An extra in a Novel [1]

'I knew it...I knew it...I fucking knew it....'

Louis was cursing himself after realising something too late.

After seeing the face of one single person everything started to make sense for him.

This world, Louis was reincarnated into perfectly resembled the world of the novel he used to read very long time ago.


In his previous life , from early age Nill(Louis) took an interest on reading books and it increased upto that extent in which it wouldn't be any understatement to call it an obsession.

He gradually lost interest in real life and subtly became a complete bookworm.

His most loved genre was space and it increased upto that degree in which he could read books about that genre for hours.

The growing detachment of Louis from outside world made his mother worry.

But she couldn't force a child to do something so she didn't say anything .

With time his social skills were also worsening that's why he became an introverted person.

All day he would just play games , read novels and then sometimes study.

It was his daily routine for most of his days and it continued upto his middle school.

He didn't make a single friend in his elementary as well as middle school due to his bad social skills.

Due to which his mother's concerns grew even more, then finally his mother decided to confront him and put some sense into his bookish mind.

Nill understood her concerns and decided to change himself.

.....though,only a little.

Since no one would completely change their habits just after a talk .

So he thought ;he could atleast try.

He began to interact with multiple children around same age and came to realise some new things.

His obsession of books still remained.

So he shared his hobby or more exactly 'obsession' with his friends in Middle school and turned some of them like him.

But to his surprise few of them were already otaku therefore the bond he formed with them was quite strong.

During an interaction between one of the friend , he found out about a new genre.

Fantasy genre.

It appeared to be interesting to him, so he to give it a try.

Then he borrowed a fantasy novel from one of his friend which was named as 'Path to become strongest '. Which was pretty dull according to him but concluded to not judge it with only name.

There's a saying 'don't judge a book by it's cover'....he applied it on name instead.

[Name = Path to become strongest]

[Genre= Fantasy]



Prologue --- This is story of a boy born in the world filled where magic exist.

He would face every difficultly in his path and climb the absolute peak of strength becoming the strongest of that world....see the end.

The novel piqued his interest with just it's prologue and world building , which was quite unexpected for him .

He knew one or two things about magic but they were only basic.

Once upon a time he wanted to read ' Harry potar' but then dropped the idea due to lack of interest in it.

(A/N:I changed the novel name _ and also My fav is Hermione)

And now he regrets it.

He should have atleast gave it a try!

Who knows he would have come to like it.

Anyways now moving to this novel 'Path to become strongest ' it was a new experience for him.

Something he hadn't felt before.

Whenever he would have free time it was his

best option.

The novel was not that good at start but it got better with time .

The main story of that novel followed a boy nemed Eon.

Yes !! He was the main protagonist.

The world in which Eon born was full of many incredible things and unbelievable aspects.

Almost every single thing in that world was same as earth like the technology, the architecture, the language etc ....the only difference was the use of hierarchy system from mediaeval times which was pretty absurd considering their advanced knowledge.

But what can you even do about it ?!! ,

It was a fantasy novel afterall.

In this type novels author could do everything.

They aren't bounded by the physical law of this world, they could break the laws however they want.

Because physical laws doesn't apply on human mind.

So they could think whatever they want.

And then using that power they made imaginary energy called mana .

We don't know who started it first but it was used in almost every fantasy novel.

Mana was the reason which made the main difference between earth and any fantasy World.

And in that world called Alvora ;mana was everywhere and anyone with the capability to control it would be able to utilise it's power in different ways.

Mana was for everyone.

There was no discrimination about it .

Any person who who had the ability to feel mana could also condense in certain through which he would be able to form a mana core inside his body.

Mana core was one of the main reasons for the difference in power between people and it also it described the mana stats of an individual.

Eon's mana was special , different than normal humans.

That's why he got stronger abnormally.

On top that he got a system on his awakening ceremony.

It was a god's gift.

Or most probably author's plot armor.


Not that it matters.

In the end , this story tells about the journey of Eon in which he would become the strongest individual in the Alvora.

The novel named 'Path to become strongest' was filled with many fascinating things that transcends the human capabilities.

That's why Nill liked that story.

In his normal daily life, whenever he got time he would always read that novel.

Ultimately he became obsessed with it and devoured more than 700 chapters in a single month.

During that time his life was livlier than usual.

He would often read novels but he also kept his responsibilities in check.

His social skills were also improving.

It almost looked like everything was perfect.

Completely perfect.....

Untill that day arrived.

His world shattered entirely in a single.

It was the worst day of his life.

His parents died that day ....and he couldn't move on after that.

Initially his friend tried to help him but they didn't succeed.

He totally changed himself and looked like a new person .

He abondoned every single thing that made him happy.

He stopped reading novels..

He broke all the contacts with his friends.

He began to isolate himself from everyone wanting to be alone.

Ultimately he succeeded on it.

But it also caused him to fall into depression.

In his mind only his mother's words remained.

How she wanted him to move on and live a happier life.

About that , he always made excuses to himself saying that others are not accepting him.

Like people are refusing to understand him so he should not be with them .

It was their fault that he was all alone not his.

So he didn't break his mother's promise, right?!!!


But deep down he knew it was all lie.

He did all by himself.

He made himself isolated because he couldn't face the guilt of his parent's death.

His life became worse after that , it was devoid af any happiness and other's company which continued untill she arrived.