Day 5 in the Abyss:Aranya and Azzy pt.1

Today Tod woke up feeling refreshed from yesterday's card fight with Aranya, but there was one problem currently disturbing him.

Aranya was peaceful sleeping in HIS bed, she was tightly holding his hand, the expression on her face changed, Tod thought she was dreaming and just let her stay like thay for a while.

"…You know what I Hate you Dad, NEVER TALK TO ME AGAIN?!" Aranya opened her eyes as they glowed an eerie green, the sheer intensity of her voice made the island shake.

"…huh, oh uhm sorry about that Tod, just had an argument with my dad" She said letting go of his arm. "What, i can't hear you?" Tod said his ears were currently deaf because of her sonic scream.

"….You will be fine in a few seconds" She said as she stood up and went outside in embarrassment. Tod blinked his eyes, after a few seconds his hearing returned.

"She seemed angry earlier…Well time to go for a daily activity of abyss fishing" Tod said as he took his Abyss rod from. After he went outside, he noticed the island being pulled near his by a giant tentacle.

"Is that Aranya?" He asked looking at the gargantuan appendage. "Yeah it's me, if you don't mind, i am going to build a house on this island" She sent a telephatic message to him.

Tod shrugged and then sar at the edge of his island, he casted his rod and waited for something to be caught. Violet immediately came towards and then layed down on his lap. Tod continued his fishing and ignored the sound of the moving islands next to him

After some time passes, The rod tugged and Tod pulled whatever he caught up, It was a small bluish dark looking dagger. He swinged it a little and felt it was sharp, he let go of it, instead of falling it floated beside him, Tod gave it a mental command and it flew around him for a bit. "Not bad" He said and then immediately went back to fishing.

After a while of not having any progress, he decided to see what Aranya was doing, he looked at the giant island next to him, A small wooden hut was in the middle with a lake near it.

"That looks cozy, Aranya isn't here though…" Tod suddenly felt something wrap around his neck from behind him. "Did you miss me, Tod" The pleasant voice of Azzy went into his ears. "Well no, not really" he said nonchalantly looking down into the abyss.

"booo, not fun at all…So who is your new neighbor" She silently asked looking at the floating island. "It's Aranya" He answered her gently.

Tod then turned his head around to look at her, his eyes met her glowing purple eyes. "Do you find my face interesting?" She asked curiously waiting for his answer.

"ehm, that is a strange question, but you look cute" He answered honestly, She smiled Tod's compliment made her want to keep him with her forever.

Azzy's eyes sparkled with delight at Tod's response. "Cute, huh? Well, isn't that flattering?" She moved closer, her ethereal form hovering just above the ground. "I'm glad to hear that. Not everyone appreciates the finer details of my appearance."

Tod glanced back at the floating island. "Aranya seems to be making herself at home, but she's not around right now. What about you? Any new plans for today?"

Azzy's smile widened mischievously. "Oh, I've always got plans. Right now, I'm just enjoying a bit of time with you."

Tod Smiled and then continued fishing, Azzy Changed her position and was now hugging Tod's shoulders lightly, resting her head against him. "You're quite the catch yourself, Tod," she murmured, her voice a gentle whisper in his ear.

Tod chuckled, feeling a bit flustered by her proximity. "I'm flattered, but I'm just trying to have a peaceful day of fishing."

"Aren't you always fishing?" She asked mischievously. "And aren't you always sleeping?" He retorted playfully.

Azzy laughed softly, her breath warm against Tod's ear. "Touché. But even in my slumber, I keep an eye on interesting people like you." She tilted her head, looking at the endless expanse of the abyss. "So, caught anything interesting today, other than that floating dagger?"

"Well didn't i already catch you?" Tod teased her. "If i remember correctly, i caught you instead," Azzy replied with a wink. She gently lifted her head from Tod's shoulder, her eyes sparkling with a mix of amusement and affection. "But I suppose we've both done our fair share of catching each other."

Tod nodded, casting his line again. "True enough. So, what brings you out here today, Azzy?"

"Did you forget i wake up every 3 cycles, After i do it takes a week before i fall asleep again"

"Right, right. Your sleep cycles," Tod replied, remembering their previous conversations. "So, what do you do during your waking week?"

Azzy stretched, her form shimmering in the Dark. "I explore, observe, and occasionally meddle in things that catch my interest. This time, I thought I'd spend a bit more time with you."

Tod felt a twinge of warmth at her words. "Well, I'm honored. Your presence definitely makes fishing more interesting."

