Chapter 19: I’ll Take You Home

What bothered her more was losing her virginity to a stranger. She had hoped to share that moment with someone she loved, but Stacey’s scheme led her astray. Her plan to expose Stacey at the engagement party failed, leaving her feeling useless.

The depression overwhelmed her, almost suffocating her.

Being with Dave was comforting, but she knew it wouldn’t last. They were just strangers to each other.

It was finally over between them.

Lost in a daze, Bianca gazed up at the dark sky, consumed by despair, sadness, and disappointment.

Without realizing it, she found herself drawn to a bar. Suddenly, she felt a strong urge to drink.

Inside, the music was loud, and bright lights dazzled her. People danced as if there were no tomorrow, creating a dreamlike scene.

Bianca sat at the bar and ordered a bottle of beer. She didn’t hesitate to pour herself a glass and quickly drank it down.

Truthfully, she didn’t handle alcohol well. After just one glass, she felt a bit dizzy. But she enjoyed the sensation and drank two more.

A group of men nearby started eyeing Bianca, making her uncomfortable.

A blonde man with earrings approached her and sat down. He stared at her with obvious lust and asked, “Hey, beautiful, are you waiting for someone?”

Bianca glanced at him but chose to ignore him.

“Let me get you a drink,” he insisted.

With a flirtatious grin, the blonde man boldly put his arm around Bianca, but she quickly pushed his hand away.

“Whoa! She’s got spirit. I like that,” the blonde man said, undeterred. He tried again, grabbing Bianca and getting too close. She wrinkled her nose at the strong smell of alcohol on his breath.

Bianca pushed him away in disgust. Maybe it was the alcohol, or maybe she just didn’t hold back, but the man was caught off guard and fell to the ground with a loud thud, whimpering in pain.

Seeing what happened, his friends rushed to help him up, then turned to scold Bianca.

“How dare you hit him!” they roared in unison.

“Apologize now, or else!”

“Don’t think we’ll go easy on you just because you’re a woman!”

Fights weren’t uncommon in bars, so no one stepped in to help. Instead, a crowd gathered to watch the drama unfold.

Bianca didn’t bother arguing with the blonde man and his friends. Instead, she grabbed a beer bottle from the counter and stood up unsteadily. The faces in the crowd blurred, and she started to see Haris, Stacey, and even her father’s face.

On the edge of her sanity, Bianca pointed the beer bottle at the men and yelled, “Come on, if you’re brave enough! I’m not scared of you!”

The men had only meant to scare her, but they hadn’t expected her to be so bold.

Now, they were unsure what to do. With so many people watching, they didn’t want to back down, so they chose violence. After all, she was just a woman. What could she do?

Without exchanging a word, they grabbed their beer bottles and charged at Bianca.

But before they could strike, a tall figure suddenly appeared, shielding Bianca from harm.

Dave grabbed the arm of the lead man, swiftly taking the beer bottle and twisting the man’s arm behind his back in one smooth move.

“Ow!” The man cried out in pain. If Dave had used any more force, the man’s shoulder might have popped out of its socket.

Dave locked eyes with the other men, who were poised to step forward with their beer bottles. A dangerous glint shone in his dark eyes. Bathed in the flickering lights of the bar, he looked like a predator ready to pounce in the darkness. The men closest to him couldn’t help but tremble with fear.

“Take one more step, and I’ll snap his arm,” he warned, his voice low and threatening.

“Who do you think you are? This ain’t your damn business!” the blonde man spat at Dave furiously, but he didn’t dare to move forward. He could only glare at Dave with as much fierceness as he could muster.

Dave smirked. “I’m her fiancé.”

The blonde man was taken aback. He had assumed the woman was alone, which was why he tried hitting on her in the first place.

But he hadn’t expected her fiancé to suddenly appear.

Realizing he was dealing with someone not to be messed with, the blonde man reluctantly backed down. “Let go of my friend, and we’ll let it go,” he grumbled through clenched teeth.

Dave released his hold on the man, pushing him back into the arms of his friends. The man staggered, groaning in pain.

“Now get the hell out of here!” Dave growled menacingly.

Terrified, the men hurriedly retreated like frightened mice.

Turning back, Dave assisted Bianca, who was still drunk, out of the bar.

Outside, the wind picked up, causing the leaves to dance and flutter. Bianca leaned against Dave for support, feeling the wind ruffle her hair. Her cheeks were flushed from the alcohol, giving her a somewhat charming appearance.

After a while, she began to realize something was off. She looked up, confused, and met Dave’s gaze.

“Mr. Evans?” Bianca asked, her vision blurry and mind foggy. “Am I dreaming?”

‘He had left, hadn’t he? So why was he here?’

There was a touch of softness in Dave’s usually cold eyes. Finally, he sighed and explained, “I was worried about you.”

Just then, Zane pulled up in his car. He was a bit surprised to see his boss holding a woman so gently. It was the first time he had seen him show such concern for someone.

“Is Miss Scott okay?” he asked, sounding concerned.

“She’s drunk,” Dave replied. He helped Bianca into the backseat of the car and then sat down next to her, closing the door behind them.

“Where to, boss?”

Dave reached out to support Bianca and asked her softly, “Where do you live? I’ll take you home.”

Bianca, feeling drunk and confused, mumbled, “Home? I don’t have one...”

Dave felt a pang of helplessness upon hearing this.

“Boss, um...” Zane looked at Dave through the rearview mirror, unsure of what to do next.

“Take us to my closest house,” Dave instructed.

The car started quickly. Bianca lay in Dave’s arms, her head naturally resting on his shoulder. She reached up to hug him, pressing her chest against his.

“Don’t move.”

Dave held her wrist gently to stop her. She was so close that he could feel her warmth and the heat of her breath on his skin.

Bianca ignored Dave’s warning. She wasn’t good at handling alcohol, and she tended to act recklessly when drunk. She found comfort in his scent and pushed him down onto the backseat of the car without realizing it.