Chapter 128 – Doctor in the Berior kingdom – Part 2.

[Current location: First princes mansion.]

"All of the knights and soldiers send to the Orca city are gone?!" – asked confused and shocked princess Elizabeth Boran.

"Y-yes…. There were no traces of them what so ever…. We do know they were send there, but beside that there was nothing…. Something must have happened to them by the look of things… There is a chance that the Doctor or his monsters were still in the area and they may have…. Dealt with them." – said the worried knight.

"…. Fuck…." – said princess while holding her head.

(Did they got ambushed or something?) – though the princess.

(Not a single person we send had came back…. I can only assume that all of them were wiped out.)

(But can we be sure that it was a Doctor and his monsters that were in the area? What if it was somebody else working with him that was laying an ambush.)

"Shit. Send- "

"Princess." – said the knight, not letting the princess talk.