Chapter 170 - Labyrinth of frenzy – part 10.

"Tch. Fuking idiots." – said Phantasia after wiping out all the players that had tried to run away from him.

(But seriously now, what the hell was their problem?)

(Were these guys really Blue Diamonds? If so, why the hell they acted like some sort of thugs?) – though Phantasia as he began walking around the labyrinth once again.

(Did they got greedy or something? And-)

"…. Wait." – though Phantasia as he stopped in place.

(I wasn't tailed when I beat the first boss and I made sure of that, so how did those people got here so fast?)

(Even if they had an map, they would still have to fight a lot of monsters… Unless these guys were located nearby.)

(Did I got unlucky?)

(But then again…. He had these.) – though Phantasia as he held two different keys in his hand.

(One is duplicate of the key I just gotten while the other is from the boss room I haven't beaten yet.)