- Then we will dominate the trade and products that can be transported outside the human dimension, thus avoiding deforestation on earth, increase of the ozone layer, zero pollution. – Kurama said. – The best thing about this is that we do not depend on deforested regions, our products are safe without pesticides. - He said.
- Yes, with one hundred percent magic. – A shareholder said.
- In addition to being addictive, they serve to lose weight, they can be used as a great substitute for any food for human consumption.
- Due to magic, those dimensions are self-sustaining, if taken away with responsibilities, they remain intact through magical replacement. - He said. – Allied to being owned by elves. - He said.
With negotiations on other plans with Earht patents, in addition to product exchange, free market, we will absorb other companies that reached bankruptcy. – An executive said.