A Mothers Love

Tod got off from the bed followed by Azzy and Aranya. "I know we don't need to eat, but should i go hunting for some domestic abyssal creatures and herbd?"

Aranya asked as she looked at Tod with a smile. Tod looked at her for a moment and said. "No need you two are enough"

Aranya raised an eyebrow, her smile widening. "Oh? Feeling confident, are we?" She glanced at Azzy, who was watching with a mix of amusement and curiosity.

"Nope but since i am unfortunately grounded by the strict dark empty dimension which is my Mother" If the Abyss had lips it would have pursed it with annoyance.

Tod continued. "Why not explore more parts of the abyss maybe even visit Yog"

Azzy rolled her eyes and came towards Tod. "As i said, my brother Nyrlathothep maybe there or my niece lilith, she may try to bewitch you though"

Her purple eyes glowed with mischief, Tod smiled at her. "Well i don't think i have that much dark thoughts in my mind,I am an innocent boy who was abandoned by his mother when he was on earth"

He said faking Sadness, suddenly a crack appeared in the room and a woman with faded black hair and blue eyes appeared looking at Tod while grumbling under her breath.




All three of them were speechless. The woman suddenly got irritated. "What are you three looking at, And you Tod are a brat…hmph"

"Mom?" He asked in a questioning tone, she had a humanoid form.

The Abyss Looked at him with a stare it contained no bad emotion but instead a bit of guilt. "If i had known the moment you existed i would have brought you here much faster"

Tod smiled and went towards her, he then gave her a warm and unexpected hug. The Abyss seemed momentarily taken aback by the gesture, its vast presence fluctuating slightly as if uncertain how to respond. Tod's embrace was warm and genuine, a stark contrast to the cold and often indifferent nature of the Abyss itself. The gesture was both a sign of his forgiveness and an acknowledgment of the complex relationship they shared.

For a moment, the room fell into an awkward silence, broken only by the soft, almost hesitant sigh that escaped from the Abyss's humanoid form. Azzy and Aranya watched, their expressions a mix of surprise and sympathy. They had witnessed the often harsh side of the Abyss, but this glimpse of vulnerability was new and unexpected.

After a few moments, the Abyss's form seemed to settle, its demeanor softening. "You're always such a surprise, Tod," it said quietly, the edges of its voice betraying a rare hint of emotion. "I suppose I owe you more than just a brief visit."

Tod pulled back from the hug, looking up at his mother with a mixture of relief and gratitude. "It's okay," he said softly. "I understand you have your reasons, and I'm just glad you're here now."

Aranya, sensing the shift in mood, broke the silence with a gentle question. "So, what brings you to our little corner of the Abyss,uhm Tods Mom?"

The Abyss which now made Tod sit infront of her, She then Sat behind him and slowly started stroking on his hair. The Abyss's touch was unexpectedly gentle, her fingers moving through Tod's hair with a soothing rhythm that contrasted sharply with the vast, chaotic nature of her realm. Tod closed his eyes for a moment, savoring the rare moment of tenderness. It was a comforting gesture that made him feel more grounded, even in the midst of the Abyss's shifting landscape.

"I came to see how you're faring," the Abyss said softly, her voice a calming presence in the otherwise eerie silence. "And to offer you my guidance, should you need it. I've observed your journey from afar, and I'm… impressed by how you've adapted."

Azzy and Aranya watched in quiet fascination. Azzy's purple eyes softened with understanding, while Aranya, intrigued, leaned slightly closer to get a better view of this unexpected interaction.

"You've faced many challenges," the Abyss continued, her voice carrying a hint of pride. "The Abyss is not an easy place to navigate, and yet you've managed to find your way and even forge connections that I hadn't anticipated."

Tod, still feeling the soothing touch of the Abyss's hand, responded with a grateful smile. "It's been tough, but I've had incredible support from Azzy and Aranya. They've been my rock through all of this."

The Abyss's gaze shifted to Azzy and Aranya. "Yes, I've noticed their influence on you. They have their own strengths and roles here. It's clear that together, you form a unique and resilient group."

"How about you,Nirvana and the Void" Azzy asked curiously.

Tod suddenly felt the hand on his head tighten… "Oh sorry Tod, And to your question us three don't have a good relationship, See it this way The Void is a close family member while Nirvana is a foreign invader"

The Abyss's hand gently loosened its grip on Tod's hair as she continued. "The Void and I have an ancient, complex connection. We are akin to two sides of the same coin—one representing boundless space and the other, an all-encompassing darkness. Our interactions are often about balance and competition, but there is a mutual understanding of our roles in the grand scheme of existence."

Her expression darkened slightly as she spoke of Nirvana. "Nirvana is another matter entirely. She represents an ultimate form of detachment and dissolution that contrasts sharply with what I embody. Where I am dynamic and transformative, she seeks to erase and transcend. Our conflict is rooted in the very essence of our opposing natures. She disrupts the order and transformation I uphold."

Azzy tilted her head, absorbing the details. "So it's not just a matter of personal rivalry but a fundamental clash of principles. That must make navigating your realm and interacting with these forces quite challenging."

The Abyss nodded. "Precisely. It's a constant balancing act, and while the Void and I can find common ground, Nirvana's presence introduces a level of unpredictability and tension that affects all realms. It's part of why I wanted to check in with you, Tod. Your journey here is significant, and understanding these dynamics is crucial."

