It Rains (Slash III)

Zayn tries to comprehend what's in front of her.

There are mother's and fathers, cousins and the elder, there are children lying on the ground, from their necks slashes to simply their faces, their collar bones, their limbs, some don't even have limbs, like a broken mannequin.

There's mountains of blood flowing like a river, touching Zayn's toes like carpet. The cake that Zayn's been dreaming of has been served to the fire, some elder lady must have dropped it in her pursuit to run, which explains while half of the elder's body burns with the cake.

The woman standing near the large fire--she must have spread it in her slaughter due to the spread of burnt fire wood and spark--but she's a beautiful woman with her red hair, her slanted ruby eyes, her pale skin and flushed cheeks, and even her red robe, the scales of the clothing tainted in strips of black, dying the red ruby road a handsome tie dye. The woman stares at the bodies lifelessly before her gaze turns to the group of knights.

"Hey insects." she calls softly, before her beautiful face morphs in a widen, angry glare. "Which one of you has the fucking nisf daw, and it better be useful this time!"

"The w-w-what?" Zayn asked, "w-w-what's that?"

"You killed them!" Amelia cries, her pink eyes widen in despair, "how could you-you monster!"

The beautiful woman, angry, reaches out to pull out a weapon. It's red, it's long, standing curved and broken into sections to shape itself into a snake. The handle of the weapon bores scales and thorns, yet the woman doesn't flinch, even as the thorns cut her pale hands and slowly absorb her blood.

"No human," the woman said, clenching the weapon tighter in her hands and raising it above her head, "will ever call me a monster, you forsaken humans!"

It's not Amur or Ramon, but Chase who opens his mouth, his eyes wide and terrified as he takes a step back and turns his head to the knights. 

"Run!" Chase screams. "Run now!"

The group of knights don't hesitate--they turn around and run with fear in their hearts, yet the woman waits for no one, slamming the weapon down on the earth. Like a snake, each section of the sword parts and dips in the stoned ground, breaking the earth from the inside and weaving through the earth like a seperant. Chase grabs Amur by the back of the collar and sprints, running ahead as he reaches for Zayn, but before he can touch her, the ground spilts, causing a rift in the ground that divides Chase and Amur from Zayn and Ramon. The rest of the other knights are scattered among various areas, but Amelia and Stace are thrown to the ground, the side where Zayn stands. 

Amelia cries, but she gets up, turning to run, but she stops, reaching a hand to Stace. As soon as Amelia touches her friends hands, the weapon from before--the snake--heads straight for State with no hesitation as it pierces her neck, hurriedly pulling away to cause a heavy splatter of blood from Stace's neck until her eyes become emotionless, and her body falls to the ground, limp.

Amelia cries harder, and Zayn wants to freeze in her spot, scared herself to move, but its Ramon from beside her that pulls Zayn's hand.

"We need to move!" Ramon screams. "Like now, Zayn!"

Zayn swallows, watching Amelia cry and scream, watching the woman kill one--two--the amount continues of her friends, and Zayn knows that Amelia needs her now more than ever, and she won't fail her friend.

Zayn grabs Amelia by the waist, throws her over her shoulder, and burst out into a sprint, shocking even Ramon by her speed, but Ramon quickly catches up, racing ahead down the stone path they came from.

"Oh no! Chase," Zayn said, turning back, "Amur! I need to go back and-."

"No!" Ramon said. "Who knows what to expect going back? Chase and Amur seem resourceful, if anything we'd want them to find us. For now, we need to get help."

"But..." Zayn stutters, but Amelia tugs her hand, shaking her head.

"They'll be sure to find us, b-but if we don't run…" Amelia said, tears slipping from her eyes. "If we don't, we may-."

"Be next?" A voice asked. Zayn is the first to turn her head forward, catching the mysterious woman's eyes as she slowly walks down the stoned path, stopping a few feet away. "If you give me a nisf daw, I'll leave without anymore killings. Humans dying doesn't give me as much pleasure as you'd think, you know?"

