Chapter 33

I walked out of the cave to see that it was night out. They have set up camp in front of the cave.

"Hey guys I'm back. Did you miss me?" I shouted.

They all came out of their tents and looked at me strangely.

"What is it?" I asked.

"You disappeared with that corpse for three days." Jack said. Looking seriously annoyed.

"Did you find any treasure? What did you find?" A guy from the side said. I didn't brother to remember his name.

"Three days huh? Weird... Anyways let's go back. I need a hot shower." I dismissed them and said.

They nodded in agreement and started taking down their tents.

The girls seem strangely quiet.

We started walking behind Jack. He took the lead since he had a compass and a map. So, I gladly let him guide us.

Walked for three days till we found a black abyss.

The frozen cliff rises majestically against a winter sky, Below, the abyss yawns wide, a dark, bottomless chasm that seems to swallow the light.

The abyss itself is cloaked in shadows, its depths hidden from view, creating a sense of mystery and danger.

"Let's travel alongside this cliff" Jack said. I looked around to see everyone just agreeing and going along with him.

I shrugged and followed.

The silence is deafening...

We walked for a day along the jagged cliff, the wind whistling around us as the it was sucked down into the abyss below.

[Multiple hostiles detected!]

The System said to me. I started looking around. I found the three guys looking at me with a smirk. Shit! I've been had!

I summoned my sword and in an instant, I cut off the head of Jack and the other guy that was curious about what I found. I killed Jack because I despised him. The other guy because he showed interest in what I found.

When I was about to murder the third fuck. A gust of wind struck me.

I was thrown like a kite that lost its strings.

I was riddled with cuts and bruises.

After I steadied myself by stabbing the ground with my sword, I looked up to see five figures in a dark green Daoist robes looking at me in disdain.

I spat a mouthful of blood. My body started to regenerate. Expelling the Spirit Qi of his attack.

"Who are you fucks? What do you want?" I spat out.

"Dead men don't deserve to know."

[Host. You have no chance of defeating them. 4 of them are in the Martial Spirit Realm. While the one who spoke is Rune Manifestation Realm Expert. Run.]

I gritted my teeth. I looked at Kelly and Jessica. They were shocked that I killed their two teammates. They didn't give me a choice...

"Seniors bullying a junior. How pathetic..." I spat at their direction. If I'm gonna die I'll die with my head held high.

"Sean! Just give them what they want! The inheritance you found! The treasure! Just give it to them!" Jessica shouted. Naive girl...

"I have no such thing. No treasure no nothing. I just spoke with the old fart. Nothing more."

"Only spoke huh. He must have imparted knowledge upon you then. Very well. We have the means to extract that from you." The leader spoke, black hair fluttering in the wind. Green eyes shimmering like emerald.

"Kelly. Is that your father?"

She nodded meekly.

"Tell him to stop this! Tell him what we've been through Together! Tell him those hardships we endured!"

She was quiet. Looking down in shame.

'Kelly... I... Please say something... Anything...'

Don't let me hate you...

"Sean... Please do as he says... Just surrender! Please! He promised he won't kill you! Just come wi-"

"Enough of this! She's been using you all along! You're nothing but hard labor that got lucky with an inheritance! You should come quietly! It won't be that painful to extract it from your mind!" Kelly's father spoke.

"Jessica... You too? Aren't you going to help me here?"

Jessica covered her face.

"So, it's like that huh... I'm nothing but a plaything to you too... What a pity... To think I loved you two... How pathetic... Shameful really..."

The fuckers burst laughing at my misery. My heart clenched tightly. So, this is how betrayal feels like? It hurts so much...

" He's hair is changing color. Why is it turning red? " one of the cultivators said.


"Arrogant..." Kelly's father walked at a leisure pace. Probably thinking I was crippled by their attack. I looked to the side and saw the abyss. I smirked at them and jumped.

"Wait!" Kelly shouted in a panic.

"Sean!" Jessica screamed as well.

"After him!" Kelly's father bellowed.

"We can't go after him, or we'll be dead also! That's the Abyssal End! Nothing comes out once they enter!"

"Tsk! What a waste..." Kelly's father looked down as Jason was englufed by the darkness of the abyss.


I fell and i fell...

Memories of my life surfaced...

I see Sarah carrying me to the dining room...

I see Edna looking at me with love as she breastfed me...

I see my mistress teaching me to read and write...

[Spatial Rift Detected.]

I see Yuki hugging me from behind like a doll...

I see Nisha cuddling me While we slept...

I see Anna worried face when she searches the house for me...

[Destination: Unknown.]

I see Christina sparring with me in our first meeting...

[Host is in a catatonic state…]

I see Nora chatting with me in her room While sipping tea, Bella sleeping by the side...


I see Jane... Her neck presented to me... Her blood invigorating me...


I see my family chatting and having fun... Smiles and laughter echoing in the halls...


I see Edna... Her Body... Her scent... Her eyes... Her lips... Her taste...

[Best course of action… Confirmed.]

I miss her so much...

[ The Only course of action.]

I see Mary calling me moonlight for the first time...

I see Rachel serving me coffee...

I see Jenny welcoming me to our home...

I see Eirene Kissing my cold corpse's forehead goodbye...

I don't want to die... Someone help me... Please... I dont want to leave them again... It hurts so much...

[Confirmed. Action permitted in accordance with Host Safety Protocols.]


[Secret Realm entered.]


[I will always be there for you.]

Save me...

[I promise.]

[System will start its hibernation in accordance with Host Safety Protocols.]