Murder Mystery pt.3

In another place in the mansion, The goddes and the priest Zeia were currently together. "Oh holy one, how do you think we should do this, two of our companions are already dead" She said wit a small daunting smile.

The goddess looked at her, she was now more humanoid looking, she now had golden eyes and blonde hair. "Don't know maybe we could look for clues"

Zeia nodded her head and checked the. The goddess didn't seem all at that interested and lazily sat in a chear, she saw the priest worl as the only entertainment…but the moment she closed her eyes. she found herself looking at her body.

She then saw what seemed to be a long purple needle impaled in her neck. "…Well that's a disgraceful way to go out, whatever might as well just float around" She didn't seem upset at all.

"G-goddess, who would do this?!" Zeia gritted her teeth in anger, the next moment she smiled and became calm.

"Oh little killer~, i was just going to waste time to stay with MY goddess…but it seems i have to hunt you down, run while you still can" If it was visible Zeia would have been enveloped by a dark and obsessive aura.

The goddess blinked and then turned elsewhere ignoring the whole situation. She escaped the room and went elsewhere.

Zeai who's staff now turned into a cross shaped sword moved through the door with a hypnotic humming.


In another part of the mansion, Rugran was just there, Sitting on the floor he was content on staying there.

"…He's been like this for a few minutes" Fey said while in spectral form.

Vas was looking at him in spectral form too"…well, there is nothing to fight here and he only is active when there is a fight"

"The cat got you two?" The goddess suddenly popped out of nowhere floating on her back.

"Hello goddess and embarrassingly enough, yes" Vas said bowing down.

Fey was still sulking and didn't even give face to the goddesses presence.

Back to Azzy,Tod and Aranya, the three were currently looking at the other parts of the mansion, Violet was sleeping on his head innocently.

"Well violet seems to enjoy your head" Aranya murmured with a hint of jealousy.

"i mean it's his cat" Azzy said with a small sigh of resignation. The two were sulking and jealous, despite being outer beasts the cat didn't like them both coming near its master at this moment.

"Meow~" she meowed with a mocking light in her eyes.. Azzy and Aranya could only grit their teeth in frustration.

"…can i atleast hold his hand" Azzy asked gloomily.

Violet glanced at Azzy for a moment then looked away, The two girls sighed. Violet, still perched on Tod's head, flicked her tail dismissively, as if to say, "Nope, he's mine for now."

Azzy's gloom deepened, and she turned her gaze to Tod, who was obliviously humming to himself, seemingly unaware of the silent battle for his attention. Aranya, on the other hand, pouted slightly, crossing her arms and glaring at the little cat as if Violet had personally offended her.

"Why does she get to be so possessive?" Aranya grumbled, her voice laced with a mix of annoyance and something close to admiration. "I mean, she's just a cat."

"Not just any cat," Tod replied absently, gently stroking Violet's back. "She's special."

Aranya's pout deepened. "Special, huh? And what about us? We're just chopped liver?"

Tod paused, finally looking down at Aranya and Azzy, who both had the same pleading look in their eyes. He sighed, feeling a bit trapped between the two powerful beings and the cat on his head.

"Alright, alright," he said, raising his hands in mock surrender. "You two can hold my hands, but only if Violet's okay with it."

Both beings immediately perked up, their eyes shining with hope as they looked at the cat. Violet, ever the queen, narrowed her eyes slightly as if weighing the pros and cons. After a long, tense moment, she let out a soft, almost exasperated meow and shifted slightly to one side, making it clear she was granting them permission.

Azzy wasted no time in grabbing Tod's right hand, her grip firm but gentle, as if she feared he might slip away. Aranya followed suit on the left, her touch softer but no less possessive. Both seemed content, though the air was still thick with the unspoken competition between them.

Tod, sandwiched between two jealous yet affectionate outer beasts and with a smug cat on his head, couldn't help but chuckle softly. "You know, this is a bit ridiculous," he said, shaking his head.

"Shut up and enjoy it," Azzy muttered, squeezing his hand a little tighter.

"Yeah, let's take our time" Aranya said her eyes glowing slightly.

As the trio and the cat were walking, Zeia who was holding her Weapon appeared im front of them and pointed at Violet.

"hah i found you, let's fight so the game can stop" The air around the group suddenly grew tense as Zeia's voice echoed through the mansion's eerie corridors. Her eyes were locked onto Violet, her weapon gleaming with a dark, ominous energy that made the atmosphere even more oppressive. The normally aloof and almost playful demeanor she carried had shifted into something far more sinister.

Tod stiffened, feeling the weight of the situation press down on him. He could feel both Azzy and Aranya's grips tighten around his hands as they instinctively positioned themselves between him and Zeia, their protective instincts kicking in.

"Zeia, what are you talking about?" Tod asked, his voice a mixture of confusion and caution. He wasn't sure what had driven the priest to this point, but he had a feeling it wasn't going to end well if they didn't tread carefully.

"You know exactly what I mean, Tod," Zeia replied, her voice dripping with an unsettling calmness. "That cat or Violet has been playing this little game for long enough. It's time to end it, and the only way to do that is to face her in combat."

Violet, who had been contentedly lounging on Tod's head, slowly rose to her feet. The mocking light in her eyes dimmed, replaced by a cold, calculating glare as she stared down Zeia. It was as if the cat understood exactly what was being demanded of her, and she was far from amused by it.

