Day 4 in the Abyss:Exploring The Deep Abyss pt.1

Once upon a time, there lived a woman named Elara who was captivated by the ocean's vast, uncharted depths. Her village lay along a rugged coastline, where tales of sea monsters and ancient gods were whispered by the waves. Yet, these stories only fueled her desire to explore the mysteries beneath the surface. From childhood, she felt an inexplicable pull toward the sea, as if it called to her in a voice only she could hear.

Elara's dream was to travel the ocean, to see what lay beyond the horizon and discover the secrets that lurked in its depths. She built a sturdy boat with her own hands and set sail, leaving behind her familiar shores and the life she had known. Guided by the stars and the ocean's currents, she navigated through storms and calms, always moving further from the world of men and closer to the unknown.

One fateful night, as the full moon cast its silver light upon the waves, Elara found herself in the midst of a strange and eerie calm. The sea around her shimmered with an otherworldly glow, and a profound silence enveloped her boat. Suddenly, the water began to churn and bubble, and from the depths emerged a colossal, tentacled figure. It was Cthulhu, the ancient and dreaded Great Old One, whose very presence warped reality.

Elara, instead of feeling fear, was overcome with a sense of awe and destiny. Cthulhu, too, seemed to recognize something in her—a spark of potential, a kinship with the unknown. In a moment of cosmic convergence, the two beings connected, and Elara was drawn into the depths of the ocean, into Cthulhu's underwater realm.

Months passed, though time seemed meaningless in the ancient, dreamlike world of Cthulhu. Elara learned of the ancient gods and their ways, her mind expanding to comprehend truths beyond human understanding. She and Cthulhu shared a bond that transcended mortal comprehension, a union of the mysterious and the mundane, of the ancient and the new.

In the dark, mystical depths of the ocean, Elara gave birth to a daughter, a being who embodied both her human curiosity and the unfathomable power of her father. This child, named Aranya, was unlike any other creature. Her eyes glowed with the light of the moon, her hair flowed like the currents of the sea, and her presence radiated an aura of ancient wisdom and eldritch power.

Aranya grew swiftly, learning from her mother the ways of the world above and from her father the secrets of the ocean's abyss. She possessed the ability to traverse both realms, to walk among humans and swim with the creatures of the deep. Her voice could calm the fiercest storm or summon the darkest night, and her gaze could pierce through the fabric of reality itself.

Elara, though mortal, lived on in the tales and legends of her daughter, who became a guardian of the ocean's mysteries. Aranya's existence was a testament to the union of two worlds, a bridge between humanity and the ancient, unknowable forces of the cosmos. She roamed the seas, protecting its creatures and secrets, ensuring that the balance between the seen and the unseen was maintained.

But one day, the very fabric of her world collapsed due to the Universe coming to an end, she was casted to the Abyss, her mother couldn't survive and her father was bitter with her death to the point he ignored her for thousands of years.

She was sad for a few years, then she became angry and traveled to the deepest parts of the Abyss and took on the form of a Collosal Squid like Levaithan and roamed throwing a tantrum for centuries.

"huh, so it's just a girl on a thousand year period?" Tod said glancing at the island the tentacle touched. "Meow~" Violet agreed with him, Tod decided to leave the pool, he opened a vortex here making sure he remembered the location and then he stepped inside returning back to his floating box room.

The Koi fish was swimming about minding its business when all of a sudden, Violet jumped into the pond to green it. "Hahah, that's cute" Tod said unbothered by Violet's predatory behavior, The Koi fish seemed intelligent enough to hide from her.

Tod then took his fishing rod and engaged in his daily hobby of Abyss fishing, The dark void stretched endlessly around him, punctuated only by the occasional glimmering light or shifting shadow. He cast his line into the abyss, the purple crystal at the end glowing faintly as it disappeared into the darkness.

