Chapter 42 – The next target.

Thanks to these players fighting my chimeras and thanks to the fact that they were pretty good allowed me to gather enough data for my chimera research.

However here comes the question.

[Can I destroy this place?]

The answer is 100% "No" for many good reasons.

One of the best reasons is because his place is too heavily defended.

I tried to take a look around, trying to find some weak spots, but instead I found that this place to have more defenses than I originally though.

Leveling up alone and getting corpse would not do.

I would need titles to do it.

I did got some titles, but they are not enough.

I need some more titles and I do know that doing something with specific value will give me title or two.

The best example of getting titles was when I went crazy on the starting location.

[At the public workshop.]

(Going on rampage is one thing, but this time I would need way better result in order to secure better titles.) – though Phantasia while making a crossbow bolt.

(Half ass destruction won't do.)

(I need a proper chaos and destruction.)

(I have leveled up a lot and even managed to secure good amount of corpse, but it's not enough!)

 (I need more stat points so I can control even more chimeras.)


(Should I target Min again as well as Wild? The starting locations?)



(The distance is too big.)

(I can store some chimeras in my skill, but there is a LIMIT.)

(The chimeras would have to travel on foot and they will be seen.) – though Phantasia while forging small blades.


(Hm…. Yea this blade size will do.) – though Phantasia while inspecting the blade he made.

(Anyway, the chimeras would get instantly spotted and I would get fucked.)

(As for the alchemy research?)

(Well, the skill did leveled up as well as the fact that I did managed to secure some good stuff, meaning I can create stronger plague, but it will be only able to hinder them.)

(The hinder and not kill is easily explanatory.)

(They have better potions and higher level healers, meaning that the plague won't be as problematic.)

(This part… I did not foresaw when I first came up with idea of creating plague.)


(But my stupid ass was too over confided.) – though Phantasia while putting some parts together, creating a small dagger.

(However, the plagues can be still used to annoy the enemies, so it's not like I "Can't" use them. They can still be used as weapons.)

Phantasia leaned back on the chair while holding the dagger he just made and observing it.

(So, what I should do?)

(What place I could possibly...Wait.)

Phantasia took out his map from his inventory and began looking at it.


(Huh…. Wow. I'm idiot.)

(Why should I attack things like cities or towns?)

(When I can just target some smaller settlements instead? LIKE VILLAGES?!)

(Yea. It will work!)

(I will cause a chain reaction where more chimeras would be born from the bodies of the victims!)

(And if something does goes wrong, I can just make some…. "Nasty" trap to deal with them while I escape.)

(If I do get enough titles from it as well as corpse, I can create a horde of chimeras.)

(If everything goes well, I will created a wave of chimeras.)


(The question is, will I really get the titles I seek?)

(A lot of time passed after I fought those players using my chimeras.)

(The new chimeras, the improved ones are way more deadly.)


Phantasia took out and ingot and headed towards the furnace and the anvil again before picking up the hammer.

(However, there are several problems that I just noticed.)

(For example: What if the villagers escape when I will start the massacre?)

(There is good chance that they will escape and spread news and I will be discovered too early.)

"Tch." – said Phantasia while hammering the steel.

(Working alone is more problematic than I though.)


(Should I infect the village first in order to weaken them?)


(No. They will leave the village in order to seek out help.)

(Brining chimeras from outside or infecting the village before head will just alarm them an make them run away too early and the entire plan would straight up crumple on the spot.) – though Phantasia while heating up the steel.

Phantasia looked at the heated up steel before putting it on anvil and then starting to hammer it again.


[Title: Tamer Fighter – Tier 2] – [D]

[+10 class points that can only be used for the tamer type classes.]

[+10 class points that can only be used for the tamer type classes.]

[Title: Necromancer Fighter – Tier 2] – [D]

[+10 class points that can only be used for the necromancer type classes.]

[+10 class points that can only be used for the necromancer type classes.]

[Title: Non Stop Fighter] – [D]

[+40 stat points.]

[Title: Researcher Of Potions – Tier 2 -> 8] – [E -> D]

[+2 class point to the alchemy type class] (New)

[+2 class point to the alchemy type class] (New)

[+2 class point to the alchemy type class] (New)

[+2 class point to the alchemy type class] (New)

[+2 class point to the alchemy type class] (New)

[+2 class point to the alchemy type class] (New)

[+2 class point to the alchemy type class] (New)

[Title: Blacksmith Production – Tier 4] – [E]

[+2 class point to the blacksmith type class]

[+2 class point to the blacksmith type class]

[+2 class point to the blacksmith type class]

[+2 class point to the blacksmith type class]

[Title: Hunter – Tier 1 -> 2] – [D]

[+50 stat points.]

[Title: Monster Maker – Tier 1 -> 2] [C]

[Rank: C (Grow)]

[+50 stat points.]

(I've got a bunch of new titles and I had allocated every single point I had into the [Taming Mastery] and the [Necromancy Mastery].)

(Right now I can control way more chimeras, HOWEVER! Stronger chimeras do cost more points.)

(I need chimeras that can trap the villages and make sure that they won't alert the others about me…...)

(So, should I give up on the quality and instead focus on the quantity? I will be able to bring more chimeras with me…...)

(…. Nah.)

(I need some quality just in case.)

(Then should I go 50/50 split?)

(…. But would that work?)


(The way to kill the villagers and make sure they don't escape…...)


(Or a way to hunt them down in case do try to run away…. Something fast moving….)

(Wait…. There is a way.)

(There are "Those" monsters.)

(I honestly didn't wanted to use them since their main strength lies in numbers…. BUT! They are fast.)

(So, they should work as my hunting dogs!)

(I didn't finished researching their chimeras variant, but I guess I can focus on it right now.)

(Let's get the preparation underway.)

I began hunting specific type of monster for some time, collecting its body parts and creating a chimera.

It took some time, but the necessary preparations were done.

The chimeras were created and the necessary body parts for later on had been secured.

Now, what location I should attack?

I had several locations in mind, but this village will be my target.

It's a village on south.

Why I'm choosing that place?

Well, three reasons.

First is that place is quiet far away from this place or any other city type settlements AND the second is because there are also other villages nearby.

There is also the third reason, but I won't reveal it just yet.

Anyway, after doing enough preparation, I just left.

Well, not on foot obviously.

It did took a lot of money, but I had saved up some so I used it to buy myself a horse.

It was a decent horse and all. I didn't rented it, I bought it, so yea…. A lot of money was used.

Well, I tamed him and named him…. Maria…. I honestly wondering about turning her into chimera…. Since horse and all… I was wondering about making something like centaur, but I need a non-chimera means of transport if I don't want to expose myself like idiot.

Anyway, I took my horse and the necessary supplies, I instantly left the city and hit the road.

The travel alone was…. Boring to say the least.

Honestly, I would like to get attacked by bandits, since I would be able to just take their corpse.

However, if I do came across anybody on the road and there is nobody in sight, I will have to kill them.

For example, the merchant that goes between the village to buy stuff and sell it at the city, he will be problematic if he comes to the village only to discover that it had been destroyed.

I want the information about me and the "Problems" being as much delayed as possible.

But I really didn't encounter anybody like that…. I wanted to ;(

So, yea…. At least I managed to get village safely.


"Em… Excuse me?" – said the old dark elf lady while approaching the Phantasia who just got off his horse.

"Yes?" – said Phantasia while turning around while wearing his "Doctor" outfit.

"Em…... You are not…. A merchant…. Right?" – asked the bit worried villager.

"Ah. No. I'm bounty hunter." – said Phantasia.


"Bounty hunter?" – asked the confused villager.


"I'm looking for a man about my height, but is an orc and has two large scars across both sides of his face, they are really standing out. Did you seen anything like that with this description or maybe an orc somewhat covering its face that wasn't a local?" – said Phantasia while showing the hand drawn bounty poster.

(This criminal is real. I took this wanted poster from the adventurer guild.)

(Its apparently some bandit who was originally a soldier but went rouge after killing some nobles for their riches.)

(Well, I don't care about him, but I will use him for my own advantage.)

"Em…... No…. I'm not sure." – said the worried villager while looking at the bounty.

"I see…. Well, do you perhaps know something like a villager chief or something? This criminal is really dangerous and may have went here and scouted the village beforehand."

"It's really important and there is a chance that he may be hiding nearby outside the village."

"Please. This is important."


"Hm... Okay." – said the nervous elderly lady.

"This is quite important to our village safety, so I will bring you to the village chief right now."

"Thank you." – said Phantasia before fallowing behind the elderly lady.

Phantasia fallowed the elderly lady through the village before then arriving at the old house.

The woman approached the door and knocked at it three times.

"I'm coming. I'm coming." – said the voice from inside the building.

Moments later, the door was opened at the adult male dark elf with a beer walked out.

"What is Maria?"

(Wait. Her name is Maria? Like my horse? Huh.) – though confused Phantasia.

"This man said that he is a bounty hunter and he said he needs to talk with you regarding some criminal that may have visited our village." – said the elderly lady while pointing at the Phantasia.

"Yes." – said Phantasia while handing the bounty to the villager chief.

"This criminal was seen heading towards the south and he may have come to this village by a chance and if he did, he may be targeting the village for his next attack."

"I will need you to cooperate with me in order to find out if the village is in danger or not."


The villager stared silently at the bounty and at the Phantasia before then grabbing his head, showing that he was visible worried.


"Okay." – said the villager chief.

"Please come in." – said the villager chief before entering back to his house.

"Thank you." – said Phantasia.

The two man entered the house while the elderly lady walked away.

After entering the house, Phantasia politely closed the door before walking behind the villager chief who was leading Phantasia towards the kitchen.

"So, can we- "

As the man was about to enter the kitchen, he turned around and as soon as he did, he got suddenly stabbed with Phantasia claws.

"?!" – the man stared confused and shocked, not knowing what the hell just happened while looking down at his chest that was just stabbed.

"Sorry, but I would like you out of the picture." – said Phantasia while lifting his second claw into the air.

The last thing the man saw was a claw coming directly at his face before then dropping dead on the floor.


"Now then…. I guess I can let lose now."