Again, he was lying on the bed spread out while they were abusing him, they all took turns, all of them, giving shallow thrusts that few could use him at that hour.
- And besides, you are of interest to us. - Vandal said.
- And above all you have great potential. - Said Circe.
- It would be a waste to let this chance pass. Morgana said.
- Leaving you loose with no one to use you. Trigon said.
- You will never forget this ménage. - Said Magic.
“Tough, willpower equal to many ancient heroes and the power of fear within everyone,” Trigon said.
– You can achieve many things. - Said Vandal. _
– We can form an alliance. - Said Circe licking her incredibly fleshy lips.
- You will be ours. Morgana said.
- Alliance? - Repeated the bat man.
- An alliance of interests. - Said Magic.
- Yes, if you let us take him and accompany him, I know that there are several ways to defeat a god. – Said Trigon.