As he waited, Tod's thoughts wandered back to the story of Aranya and her tragic fate. The tale of a being torn between worlds, cast into the Abyss, and transformed into a leviathan was a reminder of the Abyss's unpredictable nature. He wondered what other secrets the void might hold, what stories and entities lay hidden in its endless depths.

Minutes turned into hours, and just as Tod began to grow restless, he felt a strong tug on his line. Excitement surged through him as he began to reel in the catch. The resistance was greater than usual, and the line pulled with an almost magnetic force.

With a final heave, Tod pulled up another small Island, it floated in his hand, he observed and saw it had black rocks protruding from it and in the middle was an almost broken portal. "Grow" he said as the islan aligned with the other two and then grew wide.

As the island expanded and settled into its new place among the others, Tod examined the portal more closely. The broken structure seemed ancient, its surface covered in cryptic runes that pulsed with a faint, eerie light. It looked as though it had been damaged for eons, yet its energy still crackled with dormant potential.

"Deep Depth Portal:The Abyssal Ocean" The Abyss wrote in front of him.

He didn't immediately enter it he didn't seem to think about it too much. "So you want me to go meet Aranya?, or you want me to be her friend so she won't be lonely like Azzy?"

The Abyss didn't answer but he knew that is what it wanted, he didn't hesitate. "Violet stay with the fish, i am going somewhere" Violet nodded.

Tod then entered the portal and appeared in a deep underwater area, it was dark and barely see able, he didn't feel like drowning. "Endless water, This place is almost darker than my home, well the inside of my room is bright but the surrounding void is always shadowed." Tod muttered to himself as he adjusted to the eerie ambiance of the Abyssal Ocean.

The environment was alien and surreal,an expansive underwater realm where light barely penetrated the depths, and bioluminescent flora cast an ethereal glow. Massive, ancient rock formations jutted out from the seafloor, their surfaces etched with runes and symbols that seemed to pulse with an inner light.

As Tod moved cautiously through this dark, watery expanse, he could feel the weight of ages pressing upon him. The water itself seemed alive, shifting and whispering as if holding secrets long forgotten. He reached out with his senses, trying to detect any signs of Aranya's presence.

In the distance, a faint glow caught his eye. It was the subtle illumination of Aranya's colossal form, her tentacles weaving through the water like the shadows of ancient giants. He approached carefully, feeling a mixture of trepidation and curiosity. This was a being of immense power and sorrow, and he needed to tread lightly.

"Uhhh, hey can we talk?" Tod said looking ar Aranya's collosal form. "…What do you want?" A telephatic message entered his mind. "Well…i am bored and i think talking to someone isn't bad" He answered in a gentle tone.

"…No go away?!" Her voice boomed in his mind almost making him unconscious. Tod rubbed his head, he didn't know how to get her to talk but that didn't mean he would give up.

"In the Abyss there is an unspoken rule between Outer beings, Challenges are often used to gauge the worthiness of those who seek to enter the domain of another" The Abyss wrote in front of him, he immediately understood.

"Child Of Cthullu Aranya, i challenge you to an Abyssal game" As those words left his mouth, the entire abyssal waters froze.

"…What kind of game?" Aranya asked with interest. Tod thought of a popular game in his world, it was about players playing with cards,summoning monsters,using cards,spells and affects , but would that work in the abyss…maybe if he changed it to fit the abyss. He suddenly came up with the perfect game.

"A game of strategy and wits, with a bit of fun and fascinating elements, Abyss card, we will be each given cards randomly by the abyss, these card would contain spells of empowerment,traps and monsters , each of us have three turns each every round. the winning condition is to destroy the enemy's crystal, Also you can only participate in your human form, If i win we become friends, if you win i will leave you alone for a few cycles" After finishing his explanations.

Aranya's Gigantic form condensed into the form of a young girl, She had blue squid looking hair and her eyes were gray, she was wearing skin tight clothing , she also had fins on her head. She looked different yet cute.

"I am interested" She said while grumbling under her breath.