
Chapter 4: Thank You


"Thank you."

"You're welcome."

I saw my best friend, Olivia Utinsky, who received some blue paint from Stephen Mucci. How strange, the Stephen I know is always 'greedy' towards his materials especially if it's art materials.

"Jo! Are you not done yet?" said Sandra

"Nope but I'm almost done, I've just put some finishing touches."

I said while still looking at those two. Sandra seems to notice my gaze was elsewhere, curious to know, she followed the direction of my stare.

"Oh, if it isn't Olivia with wait- Stephen Mucci?! What's that man doing with our Olivia?" Sandra said with irritation written all over her face.

The Lavarites and Mucci have ties that I, myself, couldn't comprehend but one thing I know is Sandra does not like them.

"Relax, Stephen was just sharing his blue paint with Olivia since she's out of blue paint." I said with a sigh

"Stop saying his name in front of me." Sandra responded, pretty much annoyed at what’s going on at the moment.


Now that classes for mornings are over, I would like to enjoy my lunch here in the cafeteria except that...

"Oi Olivia! it's okay for me if you're gloomy but please don't be that silent." I said while Sandra nodded her head in agreement.

"What are you talking about? I'm always like this."

"No, you're not." Sandra and I said in unison.

"Sorry, someone just helped me and he seems familiar. I've been racking my head but in the end, my mind is hazy." Familiar? Wait, they're acquainted before?

As soft as the cotton

Fate of a red ribbon

A thread that can bind

I wish to rewind

"Familiar? Well of course he's familiar; he's the Stephen Mucci of the Fiore Academia. Everybody knows him." Surprisingly, Sandra told us like she's complimenting him.

"By the way, Lucas and his lackeys are not active, are they?" I said. Having said that, Olivia and Sandra both smiled from ear to ear. Well, it sure is strange that Lucas gave up on us or so I thought.

Right then it was so quick

Suddenly, Olivia got splashed by a sticky pudding, and guess who did it?

Lucas (Paniq)

"Oh sorry, Idiot. Didn't see you there." said the devil

Without realizing, I stood up and shouted "Didn't see her there?! You purposely splashed her and a sticky pudding at that!" Sandra is gripping my skirt and I think Olivia is about to burst into tears.

"I said I was sorry, didn't I? How deaf can you get? Idiot woman."

Now I'm mad, really mad. Just when I'm going to punch the bastard's face, someone beat me to it.

Lucas just got punched by Stephen Mucci.

"Oi, how manly of you trying to pick on girls." said Stephen

"Huh?! wanna go for it?" Lucas was about to land a punch but

"Go for what?" said Disciplinary Committee Leader, Eadlyn Harrison

"Tsk, I'll get you for this." then the devil walked away

I rushed to Olivia. "Are you alright?"

"Yeah, just sticky." and then she turned to Stephen and to Eadlyn and said her thanks

"I'll go get changed."

Dear Drip,

Something about Stephen is bothering me. More like, I'm itching of curiosity about him. Whatever.

'Drips and water had fallen'

Sincerely Yours,
