[Current location: Rose Tower – Back entrance.]
"…What the hell is going on?" – said the guard outside the tower.
"The alarm have been ringing for quiet sometime now…. Is something big going on?"
"HEY! YOU TWO! THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING HERE?!" – shouted the guard who ran towards the two of the guards near the entrance.
"Why the hell are you still here?! Move it!" – shouted the guard.
"What are you talking about? We are not- "
"THERE ARE FUKING MONSTERS AND SOME WEIRD SMOKE SPREADING THROUGH THE FUKING CITY!" - shouted the guard, cutting off the guard who tried to speak.
"The city is in the state of emergency and the mages and guards are getting deployed! So, move it!" – shouted the guard before running off.
"…" – the two guards stared at each other confused, not knowing what to do, before then decided to ran after the guard.