Murder Mystery pt.2

Currently Tod was sitting on a couch as he was thinking about some things, Aranya was gently beside him, her head on his shoulders.

Azzy was looking around for clues, she did occasionally look at the two with a pouting expression…she may be ancient but that doesn't mean she lost her humanity just yet. But then she thought , After this game doesn't that mean she would have alone time with him?.

"You two seem to be enjoying yourselves" Azzy said as she gently kept a book on the table. Aranya smirked and then wrapped her arms around Tod's. "Well, you can't just have him all to yourself, but don't worry, after this game is over i'll let you two have some alone time".

"Hmmm, I guess you are not wrong…but i don't really mind if we are all enjoy being together" Azzy said with a smile, her eyes were gentle. "Maybe you are right, isn't that true Tod?" Aranya asked.

Tod turned his head towards Aranya, their face now close to each other, Tod had a confused look. "What were you talking about?" he asked.

Aranya pursed her lips. "What are you thinking about?"

"Well, it's nothing, i haven't seen violet ever since we entered here…" Tod said worried.

Azzy sat near him and gently patted his head,her touch meant to comfort him. "We'll find her," she reassured him softly. "This place is big, but not big enough to hide forever. We just need to keep looking.",

"I know, but that cat is probably just lazing around somewhere in the mansion where it's warm and cozy," Tod said, trying to brush off his worries with a forced smile. "But it's strange how she just disappeared."

Aranya nodded, her grip on Tod's arm tightening slightly. "Violet is smart. She'll find her way back to us."

"I know why don't i we give you a kiss to cheer you up" Tod smiled at Aranya's suggestion, feeling a sense of warmth and comfort from their presence. "A kiss to cheer me up, huh?" he said with a chuckle.

Aranya leaned in first, her lips meeting Tod's in a gentle, reassuring kiss. It was soft and filled with affection, a reminder of their connection and support. When she pulled back, her eyes were warm and caring. "We're here for you, Tod," she whispered.

Azzy, not wanting to be left out, moved closer and cupped Tod's face in her hands. She leaned in, her lips capturing his in a deep, tender kiss. Her touch was soothing, filled with a mixture of playfulness and genuine affection. "You seem to be getting a lot of kisses from us today"

Tod then laughed. "Haha, Well i mean you two won't easily let me go, and i don't really mind the attention, but aren't you two older than mr by thousands of years…even if you do look my age"

Aranya chuckled, her eyes sparkling with amusement. "Age is just a number, Tod. In our hearts, we're as young as we feel. Besides, it's not every day we get to be with someone as special as you."

"Yeah you are right, you two actually are childish" Tod said awkwardly.

"I mean, We are children of literal Old gods, we are considered young, and you are the child of the abyss, you are considered Ageless" "Yeah, well, it's still weird," Tod replied, his voice tinged with a mix of humor and sincerity. "But I guess that's part of what makes all of this… unique."

Azzy smiled warmly, her eyes twinkling. "Exactly. We're all part of something extraordinary, and that makes every moment we share special."

Aranya rested her head back on Tod's shoulder, her fingers intertwining with his. "Well even if we are older, i don't really care, it's been a long time since i have actually felt this warm, I am still grateful for making me go out of the Abyssal Depths, So i might as well trouble you and stay with you forever"

Azzy chuckled. "True, i myself would have continued sleeping in my domain, I didn't really get too interested when we first made contact…but after the first time, i felt sleepless and wanted to stay awake, It was your fault, so you would have to take responsibility" She winked at him playfully.

Tod couldn't help but laugh at their playful banter, his earlier worries about Violet momentarily forgotten. "I guess I have no choice but to take responsibility, then," he said, his voice filled with warmth. "But I wouldn't have it any other way."


In another part of the mansion, Violet who was licking blood from her paw looked at the two trying to find out who murdered fay.

She was suddenly dragged here with her owner tod, but she understood her role, Hide and kill every before the time runs out.

"How did she get killed?" Vas asked more suprised than worried, Seven then looked around and said. "I don't know… i can't really use my skills here, they feel none existent"

Vas nodded. "Yes mana doesn't seem to exist here, but i do feel the movement of two energies"

"It could be those two realms, Nirvana and the Abyss" Seven said with acknowledgment.

"Though i believe she isn't actually dead, maybe some sort of afterlife mirror is here that makes her watch us" Seven continued.

While in the corner of the room, a blue haired girl that looked transparent sat in a corner silently sulking. "…A flying cat killed me…That's not fun at all?!!"

Fay saw when she got killed, it was a purple streak that flew towards her and killed her, after that it went into hiding, She knew she wasn't actually dead…but the fake blood is still unsettling.

"Those two idiots are stupid?!, the cat is right above you" She said while pouting, not like anyone is going to see or hear her that is.

Violet was inded above them, her mouth opened up and in it was an empty abyss, an eye appeared, Vas suddenly then looked at the ceiling, Seven was walking towards something else, Vas then fell to the ground dead.

Violet then flapped her wings and disappeared.

[Vas has been Killed]

A text appeared in everyone's vision, Seven turned to look and saw vas on the floor. "….I don't feel safe anymore…yeah am out" he didn't hesitate and walked out of the door.

Vas who currently was a ghost looked blankly at seven. "Well, as unsettling as that was, i am angry that he actually left my body there" he muttered silently l.

"Oh really, i never could have noticed" Fay looked at him and said in a sarcastic tone.

He then blinked his eyes and replied. "…The cat got you easily huh?" He said with a smirk.

"Says the one who got instakilled by a mouth eye" She retorted angrily.

"Wow there little water fairy, why are you so angry, you are usually calm or are you just too angry to care, i would say you look adorable like that" Fay huffed in frustration, her transparent form flickering with agitation. "It's not about being angry or adorable".

Vas's ghostly figure floated beside her, his expression a mix of amusement and sympathy. "I get it. This place is more than just unsettling, But getting worked up won't change the situation."

"Easy for you to say," Fay snapped back, her tone softer now. "You're already dead."

Vas shrugged. "True, but if anything, I've got a better view of things now. And speaking of which, it looks like our Hero Seven has decided to take an early exit."

Fay glanced toward the door Seven had just fled through. "Good riddance. He wasn't much help anyway."

As the two ghosts continued their conversation, Violet's presence seemed to linger in the room, her ethereal form hovering just out of sight. Her purpose was clear: to sow discord and ensure the game continued to unfold in its chaotic fashion.

Meanwhile, back with Tod, Aranya, and Azzy, the atmosphere had shifted. The playful exchange had ended abruptly with the notification of Vas's death.

"Well the Killer strikes fast?, i wonder how those two died so quickly" Tod said confused.

Aranya lifted her head from his shoulder. "They were probably just stupid and dumb to realize one the people near them is a killer"

"Well not everyone is bright," Azzy said with a small smile. "True but they could at least act cleverly, This game will probably end with everyone dead or the time limit running out, as far as i know, only the detective can fight the killer…so we better hope the person is smart" Aranya replied back with a nod.

Tod then laughed and gently nudged Aranya. "You make it sound like we're all doomed to an inevitable end. But maybe, just maybe, there's still a chance we can turn things around."

Azzy's eyes sparkled with curiosity. "You're surprisingly optimistic, Tod. Even in the face of danger."

Tod rolled his eyes. "Sure if you say so."