- My God. William said.
- So he invested in you. - He said.
- Yes – Said Tsuki Miki.
“He was able to fight and bend me and control himself at some point. - He said.
- Because of me. - He said.
- What? - William repeated scared.
– How did it all go? – He wanted to know.
- There was a truce. - He said.
– When he practically ordered me to decide that I wanted to be with him. - He said.
- So how was it? - Wanted to know William.
- I said I'd accept it if he backed down. - He said. – And call a truce.
– Did they just fall for it? – he asked.
- Yes – I said.
- I have as you said. William said.
– Several situations and everything has to go wrong. William said.
- You didn't say that I need some time to relate to people, William. - He said.
- With normal people, sir. – William said.
- Many people. – William said. – Human. – The butler reiterated.
“Everyone I've ever met and seen has shown an interest in you. William said.
– Before? – He questioned.