Aranya’s Unstable Emotions: An outer gods bitter hearth pt.2 Finale

The next Abyssal cycle passed and Tod woke up from his bee while rubbing his eyes, he could feel Azzy's soft breath on his chest, her form nestled closely against him, her warm presence a comforting contrast to the cold, dark expanse that surrounded them. Her arms were wrapped loosely around him, her face peaceful and serene, as if she had finally found a moment of respite in the ever-changing chaos of the Abyss.

He took a moment to savor the tranquility, listening to the rhythmic rise and fall of Azzy's breath. The usual tension that often accompanied his waking moments was absent, replaced instead by a sense of calm that he rarely experienced. He gently brushed a strand of her hair away from her face, his fingers lingering for a moment on her cool skin.

Aranya was nearby, curled up in her own spot with her squid-like hair fanned out around her, moving ever so slightly as if responding to her dreams. Even in her sleep, there was an air of quiet satisfaction about her, as though she was at peace with the world for once.

Tod let out a quiet sigh, trying not to disturb Azzy. He knew these moments of calm were fleeting, especially in a place like the Abyss, where time and reality seemed to twist and bend in unpredictable ways. He gently shifted, hoping to extricate himself from Azzy's embrace without waking her. As he moved, her grip tightened slightly, a soft murmur escaping her lips.

"Tod…" she whispered, her voice barely audible.

He paused, looking down at her with a mixture of affection and concern. "I'm here," he murmured back, his voice low and soothing. "Just trying not to wake you."

Azzy's eyes fluttered open, her gaze sleepy but full of warmth. "You're always here," she said with a small smile, her words more a statement than a question. She shifted closer to him, resting her head against his chest once more.

Tod let out a small chuckle, wrapping his arms around her and pulling her close. "I guess I am," he replied, his tone soft. "And I always will be."

"Oh well look who's being romantic, you are quite cute" Azzy teased.

Tod felt a warm flush rise to his cheeks at Azzy's teasing words, but he responded with a playful smile. "I aim to please," he quipped, gently tracing circles on her back.

Azzy snuggled closer, her playful demeanor giving way to a more serious tone. "But really, Tod… it means a lot that you're here. This place, it… changes you. But when I'm with you, it feels like I can hold on to who I am a little longer."

[…Girl i tool you residence here cause you were immature despite your age both you and Aranya and some other Abyssal entities Your emotions are just unstable…hmph]

Tod chuckled looking at the abyss's words, his mother was a bit upset. The Abyss's voice had a protective undertone, almost maternal, though its words often came with a harshness that made it clear the Abyss didn't coddle its inhabitants.

"Mother's in a mood today," Tod whispered to Azzy, a glint of amusement in his eyes. He could feel the Abyss's presence all around them, its vast consciousness brushing against the edges of his mind like a cold breeze.

Azzy let out a small laugh, the sound light and airy despite the weight of the Abyss around them. "She's not wrong, though," she admitted, her voice tinged with a hint of introspection. "We were… well, I was definitely immature when I first came here."

"Haha you still are" Azzy playfully swatted Tod's arm, her lips curling into a mischievous smile. "I'm working on it," she replied, sticking out her tongue. "But it's not like I had the best role models growing up. The Abyss isn't exactly a place for… nurturing."

"Well it doesn't feel bad, But let's stray away from that for a moment, Aranya is still sleeping" Tod's eyes drifted over to where Aranya lay, her form seemingly cocooned in her own world of dreams. The stillness of her sleeping form was a stark contrast to the ever-moving tendrils of her squid-like hair, which seemed to have a life of their own, swaying gently as if to some silent rhythm.

"Yeah, let's let her rest," he murmured, his voice barely above a whisper. "She's had it rough lately."

Azzy nodded, her expression softening as she looked at Aranya. "She's been carrying a lot of weight on her shoulders, more than she lets on." Her fingers idly traced patterns on Tod's chest, her mind clearly elsewhere. "I'm glad she has us, though. Maybe we can help her lighten the load, even just a little."

Tod tightened his hold on Azzy, drawing comfort from the warmth of her body against his. "We'll be there for her, no matter what. Just like we're here for each other."

For a moment, they both fell silent, simply enjoying the rare moment of peace. The Abyss was a place of ceaseless change, a realm where the very fabric of reality could unravel at any given moment, but in this small pocket of calm, it felt like they could carve out a space just for themselves.

