- You must already know for several reasons. - Said Dark-Dragon.
- You found out. - Said Vandal Savage toward him and squeezing his cock behind his pants.
"Fine," Trigon said.
– We can say the name together. Morgana said.
- Right. - Said Circe.
- Well. - They looked and spoke in unison.
- Tsuki Miki Delphos. – They did.
- Then. – He was about to remove the armor.
When he was stopped by hands, he didn't understand and let go.
"No," Trigon said.
- No? – He repeated questioningly.
- We'll take all your clothes off. - Said Vandal. _
- I came first to congratulate the great knight of Kurayami for the feat of humiliating the great monsters and aberrations of the world. - Said Circe.
- I didn't humiliate any monster. - Said Tsuki Miki.
- Let me clarify better. – Said Trigon
- How about that. - He said. – We want you among us.
- Luthor. Trigon said.
- Poison ivy. - Continuing Morgana.