- You know, William, that's why I do simulations. - Said Tsuki Miki.
- I was tested in an environment that you are not always able to control. William said.
- You know, when it's not in a place you chose. William said.
– There will be other solutions and other outcomes. William said.
- That's why, in practice and more interesting. - Said Tsuki Miki.
– When they will not follow the expected result you seek. William said.
- And nothing prevents me from testing and inducing them to a solution, to a result and to follow a path that I induce them to follow. - Said Tsuki Miki.
- Do you know what you're doing, sir? William asked.
- I know what I'm getting into, William. - Said Tsuki Miki.
“You know playing with human emotions is one thing. - Said the butler.
- But this is completely different. – The butler reiterated.
- The emotions of gods and demons and immortals, are things that few can do. William said.
– There may be consequences. - Said the butler.