Birth of an anomaly [1]

Many guards could be seen running here and there with weapons in their hand .

A guard approached his senior and asked in a low tone:

"Senior;what's happening here why is there such a commotion at this late night."

"You don't have to know just follow the instructions and keep your mouth shut."

His senior answered in a voice filled with anger.

Truthfully he also didn't know why they were summoned with such urgency.

But he can guess there is something happening in Royal palace.

They were all gathered in front of a gate which was surrounded by many artifacts and warriors.

The Gate was big enough to let enter 100 people at the same time.

Suddenly the gate opened and A person came out of it.

Clad in a white Armor from head toe which was shining with brightness, there were several patterns in the armor and 8 golden stars were placed on his shoulder befitting his position .

The person had a humongous built which was more than enough for a knight.

Draven L. Regner

One of the two strongest knight of this Royal army .

His presence alone could make their back shivered.

His attention was unwavering on his soldiers

making them feel the real fear.

'what did I do'

'we are doomed'

'he's so scary '

This were the thoughts of the knights present there .

The strongest unit of knights , Mages and warriors were all gathered there.

And some guards were also, who were just standing there with there head downwards.

"From our source we have Found that several group of assassins are targeting our Majesty's third child."

His rough voice resounded in the area.


That was all there.

"Today I am the only one present to protect His Majesty's child , all other pillors and His Majesty are not available due to circumstances."

The heaviness of his word's can be easily understand by some basic knowledge about the Royal Army's Heritage.

There are few important pillors in Royal Army.

Two Mage , Two knight and a warrior.

They were also the Five Dukes of this kingdom.Their strength are counted among the Most powerful people of Human kingdom.

Only one was present today.

Mostly three of them were always present for emergency situation but today was a unfortunate day or ....

_is it planned by enemy's?




"The assassins are mostly around 2 to 3 star master stages and 5 star master being the strongest."


All gulp at this.

Present people were mostly sage and expert only few of them were masters.

"Don't be demotivate, from sources we have found that there no. is around 5."

A sigh of relief escaped their mouth.

The available masters were more than assassins and they also had a Sovient 'Draven '__

So all they have to do was immediately inform master and Draven when they encounter any assasin through the help of artifacts.

A master is capable enough to destroy several group of sages in normal situation.

So negetive thoughts were obvious for knights in expert stages.

"All we have to do is protect the Royal palace. So let's hurry!"

At his final words all units and groups of guards began moving .

Royal palace was surrounded by strong High walls that seem to be unbreakable.

Several types of artifacts were used on them making them highly durable.


Gate opened , unit of strongest Knight, Mage , warriors were the first one to enter and then several units also followed them . However, More than half were protecting outer region of the palace.

They quickly opened a artifact and began scanning area around them.


Around that time in a dimly lit room.

Cries of two babies were the sound that could be heard.

The room was very Luxurious and Spacious filled with beautiful designed things .A king size bed was positioned at its center and beautiful curtains were hanging around it.There were magnificent paintings in the wall which increases room's attractiveness even more. Overall, it was befitting to its Royal stature.

Inside the curtains, a woman was lying on the bed with a tired and feeble body , her expression was full of fatigue due to giving birth.Two women were standing beside bed holding the twins. From their appearance they seemed to be priestesses.

Both priestesses placed the twins beside woman lying on the bed and started channeling their mana .

"Light manipulation ~{Healing lights}"One of the two priestess muttered under her breath and instantly all the fatigue and tiredness vanished from the woman.

Her eyes flickered and opened slowly . She weakly moved her body up.

The woman was stunningly beautiful with bright blue hair and ocean blue eyes complimenting each other . Her hair was smooth and silky long enough to reach her back.White skin and fair face with undeniable charm adorning her facial features.

She was the sole Queen of human kingdom , Kathrine M. Ellington.

She gazed at her children with a smile filled with warm , her eyes moistered with happiness then she pick them up holding on her hands with same warm gaze .

In the midst of it, she realised her condition and wondered that how could she a sage would feel this much fatigue after giving just a birth , there should be something else behind it.It was her second time giving birth so she knew that this was not a normal thing.

But she ignored it and thought she will about it later.

"My lady , your highnesses are healthy and there isn't any problem wih their body we have already checked it."One of the priest said with a smile .

Blue-haired woman nodded while holding her twins.

Atmosphere was lovely.

Queen had tint of sadness on her face because her husband wasn't present with her due to his circumstances.


Suddenly a thunderous sound echoed in the room startling them.

Many other sounds followed afterwards.

Causing them to raise their guards.

Two priest formed a barrier around them sensing a ominous presence.

'where are the members of the Royal Army and how this person was able to enter this place,'

Wondered both priestess.

They were on high alerts.

Tension in the room began to rise converting it into a chilling atmosphere.


_sound of his slow and steady walk resounded in the room.

Suddenly it stopped -

And then_



__door of the room opened revealing a figure cloaked in pure darkness.