Chapter 13

Aiden Isfrid POV

It took us 2 days to get here to the White Demon's estate. She welcomes us warmly with her entourage. The two-faced Devil... If I didn't know her reputation on the battlefield, I would be charmed by her.

When she said my little daughter's name I almost went into a defensive state. How did she know her name? My little daughter had never gone out of our estate. And I made sure to never reveal her to the public. That's how you know this woman stands at the apex of this world…

Since entering the estate. I've been sensing many eyes centered on me and my wife. I couldn't count them but I sensed no more than 2. Could be more.

Little Christina went with the fox girl and the white-haired kid inside before us. Then the elf gestured for us to come inside as well.

In the guestroom. All three of us sat opposite the elf. She sat leisurely While we were sitting straight. Not daring to be comfortable in her presence.

The maids served some refreshments. Then they exited the room.

"So, what brings you here? Little Aiden?" I couldn't be offended at her. At the corner of my eye I saw my son, Kevin. Almost breaking his composure.

"Mistress. I come with a simple request. The dept must be paid in full." I said.

"Is it about your great grandfather saving my life 500 years ago? Sure, why not." The elf said casually. "Do you need resources? Weapons? Artifacts? Name your price."

"No. We have enough of those. What I need. No. What we need is a life for a life." I said. Staring straight to her eyes.

She squinted her eyes at me. I felt true fear. "What do you mean? Speak."

"I want you to save us when in need."

"A life for a life you said, right? I'll save one of you then. Who do you want me to keep safe? Is it your son, Kevin? He's very talented. Reaching the Inner Sea Realm at the age of 25. Impressive."

I froze at her words. So only one can be saved...

If we can only save one the-

" Please mistress! At least 2! Please! Keep my mother and little Christina safe, I beg of you! " My idiot son spoke out of turn. I glared at him to shut him up.

" Little Kevin. My interference in the affairs of the Empire already goes against my dealing with powers you cannot even imagine. Saving one of you is already the limit of what I can do. Since it's a Karmic debt I must pay in full. Right? Little Aiden?" The elf said calmly.

Kevin eyed his mother. She smiled gently at him. Caressed his head, and he fell asleep.

" I can't choose between my Two children mistress... So, when the time comes… You Decide. "My wife Matilda. Glared at the elf, unflinching.

Jason's POV

We sat in the room. Yuki practically ignored us While she read a book. Sometimes I see her stealing a glance at us.

Christina was sipping some juice from a cup that Sarah brought. A very fragrant orange juice plucked from the tree out back. I can see her almost smiling after every sip.

"You know. Sarah can bring you more juice if you want." I said smiling at her cute antics.

She opened her eyes at me. Pouting. Then she continued sipping the juice.

I frowned at her. What does she think she is?

"You're boring you know that?" I said to her.

Then she puffed her cheeks and yelled "I'm not boring! I know how to dance, sing, play the piano! I can also fight you with a sword! Papa taught me. So, I can definitely beat you up. Hmph!"

Holy fucking shit! She so fucking cute! Threatening me in her cute dress. Adorable!

"AHAHAHAHAHA. You're so funny, Christina you know that!" I couldn't help myself but utter that.

I felt a chill run down my spine. I traced the Source to Yuki. She was glaring at me after I said that.

"Are you making f-fun of me?" Christina glared at me. Her eyes were misty and about to cry.

I ignored Yuki staring daggers at me. And held Christina's little hands "No I'm not making fun of you! Please don't cry! I just really think you're cute and funny and totally adorable!"

"Sniff sniff. You really think that? My big brother also thinks the same!" she said with a wide smile. Her brother must be a big siscon the way I see her smiling.

"Your brother must be amazing Christina." I said. Hiding my disdain for that overly handsome face of his.

"Yeah! He really is amazing! Handsome, talented, and not like you. A snot nosed brat who makes me cry! Hmph!" man she bipolar or something? Back to square one...

"Well. How about a little spar? What's your favorite weapon?" I said diverting the topic from her siscon of a brother. I don't know, but I feel he's a siscon. I just do.

"Oh! Oh! I love the Rapier! My family's signature weapon!" she said. A dangerous glint clear on her eyes.

We change into appropriate clothing for the spar.

I wore white shirt and blue sweatpants and leather shoes.

Christina got her bqg out from the carriage, then went into Yuki's room to change. She wore a white blouse and brown leather pants. With cute leather boots reaching her knees. She tied her hair in a bun.

I got a normal 1 handed double edged wooden sword. And she picked the same, there wasn't much choice really.

We were in the back of the villa. The garden had an empty field with but grass in it.

After we made a decent space between us. Christina turned back and shouted "Engarde! "

We ran into each other. She tried to poke my stomach. But I dodged swiftly to the right. Then she pressed the attack and swiped at me. I simply backed off a little. Them, she tried to sting me repeatedly. And every time I dodged. I could block. But I worried that her delicate hand would hurt.

After 10 minutes of continuous stabbing and slashing. She fell on her knees, panting and shouted at me" Why can't I hit you! Let me hit you just once! ugh! "

I shrugged" I'm not a wooden doll princess. You have to do better than that if you want to hit me. "

" Ugh! you're just a bully! "Then she crossed her arms. And pouted.

She's very adorable…

Yuki and Sarah were outside the plain sitting on a bench. Yuki was giggling at Christina. While Sarah simply smiled.

I smiled at them. Then walked to Christina and offered my hand. She saw my hands and simply turned her head away from me.

"Come on. Is this how you treat your friend?" I simply said.

She glared back at me "What's a" friend"? "

I blanked at that. Poor girl doesn't even know the word friend… She must sheltered in a castle somewhere. I pity her...

" A friend is someone you can rely one. Play with. Spar against. Who always got your back. " I said to her with a smile.

She looked into my emerald green eyes. Almost fixated on it. A little blush appeared on her still pouting face.

"Fine. I, Christina Isfrid, shall be your friend." She took my hand I lifted her up. A precious little smile appeared on her face.

The next day, we met Christina and her family outside the gate. After the spar yesterday and her declaring herself as my friend. She opened up to us and spoke freely. About her daily life. Her father, mother, and her overly protective brother.

Before Christina climbed the steps to the carriage. She stopped and turned around. And ran to me. And she hugged me. I stood still. I didn't know I had that effect on her. Or maybe she's touchy with her friend.

I saw her brother Kevin's lips twitch. Must be jealous HAHAHAHA!!

I traced my hand to her back and held her tighter. Kevin was furious.

"You know. We'll meet each other again. This is not goodbye. I'll see you later. Ok?" I gently patted her back While saying this.

She broke our hug. And stared at me with her misty eyes. "Promise? Promise We'll meet again?"

"Of course, silly. I will never forget my friends. Especially you, Christina." I said While smiling warmly. Then kissed her forehead.

She smiled the most beautiful smile. Showing her pearly white teeth. I smiled back. Then she went back to the carriage.

To think one day would have this much of an effect on her... She's so sweet.

The carriage with the majestic white deer started flying. They did one turn around. I could see Christina waving at us. And crying. She's such a crubaby.

I stood looking at the horizon after they disappeared. Even if we may never see each other in this vast world. But it was nice meeting someone outside of the estate.


Wait. Why didn't I even go out of the estate? I've cooped up in here all this time...

That's it! I'll go out tomorrow!