Chapter 3 – Forest.

Phantasia ran through the forest and before long, he managed to find a source of the scream.

"Fuck! I told you it was bad idea!" – said an orc player.

"SHUT UP!" – shouted a goblin player.

"How the hell was I supposed to knew that the monsters here are on the whole another level compare to the furballs and slimes?! What kind of power gab is this!"

The 3 players, no. There was 4 players in the area, however one of them were already killed, making the players were surrounded by the group of wolf monsters.

[Wild Wolf – Level 5]

[Wild Wolf – Level 6]

[Wild Wolf – Level 5]

[Wild Wolf – Level 7]


(Huh… Did they got unlucky and run into the group of monsters?)


Phantasia revealed himself to the players.


"H-hey! You over there! Help us!" – said a goblin player.


"Before I do anything, I have a question."


"The fuck you- "


The goblin player had to quickly block the attack with his sword.


"Question. What are your levels?"


"Its 3! We are level 3! Now can you help us?!"

"…Nah. I will just watch."



Phantasia observed in unbothered the fight between the wolfs and players while the players were getting killed one by one by wolfs.

(Sheesh. Those son of a bitch's developers.)

(The first two monsters we fought were nothing more than weaklings, but these wolfs are clearly stronger.)

(I think I get the picture.)

(These guys thought that the monsters here would also be weak, since the slimes and that you could kill them just be kicking them. But these wolfs seem to be a real enemy.)

(I guess these bastards made slimes and furball an tutorial monster so the players can get used to fighting and other stuff? That does make sense.)

(But couldn't they at least warn that forest…. Oh wait… There may be a quest in the city regarding them and may warn you…. Shit…)


(Well, good thing that these idiots were the first victims.)


(Should I kill them for free EXP?)


(Nah. It's still bad idea to increase my [Notoriety] too early on.)

(But anyway, these guys sucks at fighting.)

(Well, I'm not expecting.)

(I mean, the reason why I picked crossbow was because I didn't knew how to fight.)

(Honestly I would be surprised if there would some sort of main protagonist bullshit person that can fighting way too well from get go.)

Phantasia just watched as the wolfs finished off the over confided players one by one until the last player was killed.

Immediately after the last player was killed, Phantasia shot with his crossbow, hitting and provoking the wolfs.

The wolfs immediately began instantly running towards the Phantasia.

"[Poison Smoke]!"

Phantasia releases a smoke of poison in front of him, blocking the view of the wolfs and poisoning them as well.

(I honestly only wanted the poison mage because I was interested in poison.)

(But that class is dirtier than I thought!)

(Even a bastard like me without any real combat experience can play dirty with ease!)


Phantasia quickly run back, but before long the wolfs made their way through the poison smoke.

"[Poison Blow]!"

Phantasia fired an arrow of the poison smoke that flew straight at the wolf that was running at him.

The arrow hit the wolf head one and then spread the smoke everywhere.

[Wild Wolf has been slowed.]

The wolf continue running at the Phantasia while he continues firing nonstop with his spells.

The fight continues for some time, but after some time the wolfs finally succumbed to the poison and died.

[You have leveled up.]

"Fuck… That was way harder than I thought!"

(Deals some damage, but it takes time.)

(Not only that, I didn't had any time to reload the crossbow because of these fuking wolfs rushing at me nonstop!)

(I thought that my starting equipment and classes were good combination… But now I see several problems… And quiet annoying ones as well…)

(I didn't expected to run into big problem from get go… Honestly, I barely won against those wolfs and even lost some HP. I thought I would… I don't know… Won this easily?)

(Well, I guess I was also over confident idiot like them, even with my titles.)

(I guess I cannot just take easy path out. By the look of things, I will have to learn how to fight.

(But still, the current situation is bad.)

(The poison does have debuff and damage over time, it takes time AND I have limited amount of mana.)

(The crossbow is useful… But it takes time to reload. Should I switch to the bow?)

(Nah. It would take time to learn how to use it… What I need is something like a close combat weapon…)

(But again, I don't know how to fight… I guess I need more experience in fighting in this weird world as well as some training… Since even idiot can call me an "NOOB" right now.)

(But do I really need to learn how to use close range weapon? But how long it takes to learn how to handle weapon anyway?)



(Oh wait!)

[Summoner] [Tamer] [Necromancer]

(I saw these two classes before!)

(Since I plan to play solo anyway and probably won't have any friends, I think it would be a good idea.)

(But what should I pick?)

[Summoner] (Common)

[The summoner class is the most basic summoner class that focuses on basic. Possess a high affinity with a lot of different classes, opening many different other classes.]

[Tamer] (Common)

[A class that specializes in taming monsters and working with them. Upon acquiring obtain extra stat [Taming Mastery].]

