Chapter 34

Edna's POV

It's been 2 years without him... My little Jason... My love...

I've been trying to distract myself with the housework. But every time I entered his room...

I weep...

I can't stand not seeing his smile first thing in the morning... His gentle embrace...

I want him back... Everyone in the estate is in a gloomy mood. Even Anna!

I must find something to do, else I-.

My heart clenched! My pupils dilated. I was shivering from head to toe. Tears fell from my eyes like a waterfall.

Jason! I can't feel him! Something must've happened to him! God! Please be safe Jason!

I hurried to the mistress's room. I saw her glass of wine shattered on the ground. Tears filled her eyes. She looked confused, not sad. She was wondering Why she cried.

"Mistress! Something happened to Jason! Please look for him I beg of you!"

The mistress looked at me confusedly. "You sensed him too? How?"

"I don't know how! But I know he's in great peril! Please save him! I'll do anything please!" I tried to kneel, but she stopped me.

"Never kneel for anyone! Aren't you Jason's woman! Be proud Edna! Make him admire your strength and tenacity! Once he comes back show him your power that will never kneel to anyone! Not even me!" My mistress scolded me. I grit my teeth and stood still. Tears streaming down my cheeks.

" Believe in him Edna. That's the only thing you can do now... "Then she slumped on the couch. With a pondering expression While still tearing up.

I can only pray for your safe return Jason...

My love.




I got up in a panic. I surveyed my surrounding. I was in bed. Naked. While my equipment and everything on me was on the table in front of me. The room looked cozy. With the fluffy bed and womanly feel of it. My savior must be a woman.


I rummaged through my things. Sighing in relief that everything was there. Even the carcass of the runic white bear.

I spotted the bathroom in the corner of the room. I showered and wore some clothing. White Daoist robes. Courtesy of Anna. She liked knitting clothes of all kinds. I kind of miss her.

'System. Where are we?'




No response! Shit! Wtf is going on!?

I can still cast my spells. I can still feel My mana Core and mana circuits. It's just the system is dormant for some reason. What happened While I was unconscious?

Kelly... Jessica... I hope you're safe...

What am i thinking? Didn't they betray me? They didn't even try to help... Why didn't they...

Could they even have helped me…

I'm a fool... a pathetic fool…

Then, The door opened. I looked to see who's my savior.

The most beautiful woman I have ever seen. Perfection incarnate...

Black cascading hair shimmering like the night sky. Blue eyes shining like sapphires. She has thin eyebrows and straight nose. Rosy cheeks and plump juicy lips. She was about 6 ft tall. With an hourglass figure to boot. She wore crimson red daoist robes. But it couldn't hide her assets.

She looked at me with worry. I stared back in awe. She was so beautiful I couldn't take my eyes away from her.

She neared me and held my head "hmmm... Did he become a retard? Although I don't find anything wrong with his brain, his stupid staring concerns me." she seems to talk to herself.

I blushed hard " I'm not retarded! You're just too beautiful! "I averted my eyes and said.

"Oh my! He speaks! Wonderful! My name is Olivia Celeste! What's your name?" She smiled brightly...

"M-my name is Jason..." I smiled sheepishly While scratching my head.

"Just Jason?" she tilted her head cutely.

"Yeah... Just Jason..." I nodded and looked down.

"Poor Boy... You're an orphan huh?" - Olivia said, caressing my hair gently.

"An orphan is someone who lost his parents. I never lost them in the first place..." - Jason blurted, immersed in her gentle touch.

She squinted her eyes. And stared down at me coldly "A child of slaughter huh? How interesting."

"H-how did you know?" I asked.

"It's easy to know with my knowledge, Boy. Only 12 and in the peak Core Condensation Realm. I've only known of one in legend. They had the same monstrous cultivation speed as you. And also, you started when you were very young. Right? Like 7 or 8." she smirked at me. Clearly proud of her knowledge.

" 5 actually. "

Olivia pupils shrunk at my response. Almost not believing me.

" You're jesting. Either you're possessed by a monstrous old man, or reincarnated with memories from your past lives. This ca-" she froze at the spot.

"Reincarnated most likely. You haven't cultivated the Soul yet." Olivia said. With a pondering expression.

"Nothing can escape your eyes huh. Miss Olivia." I said with a wry smile.

"Just call me Olivia."

She must be a very strong cultivator… maybe even stronger than my elven mistress… Knowing that I'm reincarnated as well…

I must be wary of her… But I'm so entranced by her that I can't think of her as a threat.

Did she charm me by chance?

I wont mind being charmed by her though…

What am I thinking!?

"By the way, where am I? How did I end up here? I was falling in the Abyssal End."

"Abyssal End? Never heard of it. You're in a pocket space. A prison. My prison..." Olivia said with a sad smile.

"A prison? Why? You seem nice." I wondered out loud.

"Fufufu~! I am nice. But my father isn't..." - Olivia said with a wry smile.

"Your own father imprisoned you? Why?" - Jason said, bewildered.

"Doesn't matter. I'm stuck here. But you aren't. Most likely this Realm will spit you out in two to three years at most. I can feel the laws of the world rejecting you. Most likely because of your low cultivation."

I tried circulating my Spirit Qi. But I couldn't. So, it restricts cultivator of the Spirit Qi path.

I read about the laws of the world somehere…

But it was too convoluted for me to understand… Or something was blocking my understanding of the subject…

" How long have you been here? " - Jason said, wanting to distract himself from the subject since he felt a headache coming.

" Hmmm. About a thousand year perhaps? Maybe more? I don't know really... Hehe~! Could be millions and I wouldn't know~!"

Olivia giggled slightly. I can feel the pain of loneliness in that slight chuckle...

" You've been in here all this time. Alone? How unfair... " I said looking down. Pitying this woman.

" Well. There are animals here at least. So I'm not that alone hehehe~" she laughed melodiously.

"Anyhow. Let's get some fresh air. Shall we?" she grasped my hand with her delicate white hands and pulled me outside. We exited the hallway. After a While we entered the main hall of the palace I believe. The place was massive.

After stepping out of the gate I saw the beautiful scenery. Lush garden with all types of herps and flowers and roses. Trees reaching 20 meters long filled with different types of fruits. Fountains and rivers fed the garden with pure crystal-clear water. Paradise. A prison.

"It's beautiful!"

"Ahahahaha~. Thank you~ I planted everything here." Olivia said. Her pristine, jade-white back clear from the cut of the robe. She looked back at me with her sweet smile. White pearl teeth adorned her pretty face.

"Yeah... Very Beautiful..."