Chapter 83 – Unliving Heart awakening.

After resting up a bit and checking out stuff online about the game, I logged back into the game and meet up with the dwarf in order to finally start working and training for the dwarf as an official apprentice.

The dwarf teaching were quite harsh and everything, but I just focused on learning.

For my plans, I need to learn as much as possible from the dwarf.

While I was learning from the dwarf, I had also focused on producing stuff as well as continue my own researches.

Honestly, I pretty much spend days either in the dwarf workshop or in my own house just crafting and researching.

I did went hunting few times, but not many times really.

I also spend a lot of time producing items that I would later on sell to the people for some cash.

Then I would go to the dwarf and work for him while also learning stuff from him, then I would go home and do my own research, then I go hunting, then I make and sell some times.

Again, and again.