chapter 1


The faint strains of wedding music floated through the air as I made my way down the aisle, my heart heavy with dread on what was supposed to be a joyous occasion. Today was meant to be a celebration, every girl's dream of a special day, but mine was marred by coercion and fear.

Taking my place at the altar, a veil shrouding my face, I felt a sense of isolation, as if I were a mere pawn in a game I never consented to play. "It's time," the Moon Goddess intoned, her voice carrying a weight of solemnity.

"Let's get the wedding over with," my groom's voice cut through the air like a knife, sending a shiver down my spine. His tone was as cold and authoritative as I had anticipated.

"Do you accept Amanda Williams as your wife?" the Moon Goddess posed the question, and without hesitation, he replied, "I do."

Then came my turn. "Do you accept Damian Collins as your husband?" the Moon Goddess addressed me, and for a moment, I was frozen in disbelief. I was being addressed as someone else, a cruel reminder of my intrusion into this twisted ceremony. I glanced at my mother, whose eyes silently pleaded with me to comply, to avoid causing any further trouble.

But as I opened my mouth to respond, a sudden darkness enveloped the hall, plunging everything into shadow. It was as if the universe itself was protesting against the injustice unfolding before it, a stark reminder of the events that transpired just one night ago.

The sky above churned with clouds as dark as the promise of a looming storm, each one laced with the potential for a lightning strike to pierce the heavens. The air crackled with electricity, and I couldn't shake the feeling of impending doom creeping up my spine, sending shivers coursing through my body.

As I gazed upwards, the brilliance of a lightning bolt split the sky, its radiance searing into my eyes. The heavens opened up, releasing torrents of rain that cascaded down like a deluge, soaking everything in its path. Despite the chaos unfolding around me, there was something oddly comforting about the smell of rain, a familiar scent that whispered of renewal and cleansing.

Lost in the mesmerizing dance of nature's fury, I was startled back to reality as my door was flung open with a forceful gust of wind. The tempest invaded my sanctuary, tousling my hair and sending papers fluttering through the air like confetti. Shielding my eyes from the onslaught, I strained to make out the figure standing in the doorway.

"Isabella," the voice called out urgently, a note of desperation laced with fear. With a sense of foreboding settling over me, I lowered my hands to behold the visage of my mother, her features etched with worry and anxiety. Without a word, I beckoned her into my room, guiding her through the tempest as she shuffled hesitantly forward, her apprehension palpable in the air around us.

As my mother's voice pierced the chaos of the storm, I watched with stunned eyes as she teetered on the brink of collapse, her resolve the only thing keeping her upright. Urgently, I guided her to the edge of my bed, her trembling form a stark contrast to the usual strength she exuded.

"Mother, what's the matter?" I implored, my throat constricting with the effort to contain the rising tide of panic threatening to overwhelm me. The sight of her distress tore at my heartstrings, wrenching my emotions into a tumultuous whirlwind of fear and uncertainty.

With a sudden outburst, my mother's anguish spilled forth, her words a torrent of despair crashing against the walls of my composure. "We are ruined, Isabella," she cried, her voice echoing with a sense of dire foreboding that sent shivers down my spine. Panic seized me as I grappled with the unknown, desperate for answers to quell the rising tide of dread threatening to consume us both.

Fearing the worst, I pressed her for clarity, my own anxiety mounting with each passing moment of silence. "Mother, please, tell me what's wrong," I pleaded, my voice tinged with a raw edge of desperation. The weight of the unknown bore down upon us, suffocating in its oppressive silence.

In the midst of our shared turmoil, my mother's gaze softened, her eyes brimming with unspoken emotion as she reached out to touch my face with trembling fingers. A lone tear escaped her grasp, tracing a path down her cheek as she spoke, her words laced with a tenderness that melted the icy grip of fear clutching at my heart.

"My daughter," she whispered, her voice a fragile melody in the tempest of our emotions. I clung to her words like a lifeline, yearning for the reassurance they promised amidst the chaos threatening to consume us both.

"Mother, please," I pleaded once more, my hand

seeking hers in a gesture of solace and solidarity.

"You know I love you so much" My heart swelled with affection as my mother's words wrapped around me like a warm blanket on a chilly night. Her declaration of love resonated deeply within me, knowing she'd go to any lengths for my well-being. Despite not being her biological daughter, she showered me with boundless affection, never allowing me to feel like an outsider in our family dynamic, treating both me and my sister with equal love and care.