"None of us are nisf daw." Ramon said, surprising Zayn, "and even if we were, I'd rather not you be the one to find them, thanks."

"Strip," the woman commands. "Then, I'll believe you."

"You're not my type, sorry." Ramon said. "Ask someone else, hag."

The woman stares at Ramon with wide, angry eyes.

"What did you just call me?" The woman asked. 

Ramon raises a middle finger. "Your ears must not be working, hag-."

The woman waste no time, leaping forward close enough to Ramon's surprised face. Ramon gasp, reaching her hand out to showcase her green bracelet, the accessory quickly morphing to a green and black scythe.

Ramon swings her scythe to quickly parry the next strike with the snake-like-weapon, but the strength of the woman's weapon is no match for Ramon's scythe, and it only takes one more harsh swing for the scythe to break in pieces. 

Ramon looks horrified by the broken scythe, but she doesn't dwell on it too much, quickly reaching in her pocket for a short blade, twirling it, and using the silver blade as her new weapon, blocking the next harsh attack with the blade.

"That's a cursed blade." The woman said, eyeing the blade with interest. "You must be from the Ruh Damawia clan. Poor insect."

"I don't need you pity, bitch." Ramon said, pointing the blade at the lady, "and I don't need your words. Try your best to strip me, pervert."

The beautiful woman scoffs, a frown on her lips as she steps back, watching Ramon carefully before she again, lunges forward, her snake-like-sword ready to attack. 

Ramon looks to her sword, eyeing the woman gaining distance ahead before she shuts her eyes and takes the blade, holds the bottoms of it, and slices her neck.

Zayn gasp, horrified. Amelia screams, watching as a river of blood covers the stone ground. Ramon stumbles, clutching her mouth before she opens it.

"كلب الجحيم ذو التسعة ذيول." Ramons mumbles, closing her eyes as the woman is inches to slicing off her head, but Ramon opens her eyes--the once green orbs now an orange hue--and there's a loud roar behind her. The woman hurrdiley meets eyes with Ramon before she looks up, but she doesn't move fast enough as a long, white fluffy tail smacks her into the nearest trench of branches and twigs.

" that…?" Amelia asked, looking up at a large, tall white beast behind Ramon with nine tails, white fur, golden eyes, and five marks on top of its forehead. The beast is beautiful, imaging a large, wild fox in the winter.

Zayn steps forward, watching as the beast snuggles Ramon's--now very healed--neck before turning to Zayn and licking her cheek.

"Wow!" Zayn said, petting the fox. "They're so cute! And what's your name, cutie?"

"I-it's Khamsa." Ramon said, clearing her throat. "I-she's one of my summoning animals. I...I have the ability to summon cursed spirits. It's what I've been born with."

Amelia steps back, hiding behind Zayn, who surprisingly looks excited rather than scared.

"Why did you hide such an ability?" Zayn said. "That's so cool! and Khamsa is so cute! What treats do they like?"

Surprised at Zayn's pleasant reaction, Ramon softy smiles, laughing as though she is foolish.

"You never cease to amaze me," Ramon said, "I thought that-."

There's a hand suddenly gripping the back of Ramon's head before Ramon gasp as her head is slammed on the stoned ground, breaking many of the small stones and creating a crater in steed. Khamsa growls, watching its master is beaten, and lunges, biting the beautiful woman's arm clean off, but the woman seems more angry than phased, taking her sword and slashing one of Khamsa's eyes, causing the beast to roar in pain.

"Go!" Ramon screams, lifting her head, blood dripping from the top off her head and dripping to the stone ground as she meets eyes with a frightened Zayn. "Go, now!"

"B-But Ramon-!" Zayn said, but Ramon shakes her head. "B-b-but your hurt!"

"Go!" Ramon screams as the beautiful lady lifts her blade, ready to strike down Ramon.

Zayn shakes her head, but Amelia is the one who pulls her forward and runs ahead. Zayn turns her head, and the last thing she sees is the beast roar at the woman, land a swift paw to her face, and open his mouth large, swallowing Ramon whole.