The Sharp Crack

The massive mutated man raised both his huge arms, ready to crush Daniel with a single blow. Daniel's instincts screamed at him to move but his body is paralyzed by fear.Thankfully, there is SELENE in his body now, thanks to SELENE's enhancements his senses were heightened to their peak.BOOM!He dodged at the last second, narrowly avoiding the powerful strike that left a deep crater in the ground where he had just stood.["User, we are surrounded from all sides. The chance of escape is low,"] SELENE's voice echoed in his mind. Daniel thought that it maybe just his imagination but it feels like there is also fear in SELENE's voice.Daniel's mind raced as he processed the dire situation. What he had thought would be an easy job had turned into a life-threatening ordeal. He felt a pang of sorrow and frustration, realizing just how much he had underestimated the danger."Wait!" Daniel shouted, his voice cutting through the tension. "We need to talk. We don't need to fight. If you force me to defend myself, I will kill a few of your friends here."The large man hesitated, his massive form looming over Daniel. The fury in his eyes was tempered by a flicker of doubt.Daniel could see the internal struggle playing out on the man's face. The prospect of losing more of their already dwindling numbers clearly gave him pause."Talk?" the man growled, his voice a deep rumble. "Why should we trust you, mercenary?"Daniel took a deep breath, steadying himself. "Because I'm not here to kill you. I only want the briefcase. Let me leave with it, you can take the content, and no one else has to get hurt."The mutated man's eyes narrowed, suspicion and rage warring within him. The tension in the air was palpable, the other Forsaken began to close in, their eyes glowing ominously in the dim light.SELENE's voice broke the silence, directing Daniel's next move.["User, maintain your position. Any sudden movements could provoke them."]"I'm not planning on moving anywhere right now, SELENE."Daniel held his ground, his gaze locked with the large man's. "You don't want more bloodshed. Neither do I. We can resolve this without further violence," Daniel said, pushing his chance more.The man's fists clenched and unclenched, the muscles in his arms rippling with barely restrained power.Ivan felt the weight of responsibility pressing down on his massive shoulders. His anger simmered beneath the surface but the sight of his fellow Forsaken who are suffering and desperate, softened his heart.He didn't want them to suffer any more than they already had. They had endured too much pain and loss, and the thought of losing more of his people filled him with dread.Finally, he let out a heavy sigh, lowering his arms slightly."Fine. Talk."Daniel felt like a beast's maw that almost closed on him had now shut again. He then let out a breath of relief."As I said before, I'm only here to take the briefcase." Daniel raised both his hands, the briefcase held in one of them.But then, a shout broke the fragile silence. "Don't trust him!" one of the Forsaken yelled, stepping forward with a snarl. "The mercenary will strike and hurt us the moment he sees a chance!"The warning seemed to ignite a spark of anger and fear among the other Forsaken. Murmurs of agreement and distrust spread through the group, their eyes narrowing as they focused on Daniel. The situation was deteriorating rapidly."God damnit!"Daniel's heart pounded as he assessed the escalating tension. He could see the hostility building in their expressions, their bodies tensing as if ready to pounce. The fragile hope for a peaceful resolution was slipping away.["User, the situation is becoming increasingly volatile,"] SELENE's voice warned in his mind."Yeah, thanks for pointing out!"Realizing the dire nature of his predicament, Daniel knew he had to think quickly."Do I really have to fight now?"["I will assess their position and give you the most suitable strategy to gain the most advantage, at least at our current assimilation."]"Alright. Do your best.""No, wait!" Ivan suddenly said. Raised a massive hand, signaling for his comrades to halt. The Forsaken obeyed, albeit reluctantly.Ivan stepped forward, his eyes locked onto Daniel. "Open the case and let out the contents."Daniel hesitated, eyeing the mutated man warily. "Promise me you and your friends won't attack while I open it."Ivan nodded, his expression firm. "I promise."The Forsaken who had shouted earlier scowled, his face contorted with fury. "You're making a mistake, Ivan. He'll betray us the first chance he gets."Ivan ignored the outburst, his focus remaining on Daniel. "Do it."With his heart pounding in his chest, Daniel knelt down and placed the briefcase on the ground. His fingers trembled slightly as he fumbled with the lock. He could feel the eyes of the Forsaken boring into him, their distrust palpable.["Stay calm, User. Focus on the task at hand,"] SELENE's voice advised, providing a small measure of reassurance. Which actually work to make Daniel ease a little bit.As the lock clicked open Daniel's anxiety grew. He slowly lifted the lid, revealing the contents inside. Data drives, old schematics, and several metal vials glinted under the dim light. He carefully began to lay them out on the ground.The Forsaken watched intently. Ivan remained silent with gaze fixed on Daniel.Daniel carefully placed the last item on the ground. He stood up slowly, and took a step back. He can feel the tension in the air, every Forsaken's gaze fixed on the contents of the briefcase.Ivan watched Daniel intently before finally speaking. "You can go. Take the briefcase with you."Daniel nodded, relief washing over him. He slowly bent down, picked up the now-empty briefcase, and began to back away. His step cautious, his eyes darting between the Forsaken to ensure none would break Ivan's promise.Just as he was about to turn and make his escape a sharp crack echoed through the night. The sudden shot startled everyone. Daniel felt a hot splash against his face, and he instinctively raised a hand to wipe it away. His fingers came away wet with blood.He turned his head slowly, his eyes widening. One of the Forsaken who had been standing closest to him staggered backward, a dark red stain spreading across his chest. The man's eyes were wide with shock as he collapsed to the ground.Chaos erupted. The Forsaken roared in anger and confusion, some drawing their weapons, while others rushed to their fallen comrade."YOU!" cried the Forsaken who cursed at him earlier.---