As the stillness stretched on, Tod felt a shift in the air, a subtle change in the Abyss's rhythm that made his skin prickle. It wasn't a threat, not yet, but it was a reminder that their world was one of constant vigilance. The Abyss was never truly silent, never completely at rest.

"Well time to wake up Aranya" Tod gentle whispered, Aranya opened her eyes revealing their crystal blue shine.

"I could kiss you right now, but i'm still not fully awake" Tod smiled at Aranya's drowsy words, his heart warming at the sight of her waking up. "You're adorable when you're half-asleep," he teased lightly, his voice filled with affection.

Aranya blinked slowly, her eyes focusing on him as she stretched, her hair tendrils curling and uncurling lazily. "I bet you say that to all the girls," she replied with a small, sleepy grin.

"Only the ones I share the Abyss with," Tod shot back, earning a soft laugh from both Azzy and Aranya.

Azzy shifted beside him, propping herself up on one elbow as she watched Aranya fully wake up. "How did you sleep?" she asked, her voice gentle.

"Like I was floating in the void," Aranya replied, her tone almost dreamy. "No nightmares, just… nothingness. It was nice."

"Oh i usually don't dream at all" Tod said and the two looked at him in suprise.

"…So you have never entered the dreamscape…But you are part abyss so i can see that happening, do you want to go there sometimes?" Azzy asked, her curiosity piqued. Her eyes gleamed with interest, as if she was imagining the possibilities of what Tod's dreams might look like if he ever had them.

Tod shrugged lightly, a thoughtful expression crossing his face. "I don't know," he admitted. "Dreams sound… strange to me. I mean, the Abyss is already so chaotic and unpredictable, it's hard to imagine something even more unstable. But maybe…" He paused, as if weighing the idea. "Maybe it could be interesting, if it was with you two."

Azzy smiled softly at his response, her eyes warm with affection. "We could visit the dreamscape together sometime. It's different from the Abyss. More personal, in a way. It's like a reflection of our minds, our fears, and desires. But it's also a place where we can find comfort, even in the chaos."

Aranya, now more alert, leaned in slightly, her gaze curious. "I've been to the dreamscape a few times," she said, her voice thoughtful. "It's… strange but beautiful in its own way. Sometimes it's a nightmare because of the old ones there, especially Yog and Nyrla, Azatoth chills in his sky mansion, he is very carefree"

She chuckled as she remembered Azzy's dad and his bad jokes.Azzy puffed her cheeks slightly and gave Aranya a mock glare. "Dad's jokes aren't that bad," she protested, though a small smile tugged at the corners of her lips.

Aranya laughed softly, shaking her head. "I think I've heard enough of them to disagree. But I suppose they have their charm… in a weird, cosmic horror kind of way."

Tod, amused by their banter, leaned back against the smooth, cold wall of their chamber. "You know, for a place that's supposed to be full of unimaginable horrors, the Abyss has its moments of… normalcy. If you can call this normal."

"I feel much better, Thank you both" Without warning Aranya Slowly moved her face towards Tod and placed a soft kiss against his lips, after some time she pulled back.

"Sigh…why do you kiss me every time without warning." Tod complained with a small smile.

Aranya chuckled. "Your reaction is cute that's why, Azzy do you want one"

Azzy's eyes sparkled with amusement as she considered Aranya's offer. "Well, if you insist…" She leaned in, her lips brushing against Tod's in a gentle, teasing kiss.

When she pulled back, she gave him a playful wink. "There, now we're even."

"Yeah…Anyways How is your house going, you haven't made any improvements ever since we came back" He asked her curiously.

Aranya sighed. "Well no i didn't feel like it anymore, Why don't you just expand this room into a bigger space"

Tod thought for a moment. "Mom can you please do that for me"

The Abyss's presence shifted slightly, a whisper of dark energy that was both disconcerting and oddly comforting. After a brief pause, the walls of the chamber began to pulse, stretching and expanding with a slow, rhythmic grace. The space around them grew larger, the walls shifting to create a more spacious and inviting area.

"There you go," Tod said with a smile, glancing around as the new space took shape. "Now we have room to breathe."

Aranya looked around, her eyes widening in appreciation. "This is perfect. Thanks, Tod." She glanced at Azzy, a mischievous glint in her eye. "Looks like we'll need to redecorate."

"Yeah i can make a vortex to the flying islands to get some leaves and other items later" Tod smiled at her enthusiasm.