Aranya, intrigued, ventured a question. "How do you manage to maintain balance amidst these forces? Especially with the influence of Nirvana?"

The Abyss's gaze softened as she looked at Aranya. "It's a matter of vigilance and adaptability. I adapt to the shifting tides and seek to guide and protect those within my domain, like Tod, to ensure they can navigate these challenges. And sometimes, it involves seeking allies or understanding the broader cosmic play. That is why the concept of 'Games' Exist "

"Yeah" Tod said with an understanding nod.

"Enough of that let me pamper you some more" The Abyss's demeanor softened even further as she leaned down, brushing a strand of hair from Tod's forehead. "You've been through so much, my dear. Let me take care of you for a while."

Tod smiled, his earlier bravado giving way to a rare moment of vulnerability. "I could get used to this," he admitted, closing his eyes as the Abyss continued to gently stroke his hair. It was a comfort he had never known, a mother's love manifesting in the most unexpected of forms.

Azzy and Aranya exchanged glances, both amused and touched by the scene. Azzy leaned back against a shadowy wall, her usual mischievous expression softening as she watched. "I suppose even the most powerful beings need a little TLC every now and then."

Tod Chuckled as he leaned back into his mother's comforting embrace. The moment felt surreal, the Abyss a vast, unfathomable force expressing such tenderness. It was a stark contrast to the cold, indifferent nature Tod had grown accustomed to earths sode of cruelty , but his current situation was a welcoming one.

Aranya, still leaning forward with curiosity, broke the silence with a soft chuckle. "I never thought I'd see the day when the Abyss herself would dote on someone like this."

The Abyss shot her a glance, not of reprimand, but with a slight smirk. "Don't let appearances fool you, Aranya. Even the most ancient and powerful forces have their softer sides. And Tod, despite everything, is still my child."

Azzy smiled warmly. "Well, he's certainly earned it. Tod's been through a lot, and I'm glad he's getting a bit of the care he deserves. Not that he doesn't have us, but… this is special."

Tod pouted. "You Two read my memories when i was asleep…though maybe you were dreaming and i can't dream that must be why"

Azzy chuckled, her eyes glinting with mischief. "Oh, Tod, we didn't need to read your memories to know you've had a rough go of it. We've been with you long enough to see it all firsthand."

Aranya nodded, her expression softening. "You've always been a bit of an enigma, Tod, but it's clear how much you've endured. That's why it's so nice to see you getting the care you deserve. And maybe we did get a glimpse or two… unintentionally, of course."

Tod sighed, leaning further into his mother's embrace. "You both are incorrigible," he said, his voice tinged with mock exasperation. "But I suppose I can't complain too much. I've been lucky to have you both by my side."

The Abyss continued to stroke Tod's hair, her presence a calm and steadying influence. "You are still grounded you do realize that right?"

Tod huffed. "Yeah i know…"

"So if your two girlfriends don't mind, can i take my son to have some alone time with him?" the Abyss asked, her voice soft yet firm, indicating that it wasn't really a question.

Azzy and Aranya exchanged glances, a silent conversation passing between them. Finally, Azzy spoke up, her tone light but with a hint of seriousness. "Sure, but don't keep him too long, okay? We'll be waiting for him."

Aranya nodded in agreement, though she couldn't resist adding, "And no funny business, Tod. We still have a lot of exploring to do."

Tod gave a mock salute, grinning at them. "I'll be back before you know it. Don't get into too much trouble without me."

The Abyss chuckled, a sound that echoed like the distant rumble of an ancient storm. "Don't worry, Azzy, Aranya. I just need some time to… catch up with my son. I promise he'll be safe."

Azzy gave a playful smirk, clearly still amused by the whole situation. "We trust you, Abyss. Just remember, he's our Tod too."

With that, the Abyss slowly rose, taking Tod with her. The shadows around them deepened, swirling like a living thing as they began to shift into another part of the Abyss. Azzy and Aranya watched as the darkness enveloped the two of them, the last thing they saw was Tod giving a small wave before he was completely consumed by the shadows.

As the darkness receded, leaving Azzy and Aranya alone, they both sat in silence for a moment, processing what had just happened.

Aranya was the first to break the silence, her voice thoughtful. "Do you want to go destroy one of the Abyssal Nobles islands"

Azzy's eyes lit up at the suggestion, a mischievous grin spreading across her face. "Oh, now that's an idea. It's been a while since we've had some real fun."

Aranya smirked, her gaze turning toward the distant horizon where faint, ominous lights flickered from the various Abyssal Noble domains scattered throughout the void. "The Abyssal Nobles have been getting a bit too comfortable lately, don't you think? A little chaos might remind them who really holds the power around here."

Azzy stood up, stretching her limbs as dark, shadowy tendrils began to form around her, reacting to her growing excitement. "Which one should we hit first? The Duke of Sorrow's island is always a good target so much drama and self-pity there, it's practically begging to be disrupted."

Aranya tapped her chin thoughtfully, a playful glint in her eyes. "Tempting, but how about the Countess of Whispers? She's been spreading rumors about us. A little visit might shut her up for a while."

Azzy's smile widened, her shadows pulsing with energy. "Perfect. Let's pay her a visit she won't forget. We'll be back before Tod even knows we're gone."

With that the two headed towards someone who would meet an unfortunate disaster.