An extra in a Novel [2]

... Louis!... Louis!.....wake! ...up!.



While Flora was shaking Louis's shoulder with her hands , he abruptly opened his eyes with a sound escaping his mouth.

His face was drenched in sweat and his eyes were little red .

Several drops of sweat was tickling down from his face.

He looked like he had seen some type of nightmare....a very bad one.

A nightmare filled with memories which he wouldn't want to remember.

It was first time after reincarnating in this world that something like this happened to him.

Composing himself he took a long breath then let out a handkerchief from his pocket and cleaned his face with it.

He rubbed his eyes with the handkerchief then put it back in it's place.

Turning his head he looked at Flora who was looking at him with eyes which were filled with concern.

"Are you fine now?!"

She said in soft voice sounding concerned.

Louis looked at her face and then smiled a little.

"I am fine , don't worry"

"Thank god!!"

Hearing his words flora felt relieved which was visible on her face.

Louis said nothing more after that.

His head was still feeling little headache due to an unknown reason.

He felt confused about all this.

Just a few minutes ago he was completely fine laughing and making jokes with Flora then what could suddenly trigger something like that.

Contemplating on it he tried to recall everything that happened few minutes ago.

Then it clicked his mind why he had a panic attack.

Raising his head he swept his gaze forward landing on a certain individual.

When he first laid his eyes on Eon he immediately figured out that why this world was familiar to him.

Because it was based on the novel he used to read.

Then he remembered some memories of his previous life in which that novel was mentioned.

Along with it few blurry images of his family passed his mind , he tried to grasp it but he failed in his attempts.

The reason was not that hard to get since it was pretty obvious.

So it all made sense upto certain degree.

Main character.




A certain someone.

It was all connected in a thread connecting eachother through different incidents.

Everything in that thread would affect eachother in direct or indirect way.

So he must be careful about it.

In the midst of all this he forget the most important thing.

He was reincarnated in a fantasy novel.

It was pretty absurd since the God of Fate didn't mention about it when he was with him in that realm or something.

If he knew that previously than he would have taken advantage of this fact from the very beginning.

He regretted a bit .

'I should quickly think about what I have to do from now on' He thought to himself.

He didn't forget that he had a quest or mission which he needed to complete.

But it's time has yet to arrive so he didn't pondered much about it.

Then he cleared his mind and thought.

' I am inside a novel, huh!!'

Initially he had a hunch that this world could be related to that fantasy novel but he let that thought aside thinking that it would be some kind of coincidence but now he had to believe it since more than enough facts were present in front of him.

'Wait a second!!! I don't know anything about this character named Louis. Did he even exist in that novel or maybe he had been some kind of extra who didn't get any screen time.'He pondered.

'So I am an Extra now and on top that I don't have a mona core'


'My luck , did it get negetive?! '

He wondered.

'No, it's not time for this silly thaughts.

I have to focus on my future course of action so that I could face any problem which are going to block my path .'

Although he forgot most of the plot happened in that novel but he did remember the main cast and main story line.

He could slightly recall the major events of the novel which were important for the main plot.

And there were several treasures as well which are unknown to everyone.

He would take advantage of those informations and would make himself strong enough to survive in this world.

First step for this will be making a mana core or find any alternative for it.

And the solution to this question was seated at some distance from him.


Suddenly a surge of pain passed through this mind.

It seems like his headache was still there.

The pain wasn't that much but still it hurts.

Abruptly he came to his senses and realised that he was staring quite intently at the main protagonist of this world.

All this time he was thinking with his eyes opened and was looking straight into that certain person.

He thought it was rude to stare this intently at someone.

Just he was about to turn hi head to look at Floro.

He saw something strange about Eon's behavior and narrowed his eyes at this.

It appeared to him that Eon was struggling with something, his expression were horrible like he had seen an unknown ghost.

His body was trembling with fear and sweat was tickling from his forehead.

But it looked weird to him because every person present at that Auditorium didn't appear to sense his odd behaviour.

Which was quite strange considering that one of them was literally a sage .

And that sage was his father, so he certainly should be able to sense any unusual behaviour or action about his son.

But he also appeared normal.

Louis turned to his right and gazed at Flora who was looking at stage with neutral expression.

After that he pursed his lips .

" Flora, do feel anything weird here?"

He said in low tone so that it could only reach her.

Flora looked at him and without saying anything then she moved her hand toward him and placed it on his forehead.

Her eyes were filled with concern and then she parted her lips.

"Hmmm...your body temperature seemed to be normal so it shouldn't be fever"

She removed her hand and continued:

" Louis, do you feel pain anywhere?! Should we go back and meet the doctor ?"

Louis shook his head and said :

"No, I am fine Flora . COMPLETELY fineeeee."

He said in slightly higher tone trying to convince her and before she could say anything he continued.

"The problem is not with me but him."

He moved his pupils in Eon's direction indicating that he was talking about him.

Flora understood his action and gazed at leon to see anything strange and just expected she didn't find anything.

"He seems to be normal I think."

She voiced her opinion.

"Do you see sweat on his face "?!

Louis inquired.


She answered.

"Do you think he is trembling with fear ?"

Louis asked another time.


Her answer remained same

"Okay, I get it now"

Louis said under his breath almost inaudible.

Sensing his weird behaviour , Flora asked :

"Louis, is there anything wrong with him?!"

"No , he is fine."Louis answered.

"Then why are you asking me these questions?"

She again questioned him.

" Oh... nothing special, just random observation."

Louis gave a lame excuse trying to dodge the question.

After that Flora didn't say anything and just focused on stage.

Louis returned his gaze on Eon and muttered to himself.

"What is happening to him?!!"