[Necromancer] (Common)

[A class that specializes in controlling and creating undeads. Upon acquiring obtain extra stat [Necromancy Mastery].]

(Hm… What should I pick?)

(…Hm… This is bit hard decision.)

(Not only that, I don't want to carelessly spend class points so early on like total idiot.)

(Fuck me… If I knew that I would have that kind of problems with my build, I wouldn't have spend it all on poison mage….)


(… What should I chose?!)

[Summoner] – [Max level 25] – [Cost: 2]

[Tamer] – [Max level 25] – [Cost: 3]

[Necromancer] – [Max level 100] – [Cost: 2]

(Hm… The summoner and the tamer has lower max level. But the necromancer has max level 100 and cost 2….)

(If I pick a tamer or necromancer, I will gain extra stat, right? Does that mean I have to increase them if I want to control the undeads or tamed monsters?)

(…. There are side effects, huh? I would be forced to split my points I get into 1 extra stat. But I don't know how other stats would be useful for me…I would definitely need mana and intelligent for my magic…)


(This is way harder than I thought to decide!)


(Wait, what would happened if I picked all 3?)

(I mean, wouldn't having many monsters on my side be a good idea?)

(Hm… That does sound good in theory… But the problem is the cost….)

(Right now, I have 15 class points….)

(Should I just screw it and learn all 3 anyway and see with one is most effective? Or maybe I should wait a bit and have players a look and then pick one?)


(Ah screw it!)

(I'm learning all 3!)

(I may waste my points, but I need to find out if any of them are good! I will use all of my points from get go and try to get as many skills as possible!)

[You have spent 15 class points.]

[You have acquired [Tamer] Level 3/25]

[You have acquired [Summoner] Level 2/25]

[You have acquired [Necromancer] Level 2/100]

"I maybe an idiot or not! But I need to find out what I can do!"

[Summon: Skeleton Servant]

[Summon a monster called "Skeleton Servant". A humanoid monster that will do anything you command.]

[The number of the skeleton servants you can control depends on the skill level.]

[Undead requires [Necromancy Mastery] to control. Stronger undeads require more points.]


[Tame a monster.]

[Uses [Taming Mastery] to control the monster. More monsters and stronger monsters you have, the higher the cost consume

[Summon: Soldier]

[Summon monster called "Summoned Soldier" that will follow your commands.]

[Soldier have time limit and if you don't cancel them after the time limit, they will start consuming your MP.]

[Taming Mastery]

[Extra stat used to control monsters that you have tamed.]

[The tamed mastery starts with 10 points and get 2 points per your character level.]

[Each point of the [Taming Mastery] provide a 5 points counter that is used for controlling the tamed monsters.]

[Necromancy Mastery]

[Extra stat used to control undead monsters you have created.]

[The necromancy mastery starts with 10 points and get 2 points per your character level.]

[Each point of the [Necromancy Mastery] provide a 5 points counter that is used for controlling the undead monsters.]

(Honestly, the reason why I learned them was because I didn't wanted to wait.)

(I mean, I literally have a nasty advantage against other players and I don't want to waste any moment of it while I can.)

(Well then, let's get going!)

To deal with my biggest problem, I decided to learn [Tamer], [Summoner] and [Necromancer] classes.

I put some points I had didn't used before into the [Taming Mastery] and [Necro Mastery]. It wasn't much, but it's better than nothing.

Anyway, I started off with necromancy.

At first, I thought I would get and skill that would make me use corpse to create zombie or skeletons, but nope?

Instead, I got a summoning skill?

I though there was no problem at all… But when I summoned the skeleton, I found out that these things are…. Weak like hell!

I wasn't… Expecting that?

I mean, I know that my [Necromancer] is still low level, but it got destroyed too easily!

I'm also still low level as well, so it shouldn't be that weak at least!

Fuck me… Are the low level [Necromancer] complete garbage by any chance?

Well… The next thing was the taming.

With the taming it kind of depends by the look of things.

Depending how you overpower the enemy or how much HP they have left, you can more easily tame monster.

And by the look of things, if I weaken the enemy with my poisons, it makes taming them bit easier? Huh. A nice surprise.

Anyway, I managed to tame one of those wolfs and it used every single points I had… The wolf I tamed was level 4.

It was…. Well, it was just a normal wolf.

Like it wasn't stronger or weaker, it was same like the other wolfs.

The summoner was next.

The summoned monster… It was a bit stronger than skeleton, but it has time limit.

I can keep the monster summoned for longer if I use my own mana and depending on the level of the skill, the number of the summoned soldiers I can have increase as well as their base time limit and their stats.

And that is that.

