Chapter 96 - Dawn city and Doctor rampage – part 10.

(That reckless tactic I used did it job.) – though Doctor.

(However, that plan resulted me taking some massive damage.)

(I can't fight reckless anymore, or I will die for real now.)

(I managed to deal with the hard hitting orc mercenary, but it did cost me to sustain some annoying wounds.)

(And there is also the fact that this guy is also strong.)

(He is quite fast and can also hit somewhat hard. He even managed to dig his blade into my metallic arm with that attack of his, even when I used defense skill.)

(Not only that, he recognizes the danger and knows when to back off in order not to get hit too badly.)

(I somewhat overheated the gatling guns just now with that non stop close range barrage of mine, so I can either shot a bit now, or let it rest so I can shoot bit more.)

(But there is also the problem with their durability.)