Meeting the God of Fate [2]

After hearing that Nill started to think.

Nill was not even slightly interested in becoming a powerhouse, God or divine being but rather he just want to be in peace .

What made Nill think about the God's offer was not former part but latter part .

A second life....

A chance..

To live his life freely and peacefully.

Make friends and be kind to everyone that was what Nill's parents tought him.

They also wanted Nill to move forward and accept their death .

However, the guilt of his parent's death made him hollow from inside.

He just wanted to make their wish true .

And also 'her'...

So he decided.

" I will take your offer and I will reincarnate in that world but I will not kill a single innocent soul and only kill someone when it is absolutely necessary."

Norn smiled .

"Boy, You are gonna eat your own words" he replied in a mischievous tone.

Nill didn't understand it and thought he is just bluffing .

Afterall , what worse could happen to make him to do things like this . He had seen his his fair share of schemes and struggles.

But at that time he didn't know that ignoring this words will become his biggest blunder.

While reading his thoughts Norn only smiled.

Something clicked Nill's mind between all this thoughts.

And he said in a serious tone :

"I literally just died and I am seeing a god in front of me who is saying stuff like fantasy, magic..etc and also want me to kill someone,

So why am I feeling this calm and thinking with a straight mind?!!"

Norn chuckled that he realised it now.

" Boy, you are in God realm it can see through your soul and make a energy that can Ease your mind. Although it's functions are more than this but you only have to know this for now . " Norn answered.

Nill was slightly shocked that such a thing could also exist .

He would be happy if he could take this thing with him.

" You cannot"

And this voice made his wish crumble .

'this, he can even read my thoughts?!!.

He is dengerous I have to get it over quickly '

Norn maintained a smile and said:

" Now let's dive into the main topic"

It instantly grabbed his attention.

" Let's start with the beginning. All the life forms in this whole universe are made of some special energy which you can call it as soul essence. This soul is the source of one's life and if it runs out , consumed or corrupted the said person will eventually die .It stored in their soul core . And regenerates itself untill it completely runs out.

The amount of soul essence in every being is determined by the ultimate God of the whole universe 'THE GOD OF CRATION' he is the one who created me , you and everyone. "

Listening to this Nill asked :

" Where is the God of creation and why did he differentiate the power of soul essence in every living being?"

" Even I don't know where he is but I can assure you he is always watching us . As for your second question listen carefully -

In early stages , all living beings were given same amount of soul essence , and there power level were also almost same . Whether it was your world or mine, it was the same thing the only difference was growth of the World and it was determined by the mana capacity, surroundings and potential of people living there. "

' oh , that means they had same amount of soul essence! Hmm so why did it change ?'

" I am coming to that " Norn chimed.

" Due to arise of conflict between the living beings whether it were animals , humans or any other races they started fighting among themselves and then they came to realise that one can consume another's soul essence by killing them and increasing soul essence means increasing their strength so they continued their war , fight or whatever."

Norn stopped for a second and waited for Nil to ask any question.

Nill followed it and asked :

"How did it end then ?

If one can consume another's soul essence then the war would never end"said after few seconds.

" Due to the imbalance between mana and soul essence; it means one can can only consume a particular amount of soul essence on his body which is already filled with a respective amount of mana and increasing mana in their body is very difficult , both mana and soul essence are respective to each other .Hence , when they came to realise it their hunger for power or strength gradually decreased .

In early time, all the races abhored each other cause they thought they were superior to others And this leads to conflict between them , soul essence just made it even worse.

Seeing a questioning gaze on Nill's face Norn again sighed and said:

"You will understand about mana when you will read it in books."

Nill was always nodding to his explanation but deep inside in his head he was feeling a weird type of instinct which was telling him to not trust this man fully.

But he kept it to himself and maintained his neutral expression.

" Mana and soul essence are respective to eachother therefore they should be maintained in order. But recently the mana had suddenly increased in this world causing the imbalance between them . If it continues to increase the world will go under horrifying changes and one of them is ancient warriors ressurection and about that umm .. you will know it later." Norn continued.

' ancient! Woh ... this is new ' Nill thought.

"Now as for you , you are here cause your soul essence amount is vast as ocean , it's amount is insane . " Norn said while something shown brightly in his eyes.

At this point Nill understood some things and after connecting a few dots he said:

"So I am here to balance that imbalance between mana and soul essence, right?"

Norn grinned.

"Yeah" he said .

There is something wrong.

But what?

Nill was not having good feeling about this .

However,he can't do anything about it for now so he let it aside .

Nill stared straight into Norn's eyes and said :

"What about the guy I am gonna kill ?"

Norn didn't expect it but he answered shortly after:

" You both are destined to fight and in that fight , one of you will die and I don't know who would be that person."

The words were heavy.

To have a life or death battle even before birth is ....Fucking scary!!

Nill controlled his emotions.

And asked:

" You are God of Fate , right?

Then tell me about my FATE."

Norn expression frozed on sudden question it was the first he was having difficulty about anything in this conversation.

Norn quickly maintained his stern expression and replied in heavier tone :

"Your fate is BLANK".