The Will of a Lady (Slash III)

There is a moment of silence as Zayn takes a seat on a really comfortabe couch, watching Jeremiah as he sips another gulp of tea, fixes the stakes of papers in front of him, and folds his big hands, his slender fingers and ripped arms unable to hide themselves under the simple action.

"Zayn." Jeremiah said, keeping his bright green eyes on her, "the prince would like to meet you."

Zayn opens her mouth, closes it, and points to herself, already feeling sweat infiltrate her armor.

"Yes," Jeremiah said, "he wanted to meet you as soon as we discovered you, but I've tried to keep him at bay--but he is persistent, and wants to meet you as soon as possible."

"I-I see," Zayn said, "I feel like some sort of celebrity."

"You will be, very soon." Jeremiah said, "I'd like for us to go to the Capitol after recruitment is finished and meet him."

"I see-yeah, that's--I appreciate you trying your best, Captain," Zayn said, "I understand and--sure, yes."

"Good," Jeremiah said, "just be prepared--he can be--a little much--all of the royal family can be a bit much, who am I kidding?"

Zayn opens her mouth to let out a soft chuckle, nervously piling her hands on her thighs.

"I'll be well prepared then, thanks," Zayn said, "I-is there anything else?"

"Yes," Jeremiah said, sitting up straighter--if that's even possible--. "Everyday after you train with the new knights, you'll be spending some time training with me as well."

"Y-You?" Zayn asked, almost falling out of her seat, "but--why?"

"Like I have said," Jeremiah said, looking away and rubbing the back of his neck, "I told you I will take care of you as best as I can--I will keep my word, but also that strength of yours--I'll be the best one to help you control it." 

Jeremiah motions Zayn's attention to the large black steel chains covering his wrist. "I'll probably be the best candidate. And it'll help prepare you for the expedition coming up."

Zayn silently sits in her seat, clearing her throat and nervously clenching her fist before she speaks.

"You are extraordinarily kind Captain," Zayn said, a smile heard in her voice, "I appreciate this tons, thank you so, so much. Really, thank you."

Shocked and abahsed, Jeremiah looks away, his dark skin bruised with a soft pink flush on his cheeks. 

"Y-you're ever welcome," Jeremiah said, stuttering out, "I understand this is a bit of a odd situation for us all--so I want you to know, I am on your side, Zayn."

Zayn nods, happily standing up and stretching.

"Ah, and be ready for the next half of sparring later," Jeremiah said, "I won't let the three of you spar again, but please if you are going to outside of training today, don't break too much."

Zayn nervously laughs, rubbing the back of her helmet and giving Jeremiah a awkward thumbs up.


For the next few days, Zayn, Amur, and Chase watch as the remaining recuits spar within matches. There were many impressive fights, many subpar ones, and many really bad ones, but by the next two days, all the recruitments had there fair share of sparring and test, which means day three was a rest before the results of the recruitment process was announced. 

"What do you think that expedition will be about?" Chase asked. The three friends--Chase, Zayn, and Amur lie on a patch of grass, watching as the clouds move throughout the blue sky.

"Said something about peace with the gods," Amur said, closing her big eyes to listen to the noises around her--the birds chirping, the grasshoppers crying, animals gnawing on food or snacking on berries, "whatever that means."

"I didn't even know we didn't have peace in the first place," Zayn said, reaching her hand up at the sky, her fingers sprawled out and her covered palms basked in the heavy rays of the sun, "since when did we not have good relations?"

"Not too sure myself," Chase said, sitting up snd staring ahead, "it's making me nervous."

Zayn closes her fist, watching as the clouds move behind her fist and swim ahead. 


The tensions were high--the stakes were higher--and Zayn knew by the way some recruits walk away crying from the list of passes, many people fail to earn a spot in the Black Fawne.

"Should we even check?" Chase said, picking at his ear and wiping away earwax, "pretty sure the three of us made it. Kind of obvious."

"That's the point," Amur said, rolling her eyes, "we need to check the list to make it seem like we don't know, dummy."

Chase rolls his eyes, waiting in line to check the list posted outside of the training ground's door of the recruitments who passed--by the amount on the list to the people who actually showed up, the results demotrstate who passed on to be an official knight rather than who did not.

Zayn looks to the list and looks away, grimacing as another recruitment checks the list and shouts in pain, wiping his eyes as he cries his eyes out and runs away. Harsh.

"You're next, oaf." Amur said, patting Chase on the back, "check and see!"

Chase rolls his eyes and checks the list, unphased by whatever he saw, emotionlessly pointing to his name as he awkwardly raises his hands like he's cheering in glee.

"Oh shucks," Chase said, grimacing, a stale smile on his face, "I passed-yippee!"

"Move!" Amur said, pushing Chase out of the way to scan through the list, pointing at hers and Zayn's name. "Score! Get it girl!"

Zayn grins, fist pumping Amur and doing a small, little dance, causing Chase to roll his eyes but smile at the two girls. 

"Well that was a shoe-in!" Amur said, grinning and shoving an elbow to Chase's side, causing him to grunt in pain, "I wonder if Ramon-."

"Passed," a very familiar, grating voice causes Amur to roll her eyes and huff, her big indigo eyes focus on Ramon, pointing to her name on the list, "can't get rid of me that easy, twinkle toes."

"Her and these stupid nicknames," Amur said, rolling her eyes, "Whatever, congrats, I guess."

Amur waves a surprised-looking Ramon off as she, Chase, and Zayn head away from the emotional group.

"So when's the ceremony?" Zayn asked, trying to catch up to her friends pace.

"Tonight, near the outfield," Amur said, skipping in her step. Chase watches her, a soft smile on his face, "I can't wait until it's over--I need a nap!"

"Same," Zayn said, smiling down at Amur, "we get to be official knights and then I go meet the prince tomorrow!"

Amur and Chase stop in their tracks, watching as Zayn strides ahead.

"Z-Zayn?" Amur said, rushing forward, "explain that last part! Zayn, slow down! Zayn-!"