chapter 2





As I dashed down the corridor, weaving between people who

obstructed my path, I felt a sense of urgency propelling me forward. Each

person I passed seemed to slow my progress, causing me to momentarily pause in

my sprint. "Excuse me," I uttered softly, my voice barely audible amidst the

hustle and bustle of the crowded hallway. With each step, I clung tightly to

the edges of my veil, a delicate barrier between me and the chaos unfolding

around me.


The sheer number of individuals filling the corridor gave me

pause, prompting a fleeting thought that perhaps the entire wolf pack had

congregated to witness this wedding. The air buzzed with anticipation, and the

scent of excitement mingled with the distinct aroma of the wolves.


As I continued onward, leaving behind the scene of the

impending union, guilt gnawed at my insides. I had abandoned Alpha Damian at

the altar, a decision fueled by a mixture of fear and uncertainty. Images of

his expected fury flickered in my mind, a constant reminder of the consequences

of my actions.


Turning away from the direction of the ceremony, my gaze

fell upon a bold sign announcing the union of Alpha Damian and Beta Amanda. The

mention of my sister's name stirred a pang of curiosity within me, prompting

questions about her whereabouts amidst the chaotic celebration.


Finally reaching the solace of my room, I leaned against the

door, chest heaving with exertion. The adrenaline-fueled rush began to subside,

replaced by a sense of unease and apprehension. It was then that two women

passed by, their voices carrying snippets of conversation that caught my



Intrigued, I inched closer, careful to remain unnoticed as I

strained to eavesdrop on their discussion.


"Will Mrs. Williams allow her daughter, Amanda, to marry

Alpha Damian, knowing his condition?" one of the women whispered, igniting my

curiosity. What condition could Alpha Damian possibly have?


"I'm not sure, but calling off the wedding could spell

disaster for the Lotus Pack," the other woman responded cryptically, leaving me

even more bewildered about the unfolding drama within the kingdom.


As the two women departed, my mother stormed into view, her

eyes ablaze with anger. "What was that all about, Isabella?" she demanded, her

tone sharp with frustration. Despite her evident displeasure, my focus remained

fixed on unraveling the mystery behind Alpha Damian's supposed condition.


Ignoring my mother's tirade about the trouble I had caused

by abandoning the altar, I pressed on with my inquiry. "Mother, where is

Amanda?" I questioned, hoping for answers amidst the mounting confusion. My

mother's reaction was immediate, her demeanor shifting from anger to

nervousness as she scanned the room, avoiding my gaze.


"What?" she stammered, her voice betraying her apprehension.

It was clear that something important was being hidden from me leaving me in

the dark.


"We don't have time for this, we need to get you married ,

come with me" My mother grasped my hand firmly, her urgency palpable as she

attempted to drag me back towards the wedding venue. However, I recoiled,

wrenching my hand free from her grasp, much to her astonishment.


"Really, mother?" I scoffed, my disbelief evident as I

locked eyes with her. "Today is supposed to be a special day for my sister, and

you expect me to simply take her place without question? I'm sorry, but I

refuse to betray her like that," I declared, my voice tinged with a mixture of

frustration and determination.


I met my mother's gaze squarely, unyielding in my stance.

"How do you think Amanda will feel when she learns of this deception? How could

I possibly stand by and allow her dreams to be shattered?" I demanded, my voice

rising with emotion as tears welled in my eyes.


Shaking with pent-up emotion, I gripped my mother's

shoulder, pleading for understanding. "Tell me, mother, how do you expect her

to forgive me for such a betrayal?" I implored, the weight of the situation

bearing down on me like a heavy burden. At that moment, my mother stood before

me, silent and motionless.


"Amanda is gone" My mother's sudden outburst pierced through

the tension, bringing our heated exchange to an abrupt halt. Stunned, I turned

to face her, my heart racing with a mixture of shock and confusion.


"Amanda is gone?" I echoed, the words feeling foreign on my

lips as I struggled to comprehend the gravity of the situation. My mother's

somber expression confirmed the truth of her words, sending a wave of disbelief

coursing through me.


As my mother explained the dire circumstances surrounding

Amanda's departure, a sense of dread settled over me like a heavy shroud. "But

why?" I faltered, my voice trembling with uncertainty as I grappled to make

sense of it all.


My mother's plea for my assistance cut through the chaos of

my thoughts, her eyes pleading for understanding. "You're the only one who can

save us from this mess," she implored, her words weighted with desperation.


Still reeling from the revelation of Amanda's disappearance,

I struggled to process the enormity of the task laid before me. "But we have to

find her," I insisted, panic creeping into my voice as the reality of the

situation sank in. Ignoring my mother's attempts to calm me, I frantically

searched for a course of action, my mind racing with the countless dangers that

could befall my sister in her absence.


"Isabella, calm down," my mother urged, her voice strained

with concern. But my panic-fueled frenzy refused to be quelled by her words.

