Meeting the God of Fate [3]


What did he mean by blank?!!!!

How should I respond to this?!!!

What should I do?!!


Nill's mind was running with several rain of thoughts he had not expected this type of answer.

He did think about several possibilities like losing someone, having hardship, living a as poor etc.....but_

This was totally unexpected.

In the midst of his thoughts Norn broke the silence grabbing Nill's attention -

"Boy , don't be afraid and listen to me ."

Nill got out of his thoughts and weakly nodded.

" A person's fate is determined by the world and I am only in the charge of its management. Since your soul originally doesn't belong to this world therefore your fate is BLANK or has zero activities to be done."

After finding out the reason of his blank fate Nill's expression seemed to at ease.



This feeling....

he was having.

An unsettling emotion was passing his mind continuously.

Nill thought of it as realm's doing and intended to ignore it.

" So how am I gonna find that evil person you were talking about" Nill asked changing the subject.

Earlier he wanted know some things about future events so he can prepare and would be ready to face it but after finding his fate it all seemed useless to him.

' I would have asked ; will I have a family in future or not?'

"You will understand when you will meet eachother and remember one thing don't even try to fight him before you are confident in your strength "

'hmmm so basically I have to avoid the fight with him untill I am strong enough '

Nill thought.

"His talent and potential is greater than anyone in this world even rivaling the gods " Norn spoke with serious expression and heavy tone .

It seemed he was very of him.

Realising the seriousness of his Nill nodded quickly.

" What about other reincarnators ?"

Nill's question was a good one since there are 3 more people who have reaincarnated already and there significance should not be neglected.

"They are also here for balancing the mana and soul essence, this is just a second life for them I didn't give them any quest or something so the can live there life freely."

'freely' this kept resonating in Nill's mind and he thought -

' what a shitty luck I should have been with them but here I am having quests to kill someone and on top of that he is more talented than me .'

Nill cursed at his luck and eventually sighed.


" What about my powers , how am I going to become strong? Wil you give me a system or something "Nill questioned while having some exciting thoughts.

In his previous he had read many novels and was addicted to it so he knew few things about reincarnation and fantasy settings.

" Boy !!! I am the God of Fate so I am here to explaine about your fate not give you powers." Norn annoyingly said.

As soon he heard this he felt sad.

'what a waste of opportunity!!!' he thought .

" But don't worry you wil gain your affinities and other strengths after reincarnating"

Immediately Nill's eye seemed to be lit up and he excitedly asked:

"What type of affinities"

" You will know it soon."Norn answered.

" Okok! now it's time for you to go ."

Norn said while waving his hind slightly.

"There you can see the red light after crossing it you will go under reincarnation so quickly move and go there ." Norn said pointing at Red light.

Nill was considerate enough to understand his urgency so Nill decided to do as told but he stopped in his track and turned around to glance at him with hesitant gaze.

" Can I ask you a favor" He asked in somber tone.

"Okay but get over quickly"

Norn was just thinking about his favour then_

"Can you remove my memories of my parents as well my friend." Nill requested with polite but in sorrowful voice .

Deep inside he was having many thoughts about wanting to forget them since his new life is beginning he wants to live this as his parent's wish.

So he had to forget them atleast for some time otherwise he would lost himself in future.

Norn didn't reply and stood there for a moment with his eyes closed.

After finding where he is coming from Norn opened his and replied:

" Okay, I will remove your memories of your parents and friends "

He also added:

" When your mental strength will reach a certain level then you will regain this lost memories.Now is that enough."

Basically, his particular part of memories will be blocked by Norn's power and when his mental surpass his limits then it will break that spell.

Nill once again remembered his loved ones , he felt a bit sad and guilty at the same time.

Nill nodded indicating that he is ready.

Norn extends his right palm in front of Nill's face manifesting a light blue light , it immediately went inside Nill's mind and disappeared in it.

He felt a Strange pain in his brain which eventually disappeared.

"When you will reincarnate, you will remember the memories of your past life with exception of what I have removed. You will also remember this conversation so that you won't have problems regarding this .

Nill smiled and nodded.

It was his genuine smile.

After that he turns back and proceeds with his step toward the Red light.

The closer he got the better he could see it ....

Red light particles were moving around in circular manner and there was a strange glow in its centre .

The particles started to disintegate shaping itself into a portal.

When Nill reached there he sees that the portal was at his body's shape.

He once again turned around to glance at Norn who nodded in reply and then he entered inside it.


The portal closed instantly and vanished.

Norn stood there witnessing all this .

" The fate will play its role"

He muttered and vanished.