"Meow," Violet said softly, but the sound carried an edge that sent shivers down Tod's spine. The cat leaped gracefully from his head, landing between him and Zeia, her small form emanating a quiet but undeniable power.

"Oh Violet is the killer…but i don't really want to kill her, so no" Tod said with a small friendly smile.

Zeia Stared at him for a moment then immediately came ran towards him. "Well since it's like that, which do you prefer, Rifts or a Vortex"

Tod smiled as he raised his hands, Zeia's approach was swift, her cross-shaped sword glinting with a dark energy that seemed to distort the air around it. Tod, still smiling, didn't flinch. He knew that Zeia was serious, but he also knew something she didn't.

"I guess I'll go with a Rift," Tod said calmly, raising his hands in a gesture that looked almost like surrender.

But as soon as he spoke, the air around them rippled, and a swirling rift began to form behind him. The rift crackled with energy, a portal to a place far beyond the mansion's eerie corridors. Zeia hesitated for just a fraction of a second, sensing the power radiating from it. That hesitation was all the time Tod needed.

Violet, sensing the shift in the battle's tide, hissed lowly. Her fur bristled, and she crouched, ready to pounce at any moment. Azzy and Aranya, both still holding onto Tod's hands, shared a quick glance

"My control over the abyss is much weaker here…though i never did try to control it, would mom mind me using her for a bot to finish this game…but i may get punished for cheating…Maybe" Tod thought silently as big tentacle like dark appendages, Tod while still thinking waved his hand as the appendages moved in light speed piercing through Zeia with no resistance.

The mansion broke apart and they were once back at the black and white space.

"….He cheated, i thought you restricted his powers" Nirvana wrote in an almost angry tone.

"Two outer gods, one outer beast and a piece of me, I can't fully control the outer gods not My son, anyways, i will take you back to your island son" The Abyss wrote and Tod appeared bavk in the abyss with Azzy,Aranya and Violet.

"…Guess i'm grounded?" The black and white space faded away as Tod found himself back in the familiar and comforting embrace of the Abyss. The oppressive stillness of the void surrounded him, broken only by the soft whispers of Azzy and Aranya, who hovered nearby. Violet perched on his shoulder, her usual smugness replaced by a satisfied purr.

"Yes, you're grounded," the Abyss's voice reverberated in his mind, a mixture of sternness and an odd touch of affection. "You know better than to use my powers like that in a mere game. It disrupts the balance, and you might have alerted others."

Tod sighed, rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly. "Sorry, Mom. I didn't mean to cause trouble. It's just… Zeia was getting out of hand, and I didn't see another way to end it without things getting messy."

"Excuses," the Abyss chided gently, though there was no real malice in the tone. "But I suppose I can't be too hard on you. You were protecting your friends, after all."

Azzy floated closer, her shimmering form casting a soft glow in the darkness. "So, how long are we going to be stuck here?" she asked, her voice tinged with playful curiosity.

"That depends," the Abyss answered, her tone more neutral now. "You'll stay until I'm convinced you've learned your lesson. Perhaps a little time apart from the mortal realm will do you some good."

"I was only there for a day…but i will listen, also you can talk?" "Of course I can talk," the Abyss replied, her voice carrying a hint of amusement. "I usually choose not to. Speaking too much can be… overwhelming for those who aren't used to it. But you're my son, so you should be able to handle it."

Tod nodded, still a bit surprised by the conversation. He had always felt the Abyss's presence, understood her will, but hearing her voice directly was a rare occurrence. It was comforting, yet also a reminder of her immense power.

"I'll behave," Tod promised, his tone sincere. "No more messing with the balance."

The Abyss seemed to hum in acknowledgment, the vibrations rippling through the void. "Good. Remember, the balance is delicate, even in the games you play. There are forces out there that would take advantage of any disruption. You have to be careful."

Violet, still perched on Tod's shoulder, let out a soft meow as if agreeing with the Abyss's words. Azzy and Aranya, meanwhile, floated closer, their forms shimmering in the dim light.

"So… what now?" Aranya asked, her voice tinged with a mix of boredom and curiosity.

"You'll stay here for a while," the Abyss replied. "Reflect on your actions. And perhaps, you'll find a way to entertain yourselves without disrupting the balance."

Azzy pouted slightly, but she didn't argue. Instead, she leaned against Tod, her presence warm and comforting in the cold void. "Well exploring too much of the primordial Expansae could cause irreparable damage, especially if they are outer beings or Nirvanic Entities fighting "

"…Well i'll just go back to abyss fishing" Tod flicked his arm and a fishing rod appeared in his arm he then sat at the edge of the island.

"Very well, remember if you need me i am always everywhere" Tod settled into his spot at the edge of the island, his fishing rod dangling over the void. The inky darkness stretched out before him, occasionally rippling with unseen currents as if something ancient and immense stirred beneath the surface. Violet curled up beside him, her tail swishing lazily, while Azzy and Aranya hovered nearby, their forms glowing faintly against the dark expanse.

"Do you think we'll catch anything interesting today?" Aranya asked, her tone a mix of boredom and hope.

"Maybe," Tod replied, his voice relaxed. "The Abyss is vast and full of surprises. You never know what might bite."

Azzy floated closer, her eyes fixed on the fishing line. "I still don't understand how this is supposed to work. It's not like there are actual fish down there."

Tod chuckled softly. "Well sometimes there are sometimes there aren't"

Aranya and Azzy sat beside him, Aranya hugged her knees as she stared deeply into the abyss, her eyes flashed green a few times