Sometime had passed by and Phantasia had left both the office of the Diamond as well as his guild base, in order to do some business regarding finding new house for himself.
"So, what do you think about it?" – asked Diamond where he, Barge and several high ranking members of the guild were holding an meeting in the Diamond office.
"Shit. What do I think about it? Shit just got way more confusing all of the sudden." – said Barge as she sat down on the couch while holding her head.
"Fuck me…. So you are fuking telling me, is that there is an good chance that the Rose Tower are preparing for the war and there is good chance they are also bad guys."
"And there is also that mothefuking Doctor who could be either be working for the Rose Tower or he is working against them."
"Can we trust this informations guild leader?" – asked the guild member in the white suit.