Aranya’s Unstable Emotions: An outer gods bitter hearth pt.1

Aranya who was thinking suddenly got startled as she realized Tod was looking at her with confusion. "You seem lost"

He said which made her blink, she sighed and then gently rested her head on his shoulder, letting out a soft breath. "I was just… thinking about everything," Aranya admitted, her voice barely above a whisper. She could feel the weight of Tod's gaze on her, a mix of concern and curiosity that made her heart flutter.

"Everything?" Tod prompted gently, his tone inviting her to share more. He was used to Aranya's moments of introspection, but this felt different,deeper, somehow.

Aranya hesitated, her thoughts swirling with the recent events, the secrets they were uncovering, and the uncertainty of what lay ahead. "Yeah my dad Cthullu wants to see me and i don't think i want to go"

She them shifted and moved into his arms and lay her head against his chest, seeking comfort in the steady rhythm of his heartbeat. Tod wrapped his arms around her, holding her close as he absorbed the weight of her words. "Well if you're still upset, you don't have to go, he did ignore you for some time"

Aranya closed her eyes as she felt his hands gently running through her hair. Aranya's breath hitched slightly as Tod's fingers wove through her hair, his touch soothing but his words echoing in her mind. She knew he was right—her father had kept his distance, leaving her to navigate the complexities of her existence alone. The thought of facing him now, after so long, filled her with a mix of anger, sadness, and something she couldn't quite name.

"I know," she murmured, her voice tinged with a bitterness she couldn't suppress. "But it's not just that. It's… what if he wants something from me? What if this is all just another one of his games?"

Tod's embrace tightened, a silent promise that he was there, no matter what. "Then you don't have to play along," he said softly. "You have the right to make your own choices, Aranya. Even if he is Cthulhu."

Aranya let out a shaky breath, the weight of her thoughts pressing down on her chest. "It's just… he's always been this looming presence in my life, this shadow I can't escape. And now, after all this time, he suddenly wants to see me? It feels like there's more to it, like there's something he's not telling me."

Tod rested his chin on her head, his voice a low rumble against her ear. "If there is, we'll figure it out together. You don't have to face him alone."

Aranya felt a warmth spread through her chest at his words, a comfort she hadn't realized she needed. For so long, she had been battling her own demons, But ever since seth beat her in a game, Ever since she followed him back, she felt much better, it was as if a thousand year weight has been lifted off from her.

Her blue squid like hair silently moved signifying her satisfaction, reflecting the sense of relief that Tod's presence brought her. The gentle movements of her hair mirrored the calm that was slowly washing over her, a stark contrast to the turmoil that had plagued her mind.

"I don't know what I'd do without you," she whispered, her voice barely audible as she buried herself deeper into his embrace. Tod's heart skipped a beat at her words, the vulnerability in her tone tugging at something deep within him.

"You'll never have to find out," Tod replied, his voice steady, yet filled with a quiet determination. "We'll face whatever comes, together."

Aranya felt the sincerity in his words, and for the first time in what felt like ages, the anxiety that had been gnawing at her seemed to loosen its grip. She wasn't alone anymore—she had Tod by her side, and together, they could face anything, even her father.

The thought of Cthulhu still lingered in the back of her mind, but it no longer held the same power over her. With Tod's arms around her and his unwavering support, Aranya felt like she could finally breathe again. She allowed herself to relax fully against him, letting go of the fear and doubt that had clouded her mind.

For a long while, they sat in silence, the only sound being the soft rustling of Aranya's hair and the steady rhythm of their breathing. It was a peaceful moment, one that Aranya wished could last forever. But she knew that eventually, she would have to confront her father, to face whatever he had planned.

"I love you…" She said in a low voice unheard by Tod, Tod tilted his head. "Did you say something?" Tod asked, his voice gentle but curious.

Aranya's pulse quickened, her thoughts a tangled mess of emotions she wasn't ready to unravel, at least not yet. She felt Tod's gentle gaze on her, waiting for an answer. Instead of repeating the words, she gave him a small, reassuring smile, her head still resting against his chest.

"Nothing important," she finally replied, her voice light but betraying the swirl of emotions inside her. "Just… thank you. For being here."

Tod returned her smile, though a hint of curiosity remained in his eyes. He didn't press further, sensing that she wasn't ready to share whatever it was she had almost said. Instead, he held her a little tighter, as if silently promising to be patient, to wait until she was ready.

Aranya let out a slow breath, feeling the tension in her body ease a little more. The unspoken words hung between them, but she didn't feel as burdened by them as she had moments before. Maybe one day, she would find the courage to say them aloud, to fully acknowledge the depth of what she felt. But for now, this was enough.

As the quiet moment stretched on, Aranya found herself focusing less on her fears and more on the simple comfort of being close to Tod. She could feel the steady rise and fall of his chest beneath her, the rhythmic beating of his heart against her ear. It was a grounding sensation, one that helped her push aside the looming presence of her father, at least for now.

As this was going on, Azzy watched their interaction with a smile, she was a bit jealous but then again she doesn't have that much of a problem with Azatoth, Even so she did want to be comforted like that.

"Hey weren't you fishing though?" Aranya suddenly asked as she looked at Tod.

"Well yeah i didn't catch anything so i stared at you for some time and decided to comfort you." He said.

"Is that so?" Aranya responded with a teasing glint in her eyes, her mood lifting a bit as she playfully nudged Tod. "And here I thought you were just an expert fisherman."

Tod chuckled, the sound rumbling through his chest as he leaned back slightly, giving her a mischievous grin. "Maybe I'm better at catching your attention than fish."

Aranya couldn't help but smile at his playful remark, feeling some of the tension ease from her body. It was moments like these that made the weight of her worries feel a little lighter, reminding her that there was more to life than the shadows that loomed over her.

Azzy, who had been watching from a distance, felt a pang of longing in her chest. She wanted to feel that kind of connection, to have someone who could ease her burdens with just a touch or a kind word. But she knew her relationship with her father, Azathoth, was far from complicated—unlike Aranya's situation with Cthulhu, Azzy had never felt truly neglected. Yet, the loneliness of her existence sometimes crept in, and seeing Tod and Aranya together stirred something deep within her.

"Maybe I should go fishing," Azzy mused to herself, trying to shake off the pang of jealousy. "Or maybe find someone to fish with."

"Azzy~ are you jealous, you know you can join, come i'll leave a space for you" She shifted from Tods chest.

Azzy blinked in surprise, her thoughts interrupted by Aranya's invitation. She looked at the two of them, her eyes softening as she saw the genuine warmth between them.

"Are you sure?" Azzy asked, her voice hesitant but hopeful.

"Of course," Aranya replied, her tone encouraging. "It's more fun with company, and I think Tod wouldn't mind a bit of extra help with his fishing."

Tod smiled warmly at Azzy, his earlier playfulness shifting to a sincere offer. "Yeah, the more the merrier. It might even improve my chances of catching something."

Azzy's lips curved into a small smile as she walked over, taking a seat beside them. "Well, I suppose I could use a break from my usual routine. Fishing sounds like a nice change of pace."

As the three of them settled into a comfortable arrangement, the earlier tension began to dissipate. Azzy took a spot near Tod, her presence a welcome addition to the tranquil moment. The conversation shifted to lighter topics, and the atmosphere grew more relaxed, filled with laughter and shared stories.

Aranya's earlier worries seemed to fade into the background as she engaged in the easy camaraderie with her friends. For the first time in a while, she felt a sense of normalcy and connection that helped ease her inner turmoil.