Azzy grinned. "Glad to hear it. But speaking of interesting, what do you think about Aranya moving in next door?"

Tod shrugged, glancing at the floating island where Aranya's new home was. "She seems nice enough. A bit intense with that scream earlier, but I guess everyone has their issues."

"Indeed," Azzy agreed. "Everyone has their own battles to fight. By the way, what exactly are you fishing for in the abyss?"

"Anything, really," Tod replied. "There's no telling what you might catch down there. I've found all sorts of strange and useful items."

Azzy nodded thoughtfully. "The abyss holds many secrets. Sometimes, it's not just about what you catch, but what catches you."

Tod raised an eyebrow. "Philosophical today, are we?"

Azzy chuckled. "Perhaps. Or maybe it's just the company."

Their conversation was interrupted by a sudden tug on Tod's line. He braced himself and began to reel in his catch. After a few moments of struggle, he pulled up a glowing orb, pulsating with a soft, blue light.

Azzy leaned in, intrigued. "Now, that's interesting. What do you think it is?"

Tod examined the orb, feeling its warmth. "I think it's just AP Energy" He was getting the same feelings as the Ap orbs he collected.

"Yeah now that i feel it clear, it contains 300 Units of Ap energy" As she finshed saying that, the orb in his hand disappeared. He absorbed it.

"Well, Want to play some chess like we did a few days ago?" Tod asked her.

"That sounds great" She said with a smile. Tod picked up the living chessboard which was near him, Violet who sensed they were going to do something went to play with the koi fish.

Tod set up the living chessboard on the ground. The pieces, animated and eager, took their positions. Azzy sat across from him, her ethereal presence glowing softly in the dim light of the abyss.

"Your move," Tod said, gesturing to the board.

Azzy studied the board for a moment, then moved her knight forward. "So, tell me, Tod. What do you think of the abyss? Does it ever feel like it's staring back at you?"

"I mean i can definitely feel you staring at me intently while we play," Tod replied with a smirk, moving one of his pawns.

Azzy laughed lightly. "Fair enough." The two continued to play until Azzy ultimately won. "I win, now where is my reward" She said playfully.

Tod raised an eyebrow, a grin playing on his lips. "Oh, a reward, huh? What kind of reward are we talking about?"

Azzy's eyes sparkled with mischief. "Hmm, how about a little something special?" She moved closer to his face, her lips were almost touching his.

Tod's heart raced as he felt Azzy's breath against his lips. He glanced at her eyes, which glowed with a mixture of excitement and affection. "A little something special, huh?" he said softly, trying to keep his composure.

Azzy's smile widened, her gaze locking onto his. "You did promise me a reward," she murmured, her lips brushing against his.

Before Tod could respond, a sudden noise from the island nearby interrupted the moment. Aranya appeared, her expression a mix of curiosity and irritation. "What's going on here?" she asked, her voice carrying a sharp edge.

Azzy quickly pulled back, her face flushing slightly with embarrassment. "Oh, nothing much, just enjoying a game," she said, attempting to sound casual.

"Uhuh. Hello to you to Azzy, if you are going to kiss him, make sure to leave some for me~"

me," Aranya said with a hint of teasing in her voice. She glanced at Tod, who was caught between relief and awkwardness.

Azzy's cheeks flushed even deeper, and she cleared her throat. "I wasn't planning on kissing anyone, just a friendly reward for winning."

Aranya raised an eyebrow but said nothing more about it. Instead, she turned her attention to Tod. "How's the fishing been today? I noticed you pulled up something interesting earlier."

"It's been decent," Tod replied, trying to regain his composure. "Caught a glowing orb and some other things. How's the new hut?"

Aranya smiled, her irritation fading. "It's coming along nicely. I'm still setting things up, but it's starting to feel like home."

"That's great," Tod said, nodding. "It's always nice to have a place of your own."

Azzy looked between the two of them and decided it was best to shift the topic. "Since Aranya is here, why don't we all do something together? Perhaps a friendly competition or a group activity?"

Aranya's eyes lit up at the suggestion. "I'm in. What do you have in mind, Azzy?"

Azzy thought for a moment. "How about a scavenger hunt? I can set up some magical clues and challenges, and you all can work together to solve them."

"Sounds fun," Tod agreed. "Count me in."

"A challenge has been issued by Azz The Deep Sleeper, The participants are Tod and Aranya"

The Abyss wrote in front of them.