I furrowed my brow, puzzled by the sudden intensity of her words. "Yes, mother, I understand your love, but what's troubling you?" I inquired, a twinge of fear creeping into my voice.

My mother rose from the edge of my bed, her posture tense as she turned away from me. "You must marry Alpha Damian," she uttered, her words landing like heavy stones upon my fragile heart. It felt as though the ground beneath me was crumbling, the weight of her statement pressing down upon me like a crushing weight. Outside, the sky seemed to mirror my turmoil, as if even the heavens themselves were protesting against this decree.

Could she truly be referring to Alpha Damian, the most feared leader in our entire pack? The very mention of his name sent shivers down my spine, his reputation as a ruthless alpha preceding him wherever he went. Was this the same alpha who was betrothed to my sister, the one whose name alone struck fear into the hearts of those around him?

Confusion clouded my mind as I struggled to articulate my thoughts. "Um... mother... what do you mean?" I stammered, my voice betraying my inner turmoil, hoarse and breathless. It felt like I was grasping at straws, desperately hoping that my mother's words were merely a miscommunication or a jest gone awry.

Turning to me, my mother took hold of my trembling hand, her touch grounding me momentarily. "Listen, Isabella," she implored, her tone urgent. "We're running out of time. The White Lotus pack is in grave danger, and you're the only one who can save us." Her words hit me like a tidal wave, each syllable crashing against me with overwhelming force.

Before I could even gather my thoughts, my mother bombarded me with a barrage of questions, leaving me no room to process the gravity of the situation. I attempted to interject, but she pressed on relentlessly, her sense of urgency palpable.

"Isabella, you must marry Alpha Damian, no matter the cost," my mother insisted desperately, her touch now frantic against my cheek. It was a stark departure from her usual composed demeanor, and the sight of her unraveling sent a chill down my spine.

"But... I can't..." I protested weakly, my mind racing to remember my sister, Amanda, who was supposed to be the one destined for Alpha Damian.

My mother's outburst rattled me to the core, her words echoing in my mind like a relentless drumbeat. "But… I can't… Amanda is the one who is supposed to get married," I reiterated, desperately clinging to the remnants of normalcy amidst the chaos unfolding around me.

"Enough, Isabella!" My mother's voice thundered, her tone laced with a primal intensity that sent shivers down my spine. Her eyes, once warm and nurturing, now blazed with an otherworldly hue of deep yellow, a stark contrast to the gentle brown I had grown accustomed to. It was as if a stranger stood before me, wearing my mother's skin like a mask.

"I raised you from the moment you were but a child, and now you dare to defy me?" she growled, her words carrying a weight of centuries-old authority. I stood rooted to the spot, paralyzed by a mixture of confusion and fear, unable to comprehend the sudden transformation before me.

"You will marry Alpha Damian, and that is final," my mother declared, her voice laced with a steely resolve that brooked no argument. With that, she turned on her heel and strode out of the room, leaving me standing there, trembling and alone.

Before disappearing from view, she paused at the threshold, her back rigid with tension. "I trust you will comply by tomorrow," she stated, her words a chilling reminder of the consequences of disobedience. "Or prepare to bury me with your own hands."

My mother's words left a sharp sting in my heart as she exited, leaving no room for me to even protest.

I have never seen my mother behave in such a manner before; her eyes were filled with something I couldn't even imagine -hate "What just happened?" I asked myself, looking outside the window to see the raindrops. There was indeed a heavy storm on its way.

"Amanda!" My mother's voice pierced through the haze, yanking me back from the depths of my thoughts. The altar fell into an eerie silence, the weight of the moment pressing down on me like a leaden blanket.

"Are you alright?" Damian's voice broke through the stillness, laced with genuine concern. It struck me then, how different things might be if he were to discover the truth, if he were to realize that I wasn't the one intended for him.

"I…" I began, my words faltering as uncertainty gripped me. But before I could utter another syllable, my body seemed to act of its own accord. With a surge of adrenaline, I rose from the altar, my legs propelling me forward in a frantic escape. Leaving everyone behind in a stunned silence, I dashed out of the hall.