Chapter 12

Two weeks passed. Sarah will arrive at noon today. I'm excited to see her!

On the horizon. A black crow with 6 red eyes appeared. Upon it. 2 passengers were sitting leisurely. One of them was Sarah.

Once it landed. Elder Mia carried Sarah down from the huge crow. She handed her luggage. Then she sat back on the crow. Waved at us. Then flew away.

I waited for her anxiously. I can't deny my emotions. I really missed her.

She walked to us. She seems more elegant and refined. Only a little.

She stood ahead of the elven mistress and bowed" Greeting mistress. Sarah the maid has returned. "

Then she faced Yuki and did the same "Greeting young mistress. Sarah the maid has returned."

After that she walked and faced me, bowed and said:" Greetings young master. Sarah. Your personal maid has returned. "

Oh? Daring, are we?

I walked up to her. Kissed her forehead While she was bowing." Welcome back. My little maid."

She trembled a little. The she lifted my hand and kissed it gently. She's trying to seduce me, isn't she? I'm still 5 for crying out loud! What is this hentai protagonist bullshit?

Then she lifted her head. A red hue from ear to ear visible on her lovely face. "I'm back!" And she hugged me.


A year since then has passed. I reached the Meridian Opening Realm. Yuki reached the 5th level of Meridian Opening Realm. That's without the system help and guidance. She's a heavenly genius. Heaven defying even. But she looks at me like I'm going to pass her. I might.

Surprisingly, I didn't face a heavenly tribulation. All those novels I read in my... Past... Life? Did I have a past life?

Anyways, I didn't face a heavenly tribulation. I don't even know if it exists, so I asked the mistress only for her to flinch and look at me with a hint of confusion. That look of 'How does he know about that?'

So I guess there is but not in the lower levels? Convenient!

Sarah returned yesterday. I swear every time she comes back from her one-month training session she becomes more beautiful and elegant. What are they feeding her there? She also reached the Meridian Opening Realm like me. By comparison other people need 5 years at least of grueling cultivation to reach this stage. I think the mistress has an eye for these heaven defying geniuses. Nisha must be one of them too. Through she's still 4 right now. But I'm sure of it.

Jane... My love for her has increased by leaps and bounds. Every 2 weeks I've been itching to meet her... And I always find her waiting for me under the moonlight. And like always she reaches both her hands to embrace me. And I wordlessly bare my fangs at her neck. Staying like that for an hour. Playing with her breasts and hardened nipples. She reaches orgasms about 2 to 3 times during it. After that we talk about anything. Nonsense and banter mostly. Then she trains me in blood manipulation. Vampire fighting styles and movement technique.

Training with her is grueling... She's so cruel when she wants to! When I train with the mistress, she at least gives me pointers, not beating with a stick till I get the moves right!

Other times I go around the estate looking for beasts and the like to hone my skills and grind SP. I found out that there are classes like Boxer, Monk, And the like. My hand-to-hand combat has improved significantly. I reached adept in all other mage classes thanks to the SP i gained from killing MOR beasts. Not all classes can evolve like Boxer. But they have good technique and movement skills. Maxing them out was a good investment. Since I can use the skills without changing my class.

Maxing out the Mana skills was the best Decision I've ever made. For example, fireball costs 5 mana. I have a 100 base mana capacity. So, I shoot 20 fireballs to empty my reserves. I can regen 5 mana per second. I need 1 second to fire 1 fireball. 20 seconds to replenish my mana. Every level in mana regens 2 extra mana. So, with 1 level I can regen 7 mana. And at 1 level in percentage mana regen I gain 10% more regen. Totaling 7.7 mana regen. The max is 10 in both flat mana regen and percentage. 270 mana a second. In flat Mana capacity, level 1 level increases it by a whooping 50 mana! 600 mana from 1 class. With Percentage mana capacity, 10 level in it increases by 1200 mana flat.

Basically, infinite mana. As long as I keep grinding classes.

There are downsides though. The power of the spells corresponds with my cultivation. Can be a good thing later. The basic spells are weak. Advanced spells like fire rain cost more. And some other spells have cooldowns.

Overall, I'm very satisfied with my progress.

A week after Sarah returned, we received visitors. An expensive looking carriage being led by a herd of flying white deer. There antlers were glass like. Their eyes piercing blue. I wonder what they taste like... They must be delicious...

Out from the carriage comes A noble looking man, complete with a fancy suit. He had black hair and sharp blue eyes. Very Muscular, Overwhelming strong aura seeping from him.

With him came a Blonde-haired Beauty. Green kind eyes and voluptuous figure. She wore a pretty light blue dress embroidered with gold and with long sleeves. She exuded a motherly aura like Edna.

After that a dashing young man with blue eyes and blonde hair came out. He wore a similar suit to his father, but I guess he likes his mother's colors. Handsome and gentle looking. Must be their son.

After that a little girl carried by her brother. Blue charming eyes. Blonde hair. Adorable pouting face. Wearing cute light blue Lolita princess dress with the headwear. She must be pouting because of the headwear.

We received them in front of the villa. When the little girl not older than eight saw me smiling at her. She harrumphed and looked away.

Oh my god! So cute! A little tsundere!

"Greetings Guardian of the Empire of Dawn. Valkyrie. Angel of war..." The domineering black haired man spoke the last title with utmost respect. I thought he was disrespecting her. But when I saw my mistress not batting and eye, I let it slide…

Like I can do anything…

" Greetings Duke Aiden Isfrid. Welcome to my estate. Come. You must be tired from the trip. I see little Christina is upset. She must be hungry."

The elf mistress spoke. Signaling for little Christina to come near her.

"How about you go play with Yuki and Jason here. I'm sure you'll be fast friends!" my beautiful mistress smiled gently at her.

The little loli blushed lightly at her smile. "Thank you, mistress for your hospitality." Then she did cute curtsey. And went closer to Yuki. Ignoring me for some reason.

After we went inside with Christina. We climbed the staircase to Yuki's room.