Day 6 in the Abyss: Invitation to a feast.

Tod who woke up some minutes ago was currently playing with his vortex's, he tested somethings and found out some differences between Rifts and A Vortex.

A rift Tod discovered, was a tear in the fabric of space that allowed travel between different dimensions or realms. It was typically unstable and unpredictable, often requiring significant energy or a special catalyst to maintain or close. Rifts were like shortcuts through the multiverse but came with inherent risks, including the potential for dangerous entities or unpredictable environments spilling through.

In contrast, a vortex was a more controlled phenomenon. It was a spinning tunnel of energy that could be harnessed to transport objects or individuals within the same dimension or to a closely related one. Unlike rifts, vortices were generally stable when properly managed and could be tuned for precise destinations. They were like advanced teleportation devices, capable of facilitating smooth and reliable travel.

He can also use it to attack, for example Tod discovered that by focusing the vortex's energy, he could create powerful projectiles. By channeling the spinning energy into a concentrated burst, he could launch these projectiles with precision and force, making the vortex a versatile tool not just for travel but also for defense.

"I am going to go explore the higher parts of the abyss" Tod immediately opened a vortex towards that place, he brought out his wings and went through the vortex and reappeared over the floating islands.

Azzy and Aranya were back at his small room talking about mundane stuff, so today he decided to venture out on his own. The floating islands above the abyss were rumored to contain ancient secrets and powerful artifacts, and Tod was eager to uncover what lay hidden there.

As he hovered over the islands, Tod marveled at the view. The abyss below seemed endless, a swirling chasm of darkness, while the islands above were bathed in a surreal light. Strange flora and shimmering crystals adorned the landscape, giving it an otherworldly glow. Tod's wings beat steadily as he flew from island to island, using his vortex to navigate between them with ease.

On a particularly large island, a tree that reached the peak skys of the abyss, There was a particular person who was munching on an apple.

He longed since noticed Tod's presence. "New face in these parts, he seemed to have calmed down that annoying squid" The person had purple hair and eyes, behind it were two feathery wings.

"I should probably thank him, Maybe invite him to a feast with some friends" He thought about it for a moment and then made his decision.

Tod's approach caught the attention of the winged individual, who continued munching on the apple with a nonchalant air. The person's purple hair and eyes gleamed in the eerie light, and their feathery wings fluttered gently as they stood beneath the towering tree.

"Hello Newblood, what brings you to these parts of the abyss" He asked looking at Tod closely.

Tod looked at him and then replied. "i was exploring" he said.

"Cool, but be careful, some beings in here are quite…troublesome" Th person continued eating his apple and then continued. "Ans since you stopped that squid from rampaging the sky islands, i would like to invite you to a small feast on top of this tree" He said looking at Tod for an answer.

"I don't even know your name yet" He said with a bit of confusion.

"hmm, true, I am serin, one of the seven nobles of the abyss, You have met the squid she isn't a noble but an annoying beast that took over the depths some Millennium's ago" serin said looking at him with seriousness.

"You mean Aranya?" Tod asked slowly. "That is what she calls herself, but in my eyes she is just beast thay found her way into the abyss, Just like that insufferable Sleeping Devil, Azzy is what she calls herself" Tod didn't like his attitude towards Azzy and Aranya, He was upset.

"Watch your words," Tod retorted, his tone sharp. "Azzy and Aranya are my friends. They may be different, but they've shown me nothing but kindness."

Serin raised an eyebrow, clearly intrigued by Tod's loyalty. "Interesting. It's not often one finds companionship in the abyss, especially with such… unique individuals."

Tod folded his wings and landed gracefully on the island, eyeing Serin warily. "So, this feast you mentioned. Is it a genuine invitation or just a trap?"

Serin chuckled, his wings rustling as he took a final bite of his apple. "It's a genuine invitation, I assure you. Consider it a gesture of goodwill for your efforts in dealing with the squid. Besides, it's rare to meet someone new in these parts who isn't trying to kill me."

Tod hesitated, weighing his options. The allure of the floating islands, but he couldn't ignore the potential danger. "Alright," he finally said, "I'll join your feast. But know this, Serin: if you try anything, you'll regret it."

Serin smiled, seemingly unfazed by Tod's warning. "Fair enough. Follow me, then."

As they ascended the massive tree, Tod couldn't help but marvel at its grandeur. The trunk was adorned with glowing runes, and the branches stretched out like a web of luminescent veins. The higher they climbed, the more breathtaking the view became, with the islands below shimmering like a sea of stars.

At the top of the tree, a grand table was set, laden with an array of exotic foods and drinks.

"Look what the bird dragged in… A thing?" One of the people there was a girl with pink skin and black horns. She had bright green eyes.

Tod took a moment to take in his surroundings, the ethereal beauty of the floating islands contrasting sharply with the casual demeanor of the attendees. The girl with pink skin and black horns leaned back in her chair, her eyes gleaming with a mix of curiosity and amusement.

"Serin, you've really outdone yourself this time," she said, her voice lilting and teasing. "I never thought I'd see a new face here."

"This is Tod," Serin announced, gesturing to Tod. "He's the one who dealt with the squid. Show him some respect."

The girl smirked and gave a half-hearted salute. "I'm Lira, one of Serin's lovely companions. Welcome to our humble feast."

Tod nodded politely, feeling a bit out of place among these enigmatic beings. He glanced around the table, noting the other attendees, each more peculiar than the last. There was a tall, thin figure cloaked in shadows, a woman with hair that seemed to be made of flowing water, and a creature that appeared to be a living statue, its surface shimmering like polished stone.

