To Prove Thy Worth (Slash III)

"How close are we?" Zayn asked, watching as the knights race down another rocky road to get to Viki. It's chaotic and windy, yet the sun is still at its peak in the sky.

Since Viki is one of the bigger towns within the capitol, it's pretty well guarded—which means if the knight guards that are at its gate are calling for reinforcements, it means either the fights pretty bad, there's too much to handle, or the knights don't know how to answer the situation.

Regardless, by the time Zayn sees the beginning of the line—where Clarke and that small blonde woman lead—when the group of knights come to a screeching halt near Viki's gates and two of the knight guards safeguarding the gate rush over to Clarke and the crowd of knights behind her, Zayn knew they were in for a treat.

"What is the update?" Clarke asked, the two sheathed katana's at her belt moving when she confidently strides to the guards.

"We've obtained and secured most of the vermin in chains," one guard said, bowing at Clarke, "we called for help due to its number and—it looks like things are finally settling down-."

A loud crash echoes and blast through the knight's ears. Clarke hurriedly looks up, rushing past the guards to look at the sky to the earth, realizing that whatever causes that sound definitely isn't going to be fun handling.

"Let's move forward!" Clarke commands, rushing back to her horse and waving her hand, calling the knights behind her to follow her lead. Clarke rushes forward into the cities' world, where she notes the citizens have lucky been evacuated away from the disaster, as many of the guards have chained the Veras up, locked them in cages, or attempt to still try to suppress more of them. This makes Clarke confused in the first place—with the treaty agreement with the Vera to leave humans alone to maintain peace between races, yes there's still injustices and deals of racism and unfairness—Clarke's seen it first hand, but Vera barely violently react, which makes this situation fill Clarke's heart with concern.

"We should help restrain the Vera. Let's try not to cause too much damage—we still have agreeances with them." Clarke said. "Lia, can you summon Rel? It'll be easier to capture them if he helps."

"Urgh, I guess..." Lia said, reaching for her spell book on her hip and opening the book. She flips a few pages open before she closes her eyes and lifts her hand above her head, twirling her mage staff in her hand as she speaks.

"لفتح الأبواب هو النمو." Lia chants, watching as a light forms above her head and thick, green vines sprout out of the light. A hand reaches out of the light until a man hops out of it, landing swiftly on his foot on the ground as his light green eyes gently sparkle under the sunlight.

"Master." the man spoke, his long dark brown hair a contrast to the green, white, and golden robes he wears on his body. "How it pleases you?"

"Yeah, pretty boy, can you likeee help Ms. Thang over there?" Liar said, closing her spell book and shoving it back in its holder near her hip. "I don't get paid enough to be here."

The man looks over to Clarke, his handsome face suddenly blossoming in red.

"L-Lady Clarke!" The man said, bowing in politeness, "I-I see you need my assistance! How may I help you, My lady?"

Clarke smiles, turning her head and hoping off her horse to stride over to the man.

"Rel," Clarke nods her head and motions her head to the scene before her. "Would you mind helping us take care of the Vera?" Clarke asked.

"Yes! Of c-course M-My lady! Anything for you." Rel said, bowing his head in respect, but his words cut short as another large crash suddenly implodes, causing Clarke and the knights behind her to whip their heads to the sound. Many of the Vera caught suddenly turn more violent, their eyes red and menacing as they break out of their confinements to attack the guards holding their chains. Clarke confusedly whips her head around her, witnessing many Vera—even the ones that are apart of the towns everyday life—act out with violence and anger.

"What the hell?!" Lia said, hopping off her horse to stand beside Rel. "I thought you said this was suppose to be an easy mission!"

"You said that!" Clarke said, huffing in annoyance. "You are actually the culprit to that phase!"

"Oh right, oopsies!" Lia said, wincing as she watches a Vera throw a guard in a building, causing that part of the building to crush on impact. "Okay I did, but like, I also didn't know the Vera are turning mad! Since when?"

"This doesn't seem normal..." Rel said, raising a hand to tap his chin, "and I am feeling very strong, treacherous energy coming from a sullen place near us-."

"Well before we full analysis all that," Clark said, clutching her swords' sheath, "I think we need to handle the Vera before they destroy the entire city."

Clarke turns to the rest of the knight guards, bowing her head. "I apologize—it seems the situation is getting out of hand. Black Fawne will handle this moving forward. Members of squad 2 and 4, you'll lead offense, Squad 3 will work on defense. Rel, and Lia will help Squad 3 hold down the Vera—recruits, please be on stand by for now! Everyone, disperse!"

The various salutes before parting ways causes Amur and Chase's confused looks, Ramon's look of annoyance, Sierna's look of boredom, and Zayn's look of…well honestly, she was suppose to be staying back anyway, so she will enjoy the show.

"How the hell are we suppose to prove anything if we're just sitting here!" Amur said, huffing as she sits on her horse. "I rather do clean up duty than waste time."

"What's stopping you?" Sierna taints."You look like you could handle a broom pretty well."

The devious glare Amur shoots Sierna's way is concerning enough for Chase to get off his horse, sneak a peak behind Sierna and her horse, and smack the back of Siernia's horse, causing the horse to scream, rampaging before it runs off with Sierna screaming for help.

Amur doesn't say anything else, she just silently offers a fist to Chase, to which Chase taps his owns with hers and nods his head.

"A menace." Ramon huffs, rolling her eyes at the pair. "Totally get the frustration, but we must follow Captains orders-."

Screams and high howls are heard from in front of them. Clarke is leading the knight troops, unsheathing her blue and red katana swords as she races forward, using the glowing chains attached to both swords handles to entrap as many Vera's as possible for Rel to handle the rest, who uses his thick vines to swirl them around the Vera. Many of the knights are holding off as many Vera as they can, but because there more violent and rampant than ever before, some knights seem to be having a hard time, using what strength they can muster to prevent the Vera from causing any more damage. There's so many of the Vera, however, to the point where capturing them seems to be never ending.

Clarke lets out a breath before she eyes one of the tall buildings before her, readying herself before she hops in the air and strides forward, racing to the building's rooftop with her two swords in her hands as she bites her lip, causing blood to run down her chin and drip on her swords. She licks her bitten lip and swallows the last droplets of blood before she spins and throws her sword to the ground, slamming her palm and her fist together as she mutters a spell.

"اعصار أحمر." She said, as the sky suddenly rumbles, causing the clouds to open and create a large red and blue tornado, entrapping a large number of Vera within the storm.

"Rel!" Clarke exclaims, motioning to the storm. Rel nods, exhaling before he claps his hands together, causing a vast amount of thick vines to swirl with the tornado until its disapates, entrapping the Vera in a prison of thick vines.

"You think that'll do the trick?" Clarke asked from her place on a rooftop. Rel excitedly nods his head.

"It definitely must, My Lady-." He confidently said, until he notice some of the Vera seem to claw open patches with their strength through Rel's vines, "or maybe not-."

There's suddenly a light in the sky, causing Clarke and Rel to confusedly look up. A large kanji appears and slams itself down on the earth until the vines are underneath thick, large sets of silver prison bars, creating a large prison where the storm once was.

Clarke and Rel turn over to where the recruits sat, where Amur holds her large paint brush in her hand as she slowly lowers it after her spell.

"I know you told me to sit still," Amur said, sheepishly shrugging, "but we came to prove our shit, and we're not leaving here until we do. Sorry in advance, Vice'."