The Outer Realm

Azzy smiled at Tod's reply, she didn't know what she was attracted to him for…but she didn't hate it, from the first time he placed chess with her, she felt an urge to stay awake ans spend time together with him.

Though the addition of Aranya was unpredictable, She didn't mind sharing an outer god maybe terrifying but hey, she is part human just like Aranya.

It made her remember her days before coming to the abyss.


"Azzy, Come here, mommy will give you a bath" In a small hut the figure of a small girl with big purple curious eyes and black flowing hair went towards her mothers side.!

"Mom i am hungry" Azzy…Perfectly remembered that fateful day that made her despise even her own existence.

That day the world split apart in two, She remembered the image of 'that' thing her mother claims to be her father…:

A monstrous being with multiple eyes looking down upon the universe itself, A blind and foolish being. The problem was not that it was her father…no the problem was that he who should be in slumber is awake.

Azzy's smile faltered as the memory unfolded, a stark contrast to her current feelings. Her mother's voice, once warm and comforting, now echoed with a hollow chill. The day that shattered her reality replayed in her mind, the day the abyss had begun to creep into her life.

The small hut, once a sanctuary, became a backdrop to the unsettling scene. The figure of the monstrous entity—her so-called father—loomed over everything. Its eyes, numerous and unblinking, seemed to see beyond the fabric of existence, gazing upon realms and realities beyond comprehension. Azzy remembered her mother's desperation, the pleading eyes, and the frantic attempts to shield her from the unspeakable horror.

Her mother's final words, the anguished cry for safety, were etched into her memory. Azzy had been torn from that world, thrust into the abyss, and forced to navigate its treacherous depths. Yet, despite the darkness and the pain, she had found a semblance of connection with Tod and Aranya, something she hadn't expected or understood.

As the memory faded, Azzy shook her head to clear the lingering shadows. She had to focus on the present, on the bond forming between her, Tod, and Aranya.

Suddenly Azzy was Thrown out of jer thought when she felt her head laying on something or someone.

Azzy blinked, disoriented as she realized her head was resting on Tod's shoulder. He had leaned closer, his presence a comforting weight against her.

"Hey, you okay?" Tod asked softly, his voice laced with concern. His hand was gently resting on her shoulder, offering reassurance.

Azzy straightened, her cheeks flushing slightly as she pulled away, trying to regain her composure. "Yeah, I'm fine. Just… lost in thought."

Tod studied her with a mix of curiosity and sympathy. "You seemed like you were miles away. Want to talk about it?"

Azzy hesitated, her mind still wrestling with the remnants of her past. The warmth of Tod's shoulder had been unexpectedly grounding, a reminder that, despite everything, she wasn't alone.

"It's nothing," she said finally, forcing a smile. "Just some memories. They come and go."

"…Do you want a hug from both of us" Azzy looked up at Tod, taken aback by his offer. Her heart warmed at the thought of their support. She hesitated for a moment, then nodded.

"Yeah, I think I could use that," she admitted, her voice soft.

Tod nodded, a gentle smile spreading across his face. "Come here, then." He opened his arms and Azzy moved into his embrace, feeling the warmth and safety he offered.

Aranya, who had been quietly observing, stepped closer and wrapped her arms around both of them, her touch delicate but firm. "We're here for you, Azzy," she whispered. "You're not alone."

"…Thank you" Azzy whispered, her voice barely audible but filled with gratitude. She leaned into their embrace, feeling a sense of solace she hadn't known she needed. The warmth of Tod and Aranya's arms around her created a barrier against the haunting memories, giving her a moment of peace in the chaos that often plagued her mind.

In that quiet, shared moment, Azzy felt a flicker of hope. The bond between them, though still new and fragile, was something she could rely on. For the first time in a long while, she allowed herself to believe that maybe, just maybe, there was a way to heal, to find strength in the connections she was forming.

As they stood there, the world outside seemed to fade, leaving only the three of them and the unspoken promise of support and understanding. Azzy closed her eyes, letting the comfort of their embrace wash over her, a small smile playing at her lips.

"You two can let me go now" She said with a small smile.

"No can do Azzy" Aranya said, her blue squid like hair patted her head.

Azzy chuckled softly at Aranya's playful insistence, feeling the lightness of their camaraderie. Despite the shadows of her past, moments like this reminded her that she had found something worth holding onto. She looked up at Aranya and Tod, grateful for their presence and the unexpected family they were becoming.

"Alright, alright," she conceded, a genuine smile spreading across her face. "But only because you two make it hard to resist."

After a few minutes, the three separated from the hug. Violet who was originally in Tods arm floated above them.

"So Let's go to the outer Realm" Aranya daid as she went towards Tods Deep Depths Portal, Tod flicked his arm making his dagger flaot towards him and into his pocket.

Azzy followed behind Aranya, Violet and tod then followed them inside and appeared back at the place where he met Aranya. "Home well my old home i guess, anyways i am going to turn into my Levaithan form and you two can climb on my back as i take you towards the outer Realm" She said, her voice rippling through the dark waters.

Azzy and Tod nodded, preparing themselves for the journey ahead. As Aranya began to transform, her form shifting into the colossal Squid like Levaithan, The tentacles inherited from Cthullu.

The two then climbed her back. "Hello, You want to go to the outer realm?" The Abyss appeared once again writing the words in front of them.

"Yes" Tod Answered with a smile. "Very Well"

With those words, the abyss seemed to ripple and pulse, as if acknowledging their resolve. The darkness around them began to shift and swirl, creating a vortex of shadow and light. Aranya's massive Leviathan form surged forward, carrying Azzy and Tod through the portal that the abyss had conjured.

As they crossed the threshold, the oppressive darkness of the abyss gave way to a pure white space with colorful vines connecting towards different portals like tree branches.

Tod was Amazed by the sight in front of him and Azzy didn't look that much surprised, she has been here before.

Aranya transformed back into her human form and came towards them.

"This place seems to have expanded more" Aranya said looking around with suprise.

Azzy then moved her hands a little, her purple eyes flashed for a moment. "hmm, The void seemed to have made a contract with the Abyss" She said calmly.

Aranya looked at her with surprise. "huh, but doesn't that mean the rest of the Primordial Expanse can be explored…Damn the beings from the Nirvan Realm must be pissed, well i don't really care"

"True but that means we can enter the Nirvana and 'they' can enter the Abyss, The Nirvana world has monopoly over 300,000 universes while the Abyss has monopoly over 1M, They lost all challenges they made with the abyss. 700,000 to be precise" Aranya and Tod listened intently as Azzy explained the intricate dynamics between the realms. The expanse of the Primordial Expanse had grown, opening up new possibilities and challenges.

Aranya's eyes gleamed with curiosity and determination. "So, with the void's influence expanding, we could potentially navigate into uncharted territories. But what does this mean for us?"

Azzy pondered for a moment, her gaze drifting over the strange, vibrant landscape. "It means that we have more freedom and opportunities, but also that the stakes are higher. The balance between realms has shifted, and we'll need to be cautious. The beings from Nirvana might seek to reclaim their lost territories or challenge the new balance."

Tod nodded. "So we'll need to be prepared for possible confrontations…well that sounds interesting, more Exploration i guess"

"Yes Tod, But which world do you think we should go for, a new one or a developed or advanced one" Azzy's question hung in the air, and Tod pondered for a moment, his gaze shifting across the myriad of vibrant portals before them.

"I mean, aren't we just going there to enjoy some peacefulness?" Tod asked in an aloof manner.

Aranya then replied. "Yeah, but i think the Nirvana may go there to gain faith or something like that, but we can go through that portal" She said pointing at a green portal.