Chapter 6: Finally Set Free

Cain grabs and twists my collar one last time, "You're lucky we have to obey the law." he spat before pushing me away and heading towards the door. 

A man wearing a navy blue suit walks in and helps me off the ground. "You can leave." he says simply.

Cain's jaw drops and he turns to face the man. "What do you mean? We can hold him for at least two more hours!" He exclaims with raised brows and wide eyes.

The man narrows his eyes at Cain. He had the 'Are you stupid?' look on his face. "What's the point? With that bruise on his face anything he says could be considered under duress." He shrugged his shoulders. 

Cain sighed, crossing his arms, "I didn't even beat him that hard. We can say he just fell." I choke on laughter and Cain shots me a death glare.

"Get out of my sight right this instant." The man returns Cain a death glare more intense than the one he gave me and Cain shuffled away with fists by his sides. His boss pulls out a brown handkerchief and wipes his forehead from temple to temple and lets out a sigh of relief. If I had the patience for it I would've sued them for the mental and physical torture they put me through. Although it was only a punch but if they didn't intervene who knows what Cain would've done to me. He's almost as dangerous as the people they throw in jail for assault.

He turns to face me, "You, Cameron Rose, don't leave the city without permission from us." and before I could respond he walks away.

How did it end up this way? I've lived as an ideal citizen all my life and here I am being falsely accused of a crime I didn't commit, and out of all crimes it's murder. I mean they could've framed me for burglary or something but they choose murder. I walk out of the room and look around searching for the way out.

I felt a hand on my shoulder.