Day 4 In the Abyss:Abyssal Card

The Deep Abyss churned as a vast arena was created.

"I looked into your mind for a second, of course i only did to know your name, so i hope you don't mind" Aranya stated from the other side of the arena, her voice cold yet gentle. "I don't, i am going to win after all"

Aranya seemed to have gotten annoyed by his statement. "Whatever, let's just get this over with before i go back to sleep"

The two waited for the abyss to announce the game. "The challanger Tod and the Challenged Aranya, The abyss is fair, so we shall explain the rules of the game" The abyss wrote in front of them both.

"We are ready" Tod said with a nod.

"Who's 'We'" Aranya glared at him from the distance. Tod let out a nervous laugh and looked away.

"For the transaction of the game, 50 Ap energy has been deducted from the Participants." Tod was surprised. "So that's what they are used for" He muttered under his breath.

"The Game will be played like this.

1 Crystal.

Five cards:You both would only get five cards every round

Three Moves:You have three moves each round

Two counters:You can counter two times when being attacked.

1 deck: You each have 50 cards

Let the game begin" As the abyss finished, five cards appeared in front of them both, A dark figure wearing a cloak appeared next to Tod. And the water around Aranya churned as a figure wearing a veil appeared, it had a mermaids tail.

"You can start first" Aranya said looking at him. "Thank you" He thanked looking at the figure near him. He then looked at the cards in front of him. The cards in front of him had simple images.

2 monster cards, 1 counter,2 spells. "Interesting, to the field, i summon the Abysmmal Winged cat" The image in the first card resembled violet, while the other one resembles his Koi fish.

"Meow~" The cat turned around and looked at him in recognition, Tod realized it was Violet.

"I end my turn"

Aranya observed the cat with a faint smile, her eyes narrowing slightly. "How nostalgic. But don't think sentimentality will win this game for you."

She glanced at her own set of cards, her expression impassive. "I summon Abyssal Serpent," she declared, placing a card on the arena. A large, serpentine creature with glowing scales emerged from the dark waters, coiling around her protectively.

The figure beside Aranya, the one with the mermaid's tail, hummed softly. The sound was haunting and seemed to resonate with the serpent. "I'll play the spell card 'Depths of Despair.' It reduces your monster's attack by half for this turn."

Violet let out a low growl, her power visibly waning. Tod frowned, but he knew he had to stay focused. "I counter with an Abyssal Shield card," Tod announced, revealing his counter card. A shimmering barrier appeared around Violet, negating the effects of Aranya's spell.

Aranya's eyes flickered with mild surprise. "Not bad," she conceded, her voice still maintaining its cold edge. "But let's see how long you can keep this up."

She moved her hand to her second card. "I activate the spell card 'Abyssal Echo.' This spell allows me to draw two additional cards from my deck." Two new cards materialized before her, and she studied them intently. "I end my turn."

Tod took a deep breath, feeling the tension in the air. "Alright, my turn." He drew a new card, quickly assessing his options. "I summon Abyssal Koi." The Koi fish appeared beside Violet, its scales shimmering in the dim light.

"Next, I use the spell card 'Depth Surge.' This allows me to combine the attack points of my monsters for one massive strike." The Koi and Violet glowed, their energies merging into a powerful force.

"Violet and Koi, attack the Abyssal Serpent!" he commanded. The two creatures lunged at Aranya's serpent, their combined power creating a shockwave that reverberated through the arena.

Aranya raised her hand calmly. "I counter with Abyssal Reflection," she said, activating her second counter card. A mirror-like barrier appeared, reflecting the attack back towards Tod's monsters.

"No!" Tod gasped as the force of his own attack struck Violet and Koi, sending them flying back. Both creatures dissipated into the abyssal mist.

Aranya's expression remained unchanged. "You put up a good fight, but it seems you underestimated the depth of my powers," she said coolly. "Now, it's my turn again."

She drew another card and looked at it with satisfaction. "I summon Abyssal Kraken." A gigantic, multi-tentacled beast rose from the waters, its eyes glowing with an eerie light. "And I activate the spell card 'Ocean's Wrath.' This increases my Kraken's attack."

