They began to investigate his life, in the midst of going towards the courthouse, to speak with the judge of the court.

Yes, they got more than one warrant, they came back and went towards the residence, entering both the garage, the house, the garage and the workshop.

In the midst of expertise, they discovered evidence that the experts and police had collected, in which he had no alibis for the days of the crimes, he also refused to take the DNA test, they asked where he was.

Inspecting the place, they discovered gifts, souvenirs, they belonged to the women who died and many others who disappeared, the blouses, the emblems, the engravers.

An agenda of names, with data, RG, all documents of victims that were not found of the victims.

Victims from other states, who were prostitutes, who disappeared on the highways, were the path he took when he went to make deliveries, between traveling the roads, with the transport of trucks.