The necromancer… It sucks ass if I'm being honest right now… I don't know… Does it really need to level up a lot to make it useful? There is also the case with the [Necromancy Mastery] stat, so class points alone.

For now, I guess I will not focus on the necromancy, UNLESS I get a lot of stat points like from title or something.

The tamer isn't bad, but it needs also points, both class and stat points.

I also need to find a strong monster to tame and the tamed wolf took some of the EXP. The wolf does make the hunting bit easier, so splitting EXP wasn't that bad.

The summoner… Well, if I'm being honest, I think I'm the most satisfied with it.

Between all 3 classes, the summoner has the best performance… But its poetical? I don't know.

The tamer and the necromancer may have some more poetical… But I don't know.

Considering that the tamer has a low max level maybe mean that they have access to the different classes at max level.

I maybe fucked up?

Considering the results… I may have really fucked up and literally maybe I should have waited… I would probably discovered it if I waited a day or two…

Well, what done is done.

Honestly, the only things that interesting me are the tamer and the summoner. The necromancer… I need bit more info before deciding to level it up or not.

I need monsters for me to fight at the front lines while I use my crossbow and poison from the distance.

So, I don't think spending my class points on those classes were mistake?

If necessary, I won't mind putting my points into 5 different classes…. But it will definitely slow down the leveling up of my other classes…But still, I may need to do that if I want to have some body acting like my meat shield.

Anyway, the monsters under my command were weak, but they did gave me some time to attack like asshole without a care.

I was able to hunt more easily AND even leveled up few times.

Well, I did had to sometimes avoid some bigger groups of enemies, since I may not end up coming out.

But overall, after hunting a bit, I think it was good decision to spent those class points… Well, I don't know if those classes would work for me for the long run, but still, I managed to level up a lot AND I also managed to secure a lot of different stuff that I think I can use for alchemy?

Speaking of alchemy. I think its time for me to use it…. And I'm running out of all the MP, HP and SP… I'm straight up walking corpse right now…. Wait. I'm a corpse…. Em… You get the point.

Anyway, I managed to quickly get myself back to the city without any problems appearing on the way.

Honestly… I was expecting some trouble… But nothing?

Huh… I thought I would been in some trouble since I killed a player, but nothing?

Maybe they need to catch me red handed or I have to have a lot of [Notoriety]?

Either way, I think I was safe… For now.

(Anyway, I guess I should take a look around.)

(Oh right! Maybe that board I saw at the spawn have some quest or something!)

Phantasia began heading back to the spawn area.



(There is still a lot of players here?)

(No wait! They are logging in!)


(Wow… I saw a lot of players in the grass field killing monsters… And this is just one of the starting locations… Just how players are playing this game?!)


"Excuse. Coming through." – said Phantasia while trying to walk past the players.


(Okay… What do we have here...) – though Phantasia after finally getting back to the board.


[Gregory the coat maker wants some wild wolf pelts.]

(Oh! A quest regarding material gathering? And I have enough wolf pelts as well!)

After accepting the quest I managed to quickly located the shop that was issuing the quest.

Honestly, I completed the quest and managed to get some money AND I could sell the other wolf pelts I got and secure some more money.

(Huh…. Maybe I should buy new equipment? My beginner armor and weapon were bitten a lot by the wolfs… And I also need some more bolts for the crossbow.)

(But first some alchemy.)

"Excuse me."

"Hm? Yes?" – asked the clothes shop owner.

"I'm alchemist in training and I'm wondering something, where can I- "

"Public workshop."

"…Excuse me?"

"Public workshop."

"It's a place for new blacksmiths, alchemist and other guys that try to start learning production art."

"You have to pay for everything and you also need materials."

"If you go out and head right, you will see a building with a symbol of googles and hammer."


"Oh… Thanks?"

(Huh… I wasn't…. Expecting this?)


(Wait… It's kind of does make sense in the way?)

(I mean… You need tools and other stuff if you need to craft, right?)

(Huh… The developers were kind of though of putting something like that. I wasn't expecting them to do something like that?)

(Still, that NPC… I wasn't expecting him to figure out my motive?)

(I mean, I did talked with some A.I support when I was making my character, but this? I felt like I was talking with the real person just now…. Or are they real people in this "World"?)


(It said that the NPCs don't respawn after death….)

(So I wonder…)

(What would happened if I murder him and made people unable to complete their quest?)


(Its very tempting to murder him right now… But I doubt that I would go unscratched INSDE the city.)

(Not now.)

(But maybe in the future.)


(I wonder... What would happened to the people here if ALL the NPCs in this place died?!)


(Well, right now I'm just powerless nobody, so I doubt I will be able to anything right now.)

(But maybe in the future, I will bring a total chaos to this place.)