Tod braced himself, knowing he was in trouble. The Kraken's attack power surged, and it loomed menacingly over him.

"Kraken, attack directly," Aranya ordered. The Kraken's tentacles lashed out towards Tod, and he felt a wave of pressure as the attack connected.

Tod fell to one knee, gasping for breath. "I'm not done yet," he muttered, drawing his next card. "I activate the spell card 'Abyssal Revival.' This allows me to bring back one monster from my graveyard."

Violet reappeared beside him, her eyes burning with determination. "Let's finish this, Violet," he said. "Attack the Abyssal Kraken!"

"I use my spell card Direct Damage, which ignores your monster and breaks a part of your crystal" It directly attacks her crystal chipping a piece of it.

"My turn, i cast the spell Polymorphic Fusion, I combine both my Serpent and kraken to summon the Abyssal Eee, Abyssal eel's special ability activates, Electric wave" The eel breaths out a turret of electricity and chipping half of Tod's Crystal.

"…Hmmm, That doesn't look good" He said looking at the crystal.

"Give up" Aranya said seriously. Tod had a card that could immediately give him victory…but he would have to sacrifice all his cards even the ones from the deck…it was a gamble but he wasn't going to lose.

"Aranya, i am not going to give up until i win and make you my friend, I Cast the Spell, Abyssal Gambit" He said

Aranya's eyes narrowed as Tod declared his spell. "Abyssal Gambit?" she repeated, her tone a mixture of curiosity and skepticism. "That's quite a risky move."

Tod's voice was steady despite the pressure. "Yes, with Abyssal Gambit, I sacrifice all my monsters and remaining cards, including the ones in my deck. If I draw the winning card from the top of the deck, I win. If not, I lose."

He shuffled his deck and placed it face down. With a deep breath, he drew the top card and flipped it over. The card revealed a shining golden emblem.

The cloaked figure near him suddenly lifted its hood, behind it was a skeleton with burning purple eyes. "I cast Ended Fate"

"The Ended Fate?" Aranya's eyes widened as the card's effect took hold. The golden emblem on the card began to glow fiercely, and a powerful force erupted from it, engulfing the entire arena in radiant light.

Aranya's Abyssal Eel and her crystal were immediately overwhelmed by the energy. The Kraken, unable to withstand the assault, dissipated into the abyss. The light receded, leaving Tod standing with his breath shallow, but a victorious smile on his face.

Aranya, though visibly shaken, maintained her composure. Her gaze met Tod's, and for a brief moment, there was a flicker of something,perhaps respect or even intrigue. "Congratulations," she said, her voice softer than before. "You've won, and by doing so, you've proven something about yourself…it's that you are a cheater?!!, That's not fair?!."

To Tod's suprise she stomped her feet and sulked. "Sorry…Can we be friends now?" He asked trying to calm her for a bit. The Arena disappeared with the monsters being back to the respective places.

"ugh…fine, Also why do you have Azzy's scent on you?" She came closer to him, her once gray eyes turned into a bright coral blue.

"Uhm…we met some time ago" He averted his gaze from hers as she was awfully close to his face. "Did she kiss you?" She asked in suprise.

"..No our lips just brushed on each other" Aranya gave him the look of a fool. "That's a kiss you dummy" She sighed still feeling bitter about the loss.

"…Well maybe. I am going to go back, if you want you can follow me" Tod said as he opened a rift in above himself. "Sure i don't have anything else to do" She nonchalantly said, Tod smiled and then floated towards the rift and going through it.

He appeared in the sky's of his small island with his wings out, Aranya came out and slowly landed on the island. Tod flew down.

Violet was playing in the water with the Koi fish. Aranya looked around and was impressed by the small abode.

"Cute" She looked at the small box room with a hint of amusement in her voice.

"Yup it's my little cute getaway, Maybe you should make your own" Tod said with a smile.

"No thanks, you have already taken that position" She said with a small playful smirk, Tod blushed, but he quickly recovered. "Well, I'm glad you like it. Feel free to relax here for a bit if you need."

"Nope i am going to move here, hope you don't mind~" Tod suddenly felt like the remaining day's were going to be a bit interesting and hurtful to his mental health…