"Please, sit," Serin invited, motioning to an empty chair. "Enjoy the food and drink. We don't often have guests, so make yourself at home."

As Tod took his seat, he couldn't shake the feeling that he was being scrutinized. The others at the table watched him with keen interest, their expressions a mix of curiosity and wariness.

Lira leaned in closer, her green eyes glittering. "So, Tod, what brings you to the abyss? Most people tend to avoid it, for obvious reasons."

"…I just woke up in the abyss one day" Tod said with a poker face

The shadow figure was interested. "Interesting, Can you elaborate?"

"Let the child be Malek, Newbloods don't usually stay here for much long anyways" The living statue said, it's voice cold and symmetrical.

Tod met the living statue's gaze, its eyes gleaming with an unnerving intensity. "Well, I'm not planning on leaving anytime soon," he replied, his tone steady. "I've got friends here, and I want to learn more about this place."

Serin clapped his hands, the sound echoing through the canopy. "Enough with the interrogation, everyone. We're here to celebrate, remember?" He gestured to the spread of food before them. "Dig in. There's plenty to go around."

The group turned their attention to the feast, and Tod took the opportunity to observe them more closely. Despite their strange appearances and behaviors, there was a sense of camaraderie among them. As he sampled the exotic dishes, he found the food to be surprisingly delicious, each bite bursting with unfamiliar yet delightful flavors.

Suddenly he felt something off, Two massive and pissed of auras were coming towards his area…It was Azzy and Aranya…don't these people have beef with them.

Tod's heart raced as he sensed the approaching auras of Azzy and Aranya. The tension in the air became palpable, and he couldn't help but glance towards the horizon, where he could just make out two figures rapidly closing in.

"Seems like the party's about to get a lot more interesting," Lira remarked, her eyes glinting with mischief.

Serin's expression darkened. "Those two never know when to stay away," he muttered, standing up from the table. "Everyone, prepare yourselves."

The attendees rose, their demeanor shifting from relaxed to alert. The shadowy figure, Malek, seemed to merge further into the darkness, while the woman with water-like hair flowed gracefully to her feet. The living statue stood unmoving, its gaze fixed on the approaching figures.

Tod stood as well, his wings tensing in readiness. "They're my friends," he said firmly. "I won't let anything happen to them."

Serin's eyes narrowed. "If they're your friends, then perhaps you can help us avoid a confrontation. But know this, Tod: they have caused a lot of trouble here."

Before Tod could respond, Azzy and Aranya landed on the island with a force that shook the ground. Azzy's eyes blazed with fury, while Aranya's usually serene expression was marred by anger.

"What is going on here?" Azzy demanded, her voice echoing through the trees.

"We were just having a feast," Serin replied coolly. "Care to join us?"

Aranya's eyes narrowed as she scanned the group. "Feasting with the enemy, Tod? Do you know what these people have done?"

"These three are noble's and let's just say, my slumber was disturbed by them a lot" Azzy huffed angrily.

"hmm…i see your point..i have a preposition, why don't we not fight and try to just understand each other" Tod said with a smile.

"No" Azzy flat out denied.

"i'd rather take them to the outer edges of the void" Aryana was even more ruthless, her squid like hair moved slowly.

"hmph we are leaving, let's go Tod" Azzy said gently, Tod sighed and then followed.

"Still having daddy problems, Little Cthullu" Malek said in a mocking tone. Honestly, even Tod felt like punching him at this point.

Tod followed Azzy and Aranya as they made their way back to the vortex. The tension was palpable, with Azzy's anger and Aranya's discontent creating an almost tangible atmosphere. He glanced back at the floating islands, their ethereal beauty now marred by the conflict.

As they reached the vortex, Tod turned to Azzy and Aranya, trying to maintain a calm demeanor. "What's the deal with these nobles? Why do they bother you so much?"

Azzy's eyes, still smoldering with anger, softened slightly. "Serin and his companions have always been a thorn in our side. They think of themselves as rulers here, but they've caused more harm than good. They act like they own the abyss, but they're just as much a problem as any other entity we've dealt with."

Aranya nodded in agreement. "They've made their power plays and manipulations over the millennia. It's not just about us; they've made enemies of many."

Tod's mind raced as he processed this information. "So it's not just personal. They're a threat to everyone in the abyss?"

"Exactly," Aranya said, her voice steady. "And their invitation was likely a trap. They wanted to test you, to see where your loyalties lie."

As they entered the vortex, Tod couldn't help but feel a pang of disappointment. The feast had seemed like an opportunity to gain insight into the abyss, but it had turned into a confrontation instead. He looked back at the swirling vortex behind him, wondering if there was a way to find a middle ground.

Azzy noticed his disappointment and then decided to tease him a bit to make him feel better . "Don't feel bad, i know maybe if i give you an actual kiss this time, you would be happier

Azzy's teasing remark caught Tod off guard, a faint blush rising to his cheeks. He glanced at her with a mixture of surprise and amusement. "A kiss, huh? Well, that's certainly one way to cheer someone up."

Aryana then joined in too. " You mean like this" Aranya's eyes twinkled with mischief as she leaned closer to Tod. Before he could react, she planted a gentle, playful kiss on his cheek. The gesture was unexpected, and Tod's blush deepened.

"…Why do i feel like you two just want me to stay with you for the rest of the day…i still need to fish" Azzy and Aranya exchanged glances, a playful glint in their eyes.

"You've got us there," Azzy said with a smirk. "Maybe we do want you around a bit longer."

"…Fine" He reluctantly agreed, all three sat at the edge of the island, Violet was playing more with the koi fish which had gotten bolder and was now spitting water at violet.