To Prove Thy Worth (Slash II)

It takes at least a good hour to travel to Viki by horse, but with Lia's magical spells for speed—ones that she uses on the knight's horses to hurry their hoves and give them increased stamina—there are able to knock out their journey in half time.

During the journey, Zayn, Amur, and Chase chat as per usual with Ramon chiming in here or there, her eyes a bit less tired from the night prior. The other girl—Zayn remembers her name to be Sierna—ignores them all to focus on flirting with a few of the older knights beside her.

"She seems like she hates us." Amur said, watching as Sierna chats with another older boy and winks at him, causing him to smirk back. She then quickly looks behind her and meets eyes with Amur before she snorts and turns her attention to another man.

"Heard that she and her friends didn't really like the fact you three had the top scores," Ramon said, careful looking at the ground as her horse races on another road bump, causing her to be thrown up and down harshly like a rag doll. "Gods I hate riding horses…but yeah, some people aren't so thrilled."

"What did we do?" Amur mumbles, "not our fault everyone fell behind. If anything, who cares. You loss to me and still made top five. If you can be that impressive, why can't they?"

Ramon blinks, her face suddenly blossoming with red.

"Was that a compliment, Knight Amur?" Ramon asked.

Amur shrugs, avoiding Ramon's questioning gaze.

"At least they're not spreading any crazy rumors," Chase said, "we'll, yet. Woman get catty."

"Well, there has been this rumor about Zayn and Captain," Ramon said, "but I'd rather not spill it since I know how crazy you both get about her-."

"Spill it." Amur said, already appearing irritated.

Ramon looks over to Zayn, who's lost looking at the world around her and humming softly and—.

"They've been saying that Zayn and the Captain have a relationship." Ramon said. "Some people have noticed how casual they are with each other and someone saw them training together."

Amur stops her horse abruptly, glaring at Ramon with venom like she made the rumors.

"Who said it?" Amur said. Chase hurriedly grabs Amur's shoulders and forces her to continue to ride her horse to avoid the knights behind them grumbling in confusion as to why the line stopped. "Who said that about my little sister? Who fucking-."

"Well I've been hearing it around, but I don't know who started it," Ramon said, her eyes traveling to the back of Sierna's head, "but she's known to be awfully catty and awfully jealous. I'm sure she did it."

"I'll rip that strawberry freaking hair out her big ass head," Amur mumbles. "Should I try doing it now-?"

"Let's wait until we have some proof," Chase said, "and then, we'll do it together."

Amur looks up, stunned as Chase looks down at her, the creases on his forehead relaxed; his expression still the same, but his eyes filled with menace.

"No one talks about our little sister," Chase said, "no one."

"No one what?" Zayn turns her head, blinking at a shocked and scared Ramon, an angry Amur, and a fuming Chase. "O-oh, what did I miss?"

"Nothing, Zay-Zay!" Amur chirps, smiling up at Zayn who's riding her horse next to her, "just talking about how people suck and how men are sooo stupid! Girl talk, you know? With Chase, of course."

Chase rolls his eyes, but doesn't comment further.

"Well I think Chase is really amazing," Zayn said, causing Chase to smile beside her, "and I don't know a lot of men, but I think Captain is amazing too!"

Ramon and Amur's eyes meet, which causes Amur to look away.

"You should avoid talking good about that giant-wretched-statue publicly," Amur said, "it'll cause trouble Zayn."

"Oh? I've never thought about that, I wouldn't want to cause Captain trouble." Zayn said, "And is he wretched? I believe Captain is quite good looking, he's just really tall?"

"I meant trouble for you—what?" Amur asked, snapping her head to Zayn's direction. "What did you just say about him?"

"T-t-that he's handsome?" Zayn said, stuttering in nervousness, "I-I did-did I say something wrong…?"

Amur just stares at Zayn, like she's flabbergasted at Zayn's words. Oddly enough, it's Ramon who shoots Amur a confused and absent look, like Ramon is witnessing a mother confront her child's first steps, or something weird like that.

Jeremiah holds his face in his hands, praying to the Gods that what Co-Captain Ryliegh just said is a slip of the tongue—anything—just not the truth.

Aliane slowly looks between both men before he clears his throat.

"So-." Aliane starts.

"Yes," Ryliegh said. "Yes, we were so."

Jeremiah sighs, rubbing his temples.

"Co-Captain Ryliegh," Jeremiah said, "you do know that relationships with another knight is strictly looked down upon."

"It isn't forbidden..." Ryliegh mutters

"Yes, but very not recommended, especially due to power dynamics and drama that may insure." Jeremiah said. "You know this the best Co-Captain Ryliegh. You've seen the consequences countless times-."

"I-I know, and you're right, but it wasn't like it was on purpose." Ryliegh said, his face downtrodden, "I fell in love at first sight and I couldn't help myself and-I understand if you need to report me or something, Captain Jeremiah."

Jeremiah sighs, rubbing his eyes and holding a hand up.

"I will do no such thing," Jeremiah said, "you have enough on your plate. I-we just need to figure out this murderer. Who knows if their after other nisf daws?"

"A nisf daw killer," Aliane said. "Fun. That's a way to piss off the Gods."

There's a soft knock at the door which causes the three men to turn to Co-Captain Ryliegh's office door. Ryliegh calls for the guest to come in, which he does—a tall man with short dark green hair and eyes walks in with a letter in his hand.

"Co-Captain-." The man gasp, as if he ran all the way here. "Oh-and greetings Magician Aliane and Captain Jeremiah—I have a letter for you, Captain J-Jeremiah."

Jeremiah nods his head in respect as he takes the envelope from the man and easily rips it open with his strength. He pulls out a small letter, reads it quickly twice, and delicately places the letter back in its envelope.

"What happened, Captain Jeremiah?" Ryliegh said, watching as Jeremiah stands up with Aliane not even hesitating to follow behind.

"It appears as if my knighthood needs my assurance." Jeremiah said, "I will send a letter of a later date to discuss further planning to catch this murderer. In the meantime, please keep what we discussed today a secret."

"A-alright, yes and Captain Jeremiah-?" Ryliegh asked.

"Hm?" Jeremiah asked.

"Thank you," Ryliegh said. "For coming by and helping with this case and-and for being a great friend. Thank you, Captain.