The Briefcase

Night finally fell over the industrial sector, casting long shadows that deepened the gloom among the crumbling ruins. Daniel moved silently through the debris with calculated steps. The darkness was both concealing him from view but also hiding potential dangers.["User, the Forsaken are currently in another section of the complex, still searching for additional equipment. There is only one guard in this vicinity, stationed quite far from your target."]Daniel nodded, his senses heightened. He moved forward, his body blending with the shadows as he navigated the rubble-strewn terrain. The rusted machinery and derelict buildings loomed around him like silent sentinels.A few meters ahead, he spotted a briefcase. Its metallic surface catching the faint light filtering through the ruins. This was the equipment the Forsaken had found earlier and stored here for safekeeping. SELENE's confirmation echoed in his mind, reassuring him that the area was relatively secure.The briefcase is the item that he must find according to the mission paper in his pocket. Daniel thought that if he could at least get it and leave, maybe his mission could be completed.["Proceed with caution, User. The guard is approximately fifty meters to the northeast."]"Got it."Daniel continued his approach. The briefcase was within reach but he knew he can't just rush there. He paused, listening intently. The distant sound of the guard's footsteps was a faint, rhythmic beat in the stillness of the night.After he satisfied that he was undetected, Daniel crept closer to the briefcase. He examined his surroundings once more, ensuring that no other threats were nearby.Reaching the briefcase, he carefully lifted it, feeling its weight. It was heavier than he expected, indicating that it was not just data storage but also contained something more substantial. He quickly checked the locks and found them secure but not beyond his capability to open.["User, the guard's patrol pattern indicates he will not return to this area for aproximately another five minutes."] SELENE advised.Daniel worked swiftly, using a small tool to bypass the lock. The briefcase clicked open, revealing a collection of data drives, old schematics, and several metal vials.The vials were labeled with scientific codes that hinted at genetic research—likely the key to the Forsaken's hoped-for cure. The data drives contained vast amounts of information, potentially detailing the experiments that had led to their mutations."If I take these things, then maybe those people will lose their cure. But if I don't take it, my mission will fail."Daniel's mind was clouded with conflicting thoughts. He felt a pang of sympathy for the mutated men; they were just trying to find a cure for their affliction. Their desperation and hope were palpable and it tugged at something deep within him. Yet, he also needed the money that completing this mission would bring.Daniel sighed.His thoughts whirled, torn between his duty and the emerging empathy he felt for the Forsaken. The lives of the Forsaken, their struggles and hopes for salvation weighed heavily on his conscience.Yet, the reality of his own situation pressed down on him with equal force. He had his own survival to consider. The mission's success was crucial, not just for the payment but for his own reputation and future opportunities.Then, SELENE's voice resounded inside his head.["User, based on what is written on the paper, you only need to take the briefcase. Maybe you can empty the contents and bring the briefcase, then say you don't know anything about the lost contents inside."]Daniel paused, considering SELENE's suggestion. It was actually a clever solution. Despite SELENE being just a machine, her thought process often impressed him. Her ability to analyze situations and propose practical solutions felt almost human. He admired her logic and clarity, qualities that sometimes eluded him in moments of stress."Good thinking, SELENE."He approached the briefcase, his fingers deftly working to open it with SELENE's guidance. His focus narrowed, blocking out the surrounding darkness and the ever-present threat of discovery.Suddenly, a shout pierced the night."HEY! INTRUDER!" a Forsaken member yelled, his voice filled with alarm and anger."Oh, shit!"Daniel's heart skipped a beat. Panic surged through him as he realized he'd been caught.He cursed inwardly, knowing he had only moments to act. He abandonded any attempt to conceal his presence he grabbed the briefcase and bolted, adrenaline propelling him forward.The Forsaken's curses echoed behind him but Daniel didn't dare look back. His only thought was to escape, to get out of the industrial sector before the rest surrounding him.The heavy weight of the briefcase seemed to slow him down cause turns out its pretty haeavy, but he clung to it, knowing that its crucial to both his mission.SELENE's voice cut through his panic. ["User, take the next left. There's a narrow alley that should provide cover."]He followed her instructions without hesitation, his breath coming in ragged gasps as he ducked into the alley. The shouts of the Forsaken grew fainter but he knew they wouldn't give up easily.Daniel's heart pounding in his chest. The narrow passageway twisted and turned. He clutched the briefcase tightly.Suddenly, a massive shadow fall in front of him, blocking his path. Daniel skidded to a halt, his eyes widening in shock. He looked up, the dim light from a nearby flickering streetlamp casting a glow on the figure before him.The huge mutated man stood there. Muscles bulged grotesquely beneath his skin, and his face, now partially illuminated, was twisted in a furious scowl.Daniel's breath caught in his throat as he took in the sight. The mutated man looking at him with furious gaze, it look like a giant ready to swallow him."Mercenary," the man growled, his voice deep and filled with rage.The sound echoed through the alley, sending a chill down Daniel's spine.For a moment, Daniel was paralyzed by fear. He knew he had to act quickly, but the sheer size and ferocity of the man before him made escape seem almost impossible.Then, the man raised both of his huge arms.---