And So Does It Start (Slash I)

It is well passed the afternoon and closer to dawn. Many of the seasonal knights sat in seats facing towards the stage with the recruits' families and friends to watch the small, yet private ceremony take place.

Zayn has never really been to a graduation ceremony before—she has never attended academy or anything of the like, but as she stands side by side with Chase and Amur—her metallic-covered body stuck between them—maybe or maybe not the congratulations is a shoe in, but Zayn feels a swirl of proud overcome her, watching as her friends and peers stands straight as Jeremiah delivers his pleasurtrees and congratulations, hoping that his words ring faith and determination within each knight.

Zayn watches as each recruit receives a ring adorned on a silver necklace, to represent their accomplishments of earning their spot in Black Fawne, but to also be married to the knightage; as soon as the recruits accept the ring, the only way to be released as a knight by honor is til death do them part by their swords.

"I congratulate each of you," Jeremiah said, saluting the new members of the knightage, "welcome to Black Fawne."

Each recruit—now knight—raises their hand, salutes by their temple, and clenches a fist to place on their hearts.

"Thank you, Captain," they said in unison, and the ceremony reaches its end.

Of course, leading after the big ceremony comes a fancy congratulations dinner, one where all the recruits have amble time to load their plates with large portions of food and kegs of beer. Zayn watches Chase share a cheers with a group of random male knights,

—Chase looks extremely confused on how he got there—but nonetheless, happy to be drinking another glass of beer.

Zayn scans more of the room with interest and glee, watching the new knights and some of the old knights mingle with each other in the large mess hall, decorated in gold and black strips of ribbon, sparkles, and gold coins, all used to make the mess hall appear more lavish and elegant then it usually is.

Zayn feels a pressure next to her—it's Amur, sliding in the seat next to her and nudging Zayn's shoulders with wiggly eyebrows, holding a heavily filled plate of food in her hands and a large keg of beer in the other.

"Seems more like a party then a "small celebration," Amur said, throwing a piece of corn in the air and attempting to catch it in her mouth—she fails. "I feel like that big oaf always says everything all fancy so he can downplay things."

"Or maybe he really thinks this is small," Zayn said, smiling at a pair of recruits hugging and crying in each others arms, "he may think this is small, but some may consider this the best day every, right?"

Amur nods her head, attempting to throw another piece of corn in the air, she fails yet again. "Yeah, right that's true, or maybe he's just one of those rich assholes that doesn't know the differences of a pot to piss."

"Technology, we are a part of that rich asshole class," Zayn said, laughing as Amur rolls her eyes and lets out a huff at her words, "we are just now living a more—uh—they call it humble lifestyle!"

"Yeah, yeah, whatever," Amur said, chewing on a large turkey leg, "so what's the deal with the prince?"

"Oh, that?" Zayn said, gulping down a large cup of water, "I'm going with Captain to meet him tomorrow. I guess he really wants to meet me, and-."

"I already don't like this," Amur said, dropping her turkey leg to wipe her small hands on a white cloth. "Zayn, this isn't a good idea."

"I totally don't disagree," Zayn said, playing with her hands, "but I kind of can't refuse. And at least I'm with Captain? He's so nice, and-."

"Zayn, you're way too trusting," Amur said, crossing her arms and letting out a huff, "how do we even know if he isn't planning to sell you out or something? I don't know, Zayn. We need to be wary of everyone here."

Silent, Zayn slides low in her seat, but she nods her head.

"I will be careful." Zayn said, causing Amur to pat her shoulder in comfort. "And we are leaving early in the morning, so I don't think we'll be gone long."

"Good." Amur said, cracking her neck and grabbing her abandoned turkey leg, "then that's settled. Remember, don't answer anything too long and-crap--what if he asks you where your from? Do you think he'll ask for you ID? Shit, what if-?"

"Im not a kid anymore, Amur." Zayn said, ruffling Amur's brown hair, "I'll be fine! I'm pretty careful, you know? I got this!"

Amur smiles, but her face defiantly gives off the feeling that she doesn't think Zayn has this.

"We should try to trust her more," Chase said, sneaking from behind Amur to place down a plate of various meats on their table, "plus there's nothing much we can do, so let's at least help what we can control."

"That was...mature of you," Amur said, but she rolls her eyes, watching as Chase picks his nose and rubs his used finger on his shirt, "never mind, but yeah, what he said."


The next morning--after the chaos and the big celebration--there's a knock at Zayn and Amur's door.

Zayn turns her head from her place at her desk, where a few pieces of paper and a pen with a feather lie on the desk. Zayn quickly hides the pieces of paper and pen as quickly as she can, sliding them both under her bed before she heads towards the door to open it.

And there he stands--Jeremiah--Captain--dressed in a fancier cloak then usually with a very "royally coded" suit to match. He looks handsome--sinfully so--with half of his hair black hair slicked back, his skin glistening with oils and a naturally glow, and his green eyes burn even brighter in the morning.

"Good morning," Jeremiah said, breaking the silence, "I didn't think you'd be awake."

"Oh, w-well, I couldn't sleep," Zayn said, fidgeting in her armor, "and-um-I'm nervous, so I thought I'd get up early and mentally prepare?"

Jeremiah raises an eyebrow, but he doesn't comment further as he opens the door wider for Zayn to slide though. In comfort silence (definitely caused by Zayn's nervousness), Jeremiah and Zayn head to the from of the Black Fawne gates, where a large, very fancy and red, carriage awaits them.

"What have I told the prince about sending me these atrious carriages?"Jeremiah asked, pinching the bridge of his nose, "I can't believe we have to ride to the palace in this-."

"I'it's not that bad!" Zayn said, flailing her arms, "it looks like-um-what's something that's red and delicious-?"

"Apples!" A female's voice chirps behind Zayn. Zayn smiles, nodding in agreement.

"Right! It's a carriage of apples!" Zayn said, but she stops short. "Wait, okay that was so dumb."

Jeremiah silently looks at Zayn until he snorts, shaking his head in amusement. 

"Don't be embarrassed," Jeremiah said, looking behind Zayn. "Clarke agrees, at least."

Zayn turns her head to meet eyes with a smiling Clarke, waving her hand in hello.

"You sure you'll be okay, Captain?" Clarke said, shooting an expression filled with worry, "the prince is a wild card and-and the princess may be-."

"I can handle it, Clarke," Jeremiah said, beckoning a servant off and opening the carriage, offering his hand to Zayn, "plus the new knights may need some supervision until I get back."

Zayn, confused at the hand offered to her, grabs Jeremiah's hand and holds it, completely lost with what to do with his hand.

Startled, Jeremiah eyes their interlocked hands before he beckons Zayn's focus to the red carriage.

"I am trying to help you inside the carriage." amused, Jeremiah points with his free hand to the open door. "You know, the apple carriage you are so fond of?"

Embarrassed, Zayn shrieks, backing up an throwing her head down to yell as many ways she can apologize as possible. Jeremiah, who's usually calm and static, stares at her in surprise before again--he snorts, shaking his head and grabbing Zayn's hand.

"Like this." Jeremiah said, delicately pulling Zayn forward and beckoning her to step on the carriages step, which she hesitantly does, before she slowly sits on one of the carriages sofas with Jeremiah following closely behind.

"Hold down the fort for me." Jeremiah tells a surprised-looking Clarke before he shuts the carriage's door, "I'll be back shortly."