
Chapter 3: Blue Paint


"Okay, Class! draw your very own 'masterpiece'." The teacher said

"Look at what I draw!" the boy said who drew an adorable yellow bunny with its long fluffy ears forming a heart.

"Wow! Snuggle Bunny!" I said with a smile

*Kring! Kring! Kring!*

Snapped back to the reality

I heard the alarm clock ringing to my ears

"Seriously? Lee? If you are going to wake me up, try doing it properly, not sticking the alarm clock to my ears." I said starting out a bad morning

"Well, you forced me to, it's already 7 o' clock in the morning." My housemate retorted who is clearly not in a good mood today.


If it's already 7 am, it means that we are already late for school, which explains why he's having that scowl.

Lee Ford

My housemate, friend and guardian who is short-tempered, musically inclined with a heart of steel.

Honestly, he is like a brother to me. If someone is looking for a musician, Lee is the perfect guy for them.

I start to prepare myself and go to school.


"Bye Lee!" Lee ruffled my hair and off to our separate ways. Great… So much for preparing, I have to do my hair all over again.

It's bothering me, my dream felt so warm and real.

A ray of light, oh what a sight

Guiding me with all his might

A dream where happiness is found

While sadness is all around

"Hi Madame!" Sandra said waving at me

"Yo! What's with that gloomy aura of yours? C'mon, smile." Jo Ginger said

"How can I smile? First thing in the morning, grumpy Lee scolds me and keeps cursing because he's late for his morning practice."

"Okay, then let's go 'cause we're late for our Arts Class." Sandra remarked

Both of them grabbed my hand on each side and ran to the Arts Classroom.


"All right! I need all of you to paint your 'symbol' in life that explains entirely who you are right now." Our teacher said with an icy glare.

I stared at my canvas knowing what I'll draw, a shattered glass in the rain. A fitting symbol for my being.

Wait, I'm out of blue paint. I searched for my two friends but they need blue paint more than I do so I think it's useless to ask for extra blue paint from them.

"Here." I was shocked because of a raven haired boy who gave me a share of his blue paint.

"Aren't you going to use it, Mr---?"

"You think I'm going to give it to you while still using it? I see that you need help so I gladly give mine."

"Thank you." What's with the cold stare?

"You're welcome." he said as I continued painting.


Dear Drip,

Today, I met someone who seemed familiar. And I can't seem to remember but one thing I know is that his eyes are as cold as ice.

Sincerely Yours,
