tightened. The pain and anger within him shook his entire being.

"I'm talking to you, kid! Who are you!"

"Wait a minute, I know you. You're that kid. The boy I saw at Hasan and Melis' house!"

Taşkın's face changed. His eyes stared blankly at Elif's father, and he smiled.

"W-Why are you smiling!?"

Taşkın said nothing. Tears streamed down his face.

Taşkın, there was nothing you could have done. What's done is done. Now, the only thing you can do is avenge Elif. Kill that bastard. Make him pay. Avenge Elif!

Yes, I'll kill him! I'll slaughter him!

Through his tears, Taşkın said, "How could you do this to that angel!?"

Taşkın charged at Elif's father in a fury. The man swung the knife, but Taşkın deftly dodged it. For a small child, his actions were impossible.

Rage was evident in his eyes. He tackled the man, and they both tumbled to the ground. The knife fell from the man's hand. Taşkın pinned him down.

A dark expression crossed his face. He grabbed the man's head with both hands and started pulling it violently from side to side. The man's screams echoed in the room.

As his fingers tore at the man's cheek, hot, sticky blood coated his hands. The man's screams echoed in his ears, but Taşkın didn't care.

Yes, Taşkın! h̵̜̰̯̲̮̳͕̎̍̎a͇̪̣͒̄̃͂̕h̵̪̘̜̫ͦ̽a͇̪̣͒̄̃͂̕! That's it! Tear him apart!

He brought his hands to the man's jaw and pulled with all his might. The jaw snapped with a crack and came off in Taşkın's hands. Blood spurted like a fountain. Taşkın began punching the man's face repeatedly, each blow accompanied by the sound of breaking bones. The man's face was unrecognizable.

He stared blankly at the man's lifeless body. Inside, he still felt rage, but also a deep sorrow and emptiness.

Elif's severed head lay a little farther away.

He went over to the head, fell to his knees, and cradled it.

When Taşkın took Elif's severed head into his arms, his whole body trembled. He hugged her tightly, and his tears fell onto Elif's hair. "I'm sorry, Elif," he whispered. "I couldn't protect you. Please forgive me. I'm so sorry."

What am I going to do now? Elif... what will I do without you?

As Taşkın stroked Elif's head, the emptiness and sorrow inside him overwhelmed him. Every moment, every laugh, every word of hers replayed in his mind. "I wish," he thought. "I wish I hadn't thrown the ball to her at that moment. I wish I hadn't talked to her. Maybe then she would still be alive."

In the distance, sirens were sounding.

Taşkın, we have to go now.

Taşkın was standing motionless and not listening to Milaz.

Taşkın, what are you doing? Move, come on!