Ignoring her pleas, I continued to spiral into a state of frantic despair,

consumed by the fear of my sister's fate.


"Isabella, calm down!" My mother's second plea was

punctuated by the sharp sting of her hand connecting with my cheek, snapping me

out of my hysteria. A searing pain bloomed across my skin, momentarily

overpowering my senses as tears welled in my eyes.


Stunned by the sudden violence, I gazed at my mother through

tear-blurred vision, the weight of her words hitting me like a physical blow.

"Your sister is gone," she declared, her voice choked with emotion as she

handed me a crumpled piece of paper.


With trembling hands, I accepted the note, my eyes scanning

the hastily written words detailing Amanda's departure and her refusal to marry

Alpha Damian. Shock coursed through me, rendering me speechless as I struggled

to comprehend the enormity of what had transpired.


Before my mother could offer any explanation, a familiar

voice shattered the tense silence, sending a shiver down my spine.

Instinctively, I reached for my veil, hastily concealing my tear-streaked face

as I turned to face the intruder, my heart pounding in my chest.


"Greetings, Alpha Damian," my mother greeted with a

respectful bow, her voice quivering with apprehension.


"What is going on, why did you leave the altar?" Ignoring

her greeting, Alpha Damian cut straight to the point with a tone laced with

rudeness that sent a shiver down my spine. My throat went dry as I struggled to

find the words to respond.


In a desperate attempt to deflect attention from my actions,

my mother intervened, offering a feeble excuse for my sudden departure. "My

daughter Amanda became overwhelmed with nerves, that's why she ran," she

explained, her voice trembling with fear. I clung to my veil, praying it would

shield me from the consequences of my impulsive decision.


But Alpha Damian's response was swift and commanding, his

hand raised in a dismissive gesture. "Silence!" he commanded, his tone brooking

no argument. The weight of his gaze bore down on me, causing my heart to pound

in my chest.


"I would like to speak to your daughter alone," he demanded,

his words leaving no room for negotiation. My mother's eyes widened in alarm at

the request, her nerves palpable as she repeated the word "alone" in a shaky

voice, her fear mirroring my own.


Alpha Damian's gaze bore into hers with an intensity that

sent shivers down her spine. "Did I stutter?" he repeated, his tone dripping

with menace as he awaited her response.


My mother, sensing the gravity of the situation, nodded in

acquiescence before hastily excusing herself from the room, leaving me alone

with Alpha Damian. The air hung heavy with tension, suffocating me as I stood

before him, desperately wishing for an escape from the impending confrontation.


"Are you willing to marry me?" Alpha Damian's sudden

question caught me off guard, and for a moment, I hesitated, my mind racing

with a flurry of conflicting thoughts. Unable to summon the courage to speak, I

simply nodded, hoping to avoid further scrutiny and maintain the façade of

being Amanda.


Without warning, Alpha Damian seized my arm, his grip tight

and unforgiving, causing me to cry out in pain. Instinctively, I clung to my

veil, seeking solace in its familiar touch as I braced myself for what was to



"Why did you leave the altar?" he growled, his breath hot

against my face as he loomed over me, his eyes ablaze with fury.


"You wanted to embarrass me right?" The weight of his

accusation hung heavy in the air, leaving me speechless and trembling in his

grasp. With a final, dismissive gesture, he released his hold on me, leaving me

to grapple with the consequences of my actions in silence.


"Let's  go," Alpha

Damian ordered sharply, his tone brooking no argument as he strode ahead. With

a heavy heart and a sense of resignation settling over me, I knew there was no

turning back now. I had to play along and go through with the marriage, no

matter the personal sacrifice it demanded. The safety of my mother and the

Lotus Pack depended on it, and their well-being outweighed any hesitation or

fear I harbored.


As I moved to follow Alpha Damian, my progress was abruptly

halted by a tug on my veil, pulling me back with unexpected force. Startled, I

turned to find my veil ensnared on a nearby counter, trapping me in its grasp.

"Are you coming or what?" Alpha Damian's impatient voice snapped me out of my

momentary daze, urging me to hasten my steps.


Struggling to free myself from the stubborn fabric, I

muttered a quiet affirmation, my voice barely audible as I wrestled with the

veil. With a final, desperate tug, I wrenched the veil free, but the sudden

release sent me stumbling backwards, causing the delicate fabric to slip from

my head and expose my face in its entirety.


A hush fell over the room as Alpha Damian's gaze met mine,

his expression a volatile mixture of confusion and anger. "Who the heck are

you?" he demanded, his voice laced with disbelief. Panic surged through me as I

realized the magnitude of my mistake, knowing that my carefully constructed

façade had been shattered, and the consequences would be dire.


In that moment, I understood that today would indeed be the

worst day of my life, as the weight of my actions threatened not only my own

existence but also the lives of those I held most dear. There was no escape

from the harsh reality that awaited me, and I braced myself for the inevitable

reckoning that lay ahead.