Chapter 66 – Unliving Heart – Stopped yet again :/

Using way more expensive materials for our test seemed to be best course of action.

It was bit pricy though and not only that, we were even forced to use much better quality monster materials than before. It did hurt me a bit since I won't be using those materials for myself or sell them for money, but oh well, I was getting these bastards teachings for free and they were quite helpful for my own research.

But anyway, the research regarding the "Unliving Heart" was going way better now. We were finally making some progress now.

However, it wasn't instance.

Creating an artificial heart isn't easy thing and not only that, but it need to serv multiple functions.

The unliving heart needs to be special if we want to give it an ability to grow alongside the user as well as handle the necrotic elemental mana.

And this is bit problematic.

Unlike the regular mana, the elemental mana possess special characteristics of its own.