Chapter 4: Fake Confidence

I put my elbows on the table; stippling my fingers together. My wrists were still bound in the cuffs which dug into my skin with every movement. "When did this murder happen? If it was after the release of my book which I'm certain it is then you can't even hold me here." I found myself randomly thinking of Cumberbatch's Sherlock Holmes and my accent turned British before I'd realized. Jokes on them; I'll be the detective here. No wonder so many serial killers get away with murder or get caught too late when we have detectives like him working on cases.

"Forensics are still working on it. But it's estimated he died between eleven and one am four days ago." Rain states; sending me a blank stare. Her eyes search my face as if she was trying to ascertain whether my features give off killer vibes. I mean I heard I had killer looks but I'm certain they meant I was good looking or whatever. 

I rest my back on the chair; another sigh escapes my mouth. The only evidence they seem to have is the book. Thankfully It doesn't seem like I was at the wrong place at the wrong time when a murder occurred like what happens in movies. If so then they would've shown me some CCTV footage. Or what if I am but they're trying to get me to confess before hand? What can I do about that though? I don't even know who the victim is.

"I didn't do it. Please find the right guy and contact me right away. I want to know who this psycho is. Release me from the handcuffs." I extended my arms to Rain who seemed to have the keys hanging from her belt. I put on a tough exterior but I feel like I might have a mental breakdown in any second now. I want to get out of here. I'm not going to let them brainwash me into giving a false confession.

"You can't leave yet we can keep you here for three more hours." Cain states pulling a lighter out for his cigarette which he kept spinning around his fingers. I'm certain he isn't allowed to do this here but he doesn't look like a person who follows rules. Ironic right?

I look straight into his eyes. "I'm telling you, I didn't do it." I enunciate each word so he'd understand. It seems like he's too set on me being the killer that his mind is completely closed of from any reason or logic.

He poofs out a circle of smoke holding back on a cough. "Rain please go get me a glass of water." She nodes nonchalantly as if she's lived this moment a hundred times before. She puts the envelope on the table and leaves the room.

He's treating his juniors like servants. I already hate this guy. What type of detective has such bad manners? He's not even asking me about my whereabouts on the night of the crime. Aren't detectives supposed to ask these types of questions first?

Cain drops his cigarette on the ground before crushing it. "You know what I hate the most about this ugly world? Scum like you." He intoned and stood up looking down upon me with his chin up before heading towards the door. I didn't bother to follow him with my eyes until I heard the door lock